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Like A Champion Mark Ii Event

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#441 Kinski Orlawisch


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 03:39 AM

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Next one.

#442 Unnatural Growth


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 04:13 AM

Thankfully this is a mech I have no interest in getting at all. It will be easy to sit this one out.

#443 Onmyoudo


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 04:36 AM

Haha, they're giving away an Adder? Cower in fear, Spheroids. Your ammunition will soon be depleted from killing so many (C)lanners and you'll face the wrath of 80 million hardwired flamers.

#444 Johnny05


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 05:04 AM

They really don't seem listen to their player base or the people complaining about these events are just in the minority.

At least I know I won't be playing MWO this weekend.

#445 Brother MEX


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 05:40 AM

View PostAmer, on 19 February 2015 - 12:41 PM, said:

3 days for 50 points...Can't be achieved for most players
I think this will be returned next weekend just like the last time.
The source of this problem is the MATCHMAKER !

IF the matchmaker would be FAIR, good players would play against good players and weak players would play agains weak players, giving EVERYONE a equal chance in such challenges ... THEORETICALLY !

#446 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 06:07 AM

View PostMarc von der Heide, on 26 February 2015 - 03:39 AM, said:

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Next one.

Yeah...the other events gave away a Victor (once very decent, now okay), and a Cataphract 3D (once THE meta...now okay), and then a Raven 3L (ECM lights are never bad).

And for the Clans they give us...something this useless? That's just stupid.

#447 martian


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:04 AM

Can't wait to see what the conditions of this challenge are.

#448 DrSlamastika


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:16 AM

ou :( what a fugly mech

But for free :) it will be mine anyway.

Edited by DrSlamastika, 26 February 2015 - 08:18 AM.

#449 FrDrake


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:17 AM

This may be the first one I do just to sell the mech.

#450 PappySmurf


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:22 AM

It looks more like a Cougar than a Adder but a ugly Cougar.Lets see if PGI changes the format for the win conditions IF!!! it is the same as the Raven then I think the Devs and Staff just have brain damage from smoking to much dope with Rob Ford.

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Edited by PappySmurf, 26 February 2015 - 07:20 AM.

#451 Mike McSullivan


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:28 AM

How about a layout of the event that it counts in two different ways?

a) (k+a+win) 25 points for the main price: Mech

B) just addition of matchscores (no special requirement) for the goodies, like
100*: 100k cbills
500*: 3 days of premium
1500*: mechbay
2500*: cp item
5000*: camo
(* just examples)

#452 PappySmurf


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:38 AM

To make it somewhat fair PGI should make the win conditions based on all (Assists or Damage done to enemy's) Players and PGI don't understand that after some of these VET players win there prize they come back keep playing and TROLL everyone else in the challenges by stealing kills so 70% of the solo or casual players never receive the prizes.

This needs to stop a 1kill-1 assist-1 win just feeds these troll players and harm the rest of the player base in MWO and it is quite possible some of these Player trolls in the challenges are MWO staff as well.

Make it all Assist based like 100 Assists for prize #4 300 Assists for prize #3 600 Assists for prize #2 1000 Assists for prize #1.

Or base it on some kind of Damage to enemy mechs like 300 damage per match on 3+ mechs= 1 point ETC.

Basing a challenge on kills just lets the TROLLS feed more on the player-base and leaves a bad taste in everyone mouth about these challenges but lets wait and see if the Devs and PGI staff are smart enough to figure it out??????

Edited by PappySmurf, 26 February 2015 - 07:39 AM.

#453 FrDrake


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 08:07 AM

View PostPappySmurf, on 26 February 2015 - 07:38 AM, said:

To make it somewhat fair PGI should make the win conditions based on all (Assists or Damage done to enemy's) Players and PGI don't understand that after some of these VET players win there prize they come back keep playing and TROLL everyone else in the challenges by stealing kills so 70% of the solo or casual players never receive the prizes.

I saw way more instances of players making sure someone who needed a kill got it, than someone being an ass and hogging all the kills.

#454 Bill Lumbar


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 08:33 AM

I have seen it go both ways.... with the ones that are cool about it and offer in chat, asking if anyone needs kills fewer then the ones that just go kill crazy. I really don't know if Pappy has it right, like there is just a higher percentage of players that kill as many as they can in some plot to take all the kills and deny players of the gifts...but either way, these events are kinda getting to be to long in the tooth when it comes to the time and games one has to play to obtain them, IMO.

