XX Sulla XX, on 24 June 2015 - 12:31 AM, said:
Problem is the original game made no sense. In real life designers try and get front loaded pin point damage and boat things.
Thanks why you have tanks with one main gun.

And boating of weapons that are alike.

There is a reason they do not build tanks like teh Vickers A1e1 any more.

Thanks why you have tanks with one main gun.

And boating of weapons that are alike.

There is a reason they do not build tanks like teh Vickers A1e1 any more.

Seriously stop this "But main battletanks only have one main weapon! HURR"
I've seen this argument time and again. So here's my argument.
Battlemechs became the go to weapons platform because of a fixed test in the terran hedgemony that fooled a general into thinking that a battlemech was amazing. It was literally a ******** test that put Battlemechs in the army's of the innersphere.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what we have right now in the real world. Battletech does not function on those rules, it functions on 2 things. 80's scifi logic. and "Rule of cool" does it look cool? Yes? Then do it.
Battlemechs look cool. Mixed weapons system looks cool. So that's what they went with.
YES, functioning in a single range bracket is much more effective WITHIN THAT BRACKET. but if, as an atlas, I can move up slowly, use terrain, splash my enemy with an LRM10 system, then finish them off once I get close enough with my Mlas, AC20, and SRM system, then good, that's the entire point of the way the atlas is built. You're ment to beable to contribute, even a little, while you move your slow self up to the frontlines. THAT Is what the LRM system is for. What about that LRM system on the Cn9-A? Well that's easy, the CN9-A was ment to be an operational partner to the treb, it fires it's LRM's in conjunction with it's op buddy, adding to the overall firepower, and using it's AC10 and MLAS once a target is close enough to utilize those weapons.
People in this game, suffer from lone wolf mentality, they don't want to work together, they don't want operational partner's, they don't want to use the answers that are literally given to them within the lore on how these mechs should function, and instead, simply want to slap on the most weaponry that functions out to X range to do massive damage, because "Hurr durr kills!"
Part of it is pgi's fault entirely, but part of it is the mentality of the players. And frankly, seeing all of the same **** every day, is driving me out of this game. I'm tired of seeing the same laser vomit builds, the same dakka builds, there's no variety, it's all just stale builds and playstyles that haven't changed at all. There's no fighting at varrying ranges. There's no tactical movement with the team. There's just deathball and vomit.
Mizeur, on 24 June 2015 - 03:03 PM, said:
Gauss+lasers and standard laser vomit are also generalists. UAC5s or Gauss+PPC/ERPPC also was a generalist build. Those loadouts are Swiss Army Knives without being bracket builds.
Not entirely because you're functioning within a very similar range bracket. With say, Gauss/ERPPC, you're utilizing the max range of the PPC system for your firing line, instead of the gauss for instance. YES you can function a bit beyond that, but you're likely not going to because you're gimping your overall firepower.
They are not swiss army knives, they're direct fire support mechs, they are ment to see the enemy and hit the enemy at range with hard hitting dirrect kenetic damage. They're just snipers.
Laser Vomit... arguably, can be generalist with ERLL/ML builds... yes I will admit this one. but seeing only laser builds is also stale. Seeing Timberwolves run around with only lasers, and no missiles, no MG's or balistics of any kind is just sad to see.
pure UAC5 builds are far from generalist, since you're utilizing only a singular weapons system.
Look, guys, I don't want to rain on the customization parade, Customization is important, and getting the most out of your mech can be a challenge. But when you can so radically affect loadouts, it's not really customizing a mech, it's making an entire new one.
How is a mech still a timby prime, when it's all ERML? It's not a Timby Prime.
Now a Timby Prime that's running 2ERLL, 2ERML, 2MG, 2LRM15's... that's pretty close to a timby prime still, the spirit of that mech is still intact, it's functioning within the paramaters set by the original design of the mech, but optimizing for heat and ammo and fire rate.
Edited by Flash Frame, 24 June 2015 - 03:20 PM.