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Like A Champion Mark Ii Event

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 04:01 PM

The only way this will affect my gameplay is if the unit wants to speed cap planets and I'm not allowed to shoot stuff. Then I will have to make a choice between free stuff and planets.

#62 Darklord


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 04:02 PM

View PostVoid Angel, on 19 February 2015 - 03:57 PM, said:


Challenge rewards are great, but the distortions in player behavior from challenges, particularly with win requirements, makes it hard to play.

more like this

#63 z00med


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 04:06 PM

So... far as I'm concerned I get 3 days premium on friday... for free. I think thats kinda cool cause it will ease the grind I am facing.
But one the other hand... I didnt played for a year, till today... my perception may differ ;P

#64 omessiaho


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 04:08 PM

I don't care so much about the rewards or grinding (though that is annoying). What bothers me is what events like this do to the overall game. The last event was great because it added a nice bonus to how we already played. The whole 1 kill +1 assist + win screws the game up, even for people who couldn't care less about the challenge and just want to play.

Edited by omessiaho, 19 February 2015 - 04:09 PM.

#65 DarthPeanut


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 04:24 PM

Match score would have been a nice change for these. Mostly so I am not subjecting myself to a weekend of people yammering on about getting their kill, someone taking to many kills, etc.

Edited by DarthPeanut, 19 February 2015 - 04:26 PM.

#66 Chiron


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 04:53 PM

View PostDarthPeanut, on 19 February 2015 - 04:24 PM, said:

Match score would have been a nice change for these. Mostly so I am not subjecting myself to a weekend of people yammering on about getting their kill, someone taking to many kills, etc.

I JUST came here to say what you said, glad to hear others agree. My original post:

"People seem to like the challenges, but dislike the qualification parameters. Meanwhile, you have a good system already in place with the match scores. Why not use your already polished match score system to earn points in challenges like this weekends raven champion challenge?
Match score events let us play the game, and encourage teamwork....kill/assist/win brings out the worst in people.
Remember "30 points in a match = 20 MC" event? That was awesome. Want this to be more of a challenge? Make it more points. voila."

Edited by Chiron, 19 February 2015 - 04:53 PM.

#67 PappySmurf


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:05 PM

I would love to have the Raven but like last time this event happened I got like 5 points all weekend I am not a great pilot but with all the smurf sync drops going on in these challenges where these players steal all the kills every battle good luck they are the only ones get 50 points.

If I could learn to sync drop and cheat to get all the good rewards I would probably do it.

#68 luxebo


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:06 PM

View PostAmer, on 19 February 2015 - 12:41 PM, said:

3 days for 50 points...Can't be achieved for most players
I think this will be returned next weekend just like the last time.

Matt Newman did like this... means something good??? I'm really hoping they do bring it for two consecutive weeks (or just push the end date farther). :)

Thank you PGI regardless!

#69 xSONOHx


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:08 PM

Now it's time to have two champion Ravens! :)

#70 Divine Retribution


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:21 PM

Yay for an event that can be completed in CW!

#71 Felbombling


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:23 PM

I think I'll log in at the end of the event and earn the three days of premium time, then enjoy some Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday Mech killin' action in a better environment.

#72 Sparkymarkyp


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:26 PM

Really appreciate the potential for free content but agree with most posts on this thread....this event will degenerate into lrm-athon with ecm everywhere.
Team will no longer coordinate and will be a giant gangbang for that 1 kill.
Earning the 3D Last time was stressful rather then pleasurable.
Sorry but all this means will be a percentage of the community avoiding the game until event is over for above reasons.

#73 Sug


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:42 PM

I like these weekend events but it should really be 1 point for a getting a kill or an assist, and then another point if you win.

Try to keep in mind that you're trying to attract new players and new players aren't usually very good. The challenges should be be calibrated to what the average player with less than 50 matches can do, not the average player.

Edited by Sug, 19 February 2015 - 05:44 PM.

#74 PappySmurf


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:47 PM

SUG :I like these weekend events but it should really be 1 point for a getting a kill or an assist, and then another point if you win.

Try to keep in mind that you're trying to attract new players and new players aren't usually very good. The challenges should be be calibrated to what the average player with less than 50 matches can do, not the average player. :

I have to agree sug or make it all assists like 100 assists for reward #1 200 assists for reward #2 ETC.

#75 YakkSlapper


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 06:07 PM

View PostC J Sparrow, on 19 February 2015 - 12:49 PM, said:


I'll give up after 25pts.
I needs me moar mechbays :)

YOUN ARE Wrong! so sorry, you CANNOT SELL CHAMP OR HERO MECHS, so, you get the mech bay? NO YOU DONT!! you get a already FILLED mech bey, period, the champ mech takes it up, so you get NOTGHING but a useless raven(no one really uses them they all suck ass) so you get a champ raven IN a mech bay, NOT a mech in a bey + an empty bey, the 'free mech bey' you get is already occupide so it dont count at all, ant thought other wise is a falshood, they only give the bey because they give u the mech 1st, and you have no open bey? you cant get the mech, so they cover there asses by including the bey ON A MECH YOU CAN NEVER GET RID OF! so it dont count, keep the trash hjoke mechs, let us sell our UNWANTED NO USE EXTRA 'Issued" champs and give us the MC instead, give us an EMPTY Mech bey.