I understand that their are some that will defend the events, and say, "hey your getting something for free, It only took me 50 games and I am done." The thing is, I remember when we had events with only 5 wins got you the champ and the mech bay.... these events was easy to complete for most of the player base. I am not sure if it needs to go back to that low standard, but here is a thought if PGI is gonna continue to run events with rewards.... find a happy balance, maybe only 3 wins/points for the PT, 10 wins/points for the champ and bay, and 15 wins for the next reward, 20 for the camo. With match maker running the way it does, most players will still be playing two days to pick these rewards up, but it won't be such a "stressed" experience for them. These 25 points events for the champ and bay and 50 points for the grand prize with the match maker we have no is just crazy and kills a lot of the fun.

No one is saying anyone has to play to get them, but come on, seriously..... bump down the points required to get them, no one wants to feel like even if they devote a entire weekend of play, they still might come up short and not earn the rewards offered. I know from my experiences, I feel hard pressed to get the rewards in these last few events like this one unless I play 8-12 hours days for the first two days it seems.... that is kinda messed up IMO.

#455 MuzMuzMuz


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 08:35 AM

I'm simply disappointed that the event isn't run for a second weekend similar to the Cataphract challenge.

After the victor challenge we heard it may be repeated for a second weekend but it never happened.
The cataphract challenge did get a second weekend with the cockpit item and camo added.
This challenge we had the camo and cockpit item added but only one weekend.

I know it was extended due to down time friday - but surely, if MM is working correctly, 50 wins should take about 100 matches in what was slated to be a 72hr period. Assuming a healthy 8hrs sleep a day it's down to 48hrs for 100+ matches?

These event's see me grinding through match after match long after I've stopped enjoying play - getting steadily more steamed and frustrated.

Regardless of the point conditions, the real challenge is finding 20+ hours solid to play the game over a short event window.

Further, PGI really need to understand the point requirements for these challenges do modify player behavior. Even if I choose to ignore the challenge, there's enough bad play going around to make the weekend a less enjoyable experience overall.

Edited by MuzMuzMuz, 26 February 2015 - 08:37 AM.

#456 Orion Starion


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 09:39 AM

I'm not a comp player, just a working dad who likes to spend his free time stomping in mechs. I've been playing Battletech TT and computer games for more than half my life. I love the game and setting.
In this last challenge, I got 3 points in 36 matches.
I played at every chance I had available and I didn't linger in any match where I died. 2 of the matches were CW, the others were all solo queue.
I averaged 4.6 assists a match (3.6 if you drop the 2 CW matches) and even had my first ever game, at least since closed beta, with high match score (106). My match win/loss was 16/20, so fairly close to even (if I'd stayed in solo without the 2 CW losses I'd probably have been dead even).
I hated the challenge. These sorts of challenges make me feel very underappreciated as a player and supporter of PGI. Prior to now I've purchased every top tier package PGI has put out but now I think I will not be purchasing either the Urbanmech or Clan Wave III for me or my kids that play because PGI just seems to be drifting further and further from the player base and the chance for a real future for this game. And that's a real shame.

#457 martian


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 09:58 AM

View PostPappySmurf, on 26 February 2015 - 07:38 AM, said:

To make it somewhat fair PGI should make the win conditions based on all (Assists or Damage done to enemy's) Players and PGI don't understand that after some of these VET players win there prize they come back keep playing and TROLL everyone else in the challenges by stealing kills so 70% of the solo or casual players never receive the prizes.

So if I - or other players - have six kills in a game, it's the sign that I am a Troll? That I am killstealing? For me it's a sign that I am doing my best to ensure my team's victory.

If my team is losing and I have one kill already, should I stop killing enemy 'Mechs? Is this what you are trying to say? Or only when we are winning? But unless it's the case of obvious 12:0 roflstomp, you often can't know if you win or lose.

Sorry boy, but that you have 12 enemy 'Mechs in front of you and you can't kill not a single one is your problem, not mine ...

This game made me happy:
Posted Image
Thanks me, six other people ended the game with a point.
Without my effort, nobody would have had a point.
What would be better?

