MogCarns, on 06 July 2012 - 08:26 AM, said:
Hell. I still have the 1st Somerset Strikers Sourcebook, where they had to make up game rules for all the crap in the cartoon, and fix the lore they mangled.
The CGI in the cartoon was REVOLUTIONARY at the time. It is only cheesy now because CGI gets dated so quickly.
They toys were also state of the art at the time. The entire series had launching projectiles, as opposed to only one or two "projectile shooting models" of existing toys, and they had hit plates that caused the Mech to eject or explode, rockemsockem style.
The CGI in the cartoon was REVOLUTIONARY at the time. It is only cheesy now because CGI gets dated so quickly.
They toys were also state of the art at the time. The entire series had launching projectiles, as opposed to only one or two "projectile shooting models" of existing toys, and they had hit plates that caused the Mech to eject or explode, rockemsockem style.
I watched this cartoon a while back, might rewatch it again soon. Liked it for all its flaws which were to be expected, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been at times ^^ They weren't being all too happy-go-lucky types and things could go so wrong for the 'good guys'. Its also established in-universe that this cartoon is a anti-clan propaganda series loosely based on real events, which I find really nice.

Besides, I like that they did at least explain the CGI with "enhanced imaging", giving an in-universe explanation for the sudden different look as opposed to just acceptin' it. And the grids and such. They did obviously do their best to try to make the mechs seem like these big-*** warmachines by proper sound effects and camera angles and putting them in a CGI enviroment, even if it looked primitive but at least allowed a lot of room. How can you not love the Mad Dog passing over the camera in the intro, that just looks awesome ^^ (the theme music helps too)
Contrast with, as much as they had their excuse, to something like the CGI creatures in Kevin Sorbo's Hercules or such, where they were pasted on the scene, not having as much liberty nor feeling of weight on the monsters.
Edited by Fez Findie, 20 August 2012 - 07:13 AM.