now about this event? ha you guys screwed up again, MANDATORY KILL+assist+win=1 point? no!!!! ONE POINT PER KILL, ONE POINT PER ASSISTS, WIN OR LOSE, win? then win=1 point kill or no. any other way is NOT ACCEPTABLE as things stand, i r3efuse to partake of these 'JOKE' events you have no chance in,

I have NO responcibillitys, i play when i feel like, and i can play 24/7 IF i choose, and still see ZERO CHANCE of compleating all the requierments,

#76 mikerso


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 06:16 PM

Here are my two cents:

1. Don't drop the win requirement. You will have players that enter matches complete the kill/assist requirement then drop out. Most of us do not have time to write down all of their names and report them for intentional disconnect.

2. Make it a week long, not two weekends. I believe I am echoing a large portion of the fan base on this. Extending it for those who could not get it on their working weekend is great, but putting it on another weekend is a facepalm. Extending gives you the option to raise the point requirement a bit for the challenge.

3. Show some love for lights, spotters, and support mechs. The mandatory kill requirement can add a fun element, but so can being that light out there tagging and narcing everyone on the opposing team. add an option to gain points for spotting/assists. Otherwise the weekend will be dominated by a standstill of lrm boats. Assists are easy to get so there should be a bit harder element in it, like a higher number. 6 assists in a match is doable.

4. Have random surprise rewards drop for getting a certain combination of kills, assists, or match score. Do not tell people what the requirements are. That is the fun of a surprise.

5. Give CW some loving. 1 point for a CW win is a joke. Three to four points would be much more of an appropriate value. Also points for a loss would be suitable for CW.

#77 delushin


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 06:19 PM

View PostMorgana, on 19 February 2015 - 01:16 PM, said:

Pardon me if I seem confused but:

A Pattern for three 'Mechs of the same chassis, or a cockpit item is worth more than the 'Mech itself with included stock weapons? Maybe one needs to change 'MechBody Shop? You're being overcharged! lol :P

It just doesn't feel right..... :huh:

It could be done this way to give more a chance at the Mech.

Overall it just tends to lean towards team play, if you can get a good team together for the event then you can rotate kill shots and win!

#78 mikerso


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 06:19 PM

View PostYakkSlapper, on 19 February 2015 - 06:07 PM, said:

YOUN ARE Wrong! so sorry, you CANNOT SELL CHAMP OR HERO MECHS, so, you get the mech bay? NO YOU DONT!! you get a already FILLED mech bey, period, the champ mech takes it up, so you get NOTGHING but a useless raven(no one really uses them they all suck ass) so you get a champ raven IN a mech bay, NOT a mech in a bey + an empty bey, the 'free mech bey' you get is already occupide so it dont count at all, ant thought other wise is a falshood, they only give the bey because they give u the mech 1st, and you have no open bey? you cant get the mech, so they cover there asses by including the bey ON A MECH YOU CAN NEVER GET RID OF! so it dont count, keep the trash hjoke mechs, let us sell our UNWANTED NO USE EXTRA 'Issued" champs and give us the MC instead, give us an EMPTY Mech bey.

now about this event? ha you guys screwed up again, MANDATORY KILL+assist+win=1 point? no!!!! ONE POINT PER KILL, ONE POINT PER ASSISTS, WIN OR LOSE, win? then win=1 point kill or no. any other way is NOT ACCEPTABLE as things stand, i r3efuse to partake of these 'JOKE' events you have no chance in,

I have NO responcibillitys, i play when i feel like, and i can play 24/7 IF i choose, and still see ZERO CHANCE of compleating all the requierments,

Champion mechs can be sold, loyalty mechs and such can not be sold.

#79 sabujo


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 06:20 PM

Thanks for the event and the opportunity to earn stuff, but I have a few complaints about this:
  • Time to achieve 50 points is too short. Maybe it was more feasible back in the day where challenges were held from Friday to Tuesday. Also, last similar challenge we had 30 points in one weekend and 20 in the next.
  • I do appreciate the mech, but I don't care about the camo or the statue, honestly. I do care about those bloody red X in my profile page.
  • As other players have stated, this kill+win situation is desperate in most of the times. If you are playing support role, scouting or doing something else rather than killing, you feel forced to break your role and to hunt one for the basket. Sometimes that can cost a win.
  • Community Warfare games are just worth a point? Really? They take in average more than 4 regular games. As being ineffective, here we'll have ANOTHER low populated weekend. Not good and not smart IMHO.
That said, thank you and have a great weekend.

#80 Macster16


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 08:37 PM

Man here we go again....

I completed the Victor challenge and almost went bat**** insane. Then when the Phract challenge came I told myself I wouldn't do it.......but then I went ahead and got all the way to 50 and pretty much went bat****insane in the process.

I'm telling myself just to aim for the 1 day prem time this time....but I know the insanity will get the better of me once again.

I'm gonna need counselling after this....

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