View PostPappySmurf, on 26 February 2015 - 07:38 AM, said:

This needs to stop a 1kill-1 assist-1 win just feeds these troll players and harm the rest of the player base in MWO and it is quite possible some of these Player trolls in the challenges are MWO staff as well.

Do you have any proof for your claims about "the MWO staff"?

View PostPappySmurf, on 26 February 2015 - 07:38 AM, said:

Basing a challenge on kills just lets the TROLLS feed more on the player-base and leaves a bad taste in everyone mouth about these challenges but lets wait and see if the Devs and PGI staff are smart enough to figure it out??????

Bad taste in mouth of people who can't kill just a one enemy 'Mech and are angry that somebody is more competent than they are? I can live with that.

#458 Bill Lumbar


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 10:04 AM

View Postmartian, on 26 February 2015 - 09:58 AM, said:

So if I - or other players - have six kills in a game, it's the sign that I am a Troll? That I am killstealing? For me it's a sign that I am doing my best to ensure my team's victory.

If my team is losing and I have one kill already, should I stop killing enemy 'Mechs? Is this what you are trying to say? Or only when we are winning? But unless it's the case of obvious 12:0 roflstomp, you often can't know if you win or lose.

Sorry boy, but that you have 12 enemy 'Mechs in front of you and you can't kill not a single one is your problem, not mine ...

This game made me happy:
Posted Image
Thanks me, six other people ended the game with a point.
Without my effort, nobody would have had a point.
What would be better?

Do you have any proof for your claims about "the MWO staff"?

Bad taste in mouth of people who can't kill just a one enemy 'Mech and are angry that somebody is more competent than they are? I can live with that.

I was in a game with pappy..... and I and about 20 others that wasn't named was claimed to be a "troll". Funny, some of the claims I am seeing here look to be very "trollish" in nature. I have seen what Pappy is talking about regarding some players just killing one mech after another, even in a roll stomp and not that its expected by me, nor should be, could of chatted with their team mates and let off a bit to "share the kills" but instead kept on going with it. Really, I am not one to believe in kill stealing, this is a game, and the objective is to "kill" enemy mechs, among other objectives as well.

I however do believe that these so called "challenges" with the points requirements are starting to become a bit much for many players. I think it could be toned back down just a bit.... like cut in half and players would still find it a challenge to obtain the rewards. I really think PGI is making a mistake by having the bar set to high on these events....IMO.

#459 RacerX


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 10:14 AM

Personally I simply hate the 1k + 1A + Win events. 25 qualifying matches feels like a real stretch goal and making the higher tiers is simply impossible for most players. I prefer the events that take into a account how much a player contributed to the overall match than some stupid pre-req. The 1k + 1A + Win weekends are not fun. I saw a lot of player throwing themselves into the fire just hoping for that one kill and screwing the rest of the team in the process. MWO is supposed to be about teamwork. The whole reason VOIP was added was so the PUG experience could better coordinate and build some semblance of teamwork in match. Why aren't the events/rewards reflective of this? If this weekend is going to be like last weekend then I'm out. It's cheaper for me to buy the damn mech than it is to dedicated my whole weekend to playing a series of frustrating matches.

#460 Bill Lumbar


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Posted 26 February 2015 - 10:21 AM

View PostRacerX, on 26 February 2015 - 10:14 AM, said:

Personally I simply hate the 1k + 1A + Win events. 25 qualifying matches feels like a real stretch goal and making the higher tiers is simply impossible for most players. I prefer the events that take into a account how much a player contributed to the overall match than some stupid pre-req. The 1k + 1A + Win weekends are not fun. I saw a lot of player throwing themselves into the fire just hoping for that one kill and screwing the rest of the team in the process. MWO is supposed to be about teamwork. The whole reason VOIP was added was so the PUG experience could better coordinate and build some semblance of teamwork in match. Why aren't the events/rewards reflective of this? If this weekend is going to be like last weekend then I'm out. It's cheaper for me to buy the damn mech than it is to dedicated my whole weekend to playing a series of frustrating matches.

I agree... but here is the thing for me at least, this will ensure I won't be buying anything from PGI. Its frustrating, and I don't reward or support things like that with my cash. I was gonna purchase some MC to pick up the mech bay bonus and buy some more warhorns while they was on sale... but sorry, I just can't. Things like this are frustrating, and leave a "dirty" feeling regarding spending cash to support things like this.

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