Cimarb, on 19 February 2015 - 08:53 PM, said:
Mine, for comparison - pretty interesting to see different interpretations...
It could be interesting, but it still gives the huge PPFLD advantage to the IS. I would love to try it out, though.
Clan Pack - 4 mechs - Wave 3
Ebon Jaguar
Shadow Cat
Artic Cheetah
2 w/ MASC - IT IS IN!!!!!
(disclaimer: they are not sure exactly how it will work, but should be pretty close to how we would expect)
(lol, and Flea is NOT happening, at least any time soon)
Page will go up tomorrow (around noon PST, maybe earlier)
Pricing will be same as before... $30/tier... (yeah, I pointed out how I felt about that...)
Top tier reward is to get an extra variant of EACH chassis, so 4 extra chassis
First clan quirk pass - about four mechs - will happen in March
Buying mechs without equipment was not on the radar (i.e. stripped down for cheap), but it is now, as he thinks it is an interesting idea
CW map - will it be reset before Steam release? Likely at least by then, possibly sooner. May be a couple resets before "out of Beta".
New map March 17 - Tourmaline themed
New map in April - Forest themed
He does want to make a reset based around some big event, like Tukayyid. Maybe have all Clan vs all IS, with 100 or so zones on the planet. May not have the coding time to do that first reset, but still wants to do "something big"
Steam coming up "fairly soon"
Will TrackIR functionality also apply to "other track stuff" - not likely any time soon
Euro/Oceanic servers? It would be relatively easy and straightforward to do so now that IGP and such are out of the picture, but it revolves around matchmaker issues (i.e. player numbers)
Pops are about 50/50 Euro/NA
Maybe after Steam influx
Player disconnects - how is it being adjusted? Hard to tell whether someone really disconnects, or disconnected on purpose. Fix for mining collective being addressed.
May have something where if someone disconnects with a minute or more left before the match starts, it pulls in a new person, etc.
Another significant FPS update to help slower machines coming next patch
Any plans for REALLY large maps? He does not know exact sizes, but the ones in the works are about the same relative size as current ones.
Any non-CW maps in the works? May actually recreate old maps, making them bigger, better, etc.
Goal first is to get some more CW maps - maybe up to 6 or so
May be a couple months at least before he can speak about more
Will there be any changes to water, such as slowing speed, etc.? Very difficult, as it would have big, game changing impacts. Not top priority, but he does want to look at it.
May implement PvE missions into CW
Working on 4v4 and a new game mode.
Still trying to figure out how to work it into CW.
Some sort of mission system within CW, such as scouting behind enemy lines. Using public queue maps, as they are smaller.
No ETA, but being actively worked upon - "maybe next couple few months" (yes, couple few, lol)
Complex, as you do not want to pull people from the main queue either
Russ does not have concerns about CW populations - they are pretty good and consistent
6-7x as many in public queue as CW queue
Avg Elo difference of 38 in public queue
Avg Elo difference of 188 in group queue
Any in-game mechanics to help loyalty in CW?
Russ' thoughts:
Faction flipping is happening too frequently, yes.
How do loyalists control mercenaries?
Stiffer cbill penalty and longer cooldown penalty for cancelling contract
He wants loyalists to be happy, as we bring the game stability. Just give him time to add some depth for us.
ETA for planetary value and player driven economy, etc.? He is working on a roadmap for this, but cannot give any estimates yet. Hoping to be able to start on these in May-ish. Begging for our patience on this.
They will keep adding features indefinitely - no plan to just "finish" it
Any planned changes for invasion mode, since there is little point to killing defenders?
They already have the art done for how defenders respawn. Will raise up out of the ground from hangers. Considering it.
CW attack paths: the guy that will clean this up is currently working on the LFG tool. As soon as it is done, he will work on the algorithm.
New community manager started two days ago. Give time to get settled pls.
Future of CW? would like to be a little more restrictive on player choice (mercs), but does not want to do it too much.
Starting March 3rd - can set different tonnages per faction, so Clan has different weight restrictions than IS
LFG: back half of March, first patch of April
Way to pick up people pre-matchmaker.
Mechlab: smurfy functionality has already started being worked on - about a week in, maybe a month out before test, possibly a month in test - hopefully in game by May
Collapsible view, drag and drop, etc.
Loadout saves, etc.
No ETA on decals. Done except for the UI work...
(gotta go pick daughter up, brb)
Missed some details about IIC variants - possibly sometime this year, but he said something about "maybe IS turn"? Daughter was talking at the same time, so was hard to follow Russ, lol... (I know, bad dad...)
Will have another official tournament, with big prizes, "soon".
More details on that in the Mechs, Devs and Beer with Paul that NGNG posted yesterday
Balance: he will continue to make quirk changes, but after the major pass, everything will be much smaller moving forward.
Next pass will be 4 IS and 4 Clan, with the Clan ones being more extreme, since it will be their first pass
Any update on collisions? No.....he has some people that he wants to work on it (Neema mostly) but are currently busy with other features (some head hitbox fix or something like that) and while it is very cool, it is not top priority yet
Stock Match Mode: thanks for the reminder and he will give it thought
Next Clan factions? Would have to work it into a reset of some sort. Not immenent, but he would definitely like to have it this year - maybe second half of year
Clan Hero mechs? They are not sure how to handle them yet.
Would like to have weekend events where they give away Clan Champion mechs and such, but have just not gotten to them yet.
Champs would not be different loadouts - just bonuses.
Clan Wave 3: to get the additional variants, you have to buy them in February (?.... I am not sure he understood that question correctly...)
Gating: he always wished they had done more gating, but very difficult to do for IS when Clan start with it all locked
Shell count: maybe changing that, but probably more velocity. So, a Clan UAC10 that shoots shells the size of an IS AC5, should have the velocity of an IS AC 5 as well.
(FYI, I have never been very good at notes...never found a need to do them in school, so bleh...)
Clan Pack - 4 mechs - Wave 3
Ebon Jaguar
Shadow Cat
Artic Cheetah
2 w/ MASC - IT IS IN!!!!!
(disclaimer: they are not sure exactly how it will work, but should be pretty close to how we would expect)
(lol, and Flea is NOT happening, at least any time soon)
Page will go up tomorrow (around noon PST, maybe earlier)
Pricing will be same as before... $30/tier... (yeah, I pointed out how I felt about that...)
Top tier reward is to get an extra variant of EACH chassis, so 4 extra chassis
First clan quirk pass - about four mechs - will happen in March
Buying mechs without equipment was not on the radar (i.e. stripped down for cheap), but it is now, as he thinks it is an interesting idea
CW map - will it be reset before Steam release? Likely at least by then, possibly sooner. May be a couple resets before "out of Beta".
New map March 17 - Tourmaline themed
New map in April - Forest themed
He does want to make a reset based around some big event, like Tukayyid. Maybe have all Clan vs all IS, with 100 or so zones on the planet. May not have the coding time to do that first reset, but still wants to do "something big"
Steam coming up "fairly soon"
Will TrackIR functionality also apply to "other track stuff" - not likely any time soon
Euro/Oceanic servers? It would be relatively easy and straightforward to do so now that IGP and such are out of the picture, but it revolves around matchmaker issues (i.e. player numbers)
Pops are about 50/50 Euro/NA
Maybe after Steam influx
Player disconnects - how is it being adjusted? Hard to tell whether someone really disconnects, or disconnected on purpose. Fix for mining collective being addressed.
May have something where if someone disconnects with a minute or more left before the match starts, it pulls in a new person, etc.
Another significant FPS update to help slower machines coming next patch
Any plans for REALLY large maps? He does not know exact sizes, but the ones in the works are about the same relative size as current ones.
Any non-CW maps in the works? May actually recreate old maps, making them bigger, better, etc.
Goal first is to get some more CW maps - maybe up to 6 or so
May be a couple months at least before he can speak about more
Will there be any changes to water, such as slowing speed, etc.? Very difficult, as it would have big, game changing impacts. Not top priority, but he does want to look at it.
May implement PvE missions into CW
Working on 4v4 and a new game mode.
Still trying to figure out how to work it into CW.
Some sort of mission system within CW, such as scouting behind enemy lines. Using public queue maps, as they are smaller.
No ETA, but being actively worked upon - "maybe next couple few months" (yes, couple few, lol)
Complex, as you do not want to pull people from the main queue either
Russ does not have concerns about CW populations - they are pretty good and consistent
6-7x as many in public queue as CW queue
Avg Elo difference of 38 in public queue
Avg Elo difference of 188 in group queue
Any in-game mechanics to help loyalty in CW?
Russ' thoughts:
Faction flipping is happening too frequently, yes.
How do loyalists control mercenaries?
Stiffer cbill penalty and longer cooldown penalty for cancelling contract
He wants loyalists to be happy, as we bring the game stability. Just give him time to add some depth for us.
ETA for planetary value and player driven economy, etc.? He is working on a roadmap for this, but cannot give any estimates yet. Hoping to be able to start on these in May-ish. Begging for our patience on this.
They will keep adding features indefinitely - no plan to just "finish" it
Any planned changes for invasion mode, since there is little point to killing defenders?
They already have the art done for how defenders respawn. Will raise up out of the ground from hangers. Considering it.
CW attack paths: the guy that will clean this up is currently working on the LFG tool. As soon as it is done, he will work on the algorithm.
New community manager started two days ago. Give time to get settled pls.
Future of CW? would like to be a little more restrictive on player choice (mercs), but does not want to do it too much.
Starting March 3rd - can set different tonnages per faction, so Clan has different weight restrictions than IS
LFG: back half of March, first patch of April
Way to pick up people pre-matchmaker.
Mechlab: smurfy functionality has already started being worked on - about a week in, maybe a month out before test, possibly a month in test - hopefully in game by May
Collapsible view, drag and drop, etc.
Loadout saves, etc.
No ETA on decals. Done except for the UI work...
(gotta go pick daughter up, brb)
Missed some details about IIC variants - possibly sometime this year, but he said something about "maybe IS turn"? Daughter was talking at the same time, so was hard to follow Russ, lol... (I know, bad dad...)
Will have another official tournament, with big prizes, "soon".
More details on that in the Mechs, Devs and Beer with Paul that NGNG posted yesterday
Balance: he will continue to make quirk changes, but after the major pass, everything will be much smaller moving forward.
Next pass will be 4 IS and 4 Clan, with the Clan ones being more extreme, since it will be their first pass
Any update on collisions? No.....he has some people that he wants to work on it (Neema mostly) but are currently busy with other features (some head hitbox fix or something like that) and while it is very cool, it is not top priority yet
Stock Match Mode: thanks for the reminder and he will give it thought
Next Clan factions? Would have to work it into a reset of some sort. Not immenent, but he would definitely like to have it this year - maybe second half of year
Clan Hero mechs? They are not sure how to handle them yet.
Would like to have weekend events where they give away Clan Champion mechs and such, but have just not gotten to them yet.
Champs would not be different loadouts - just bonuses.
Clan Wave 3: to get the additional variants, you have to buy them in February (?.... I am not sure he understood that question correctly...)
Gating: he always wished they had done more gating, but very difficult to do for IS when Clan start with it all locked
Shell count: maybe changing that, but probably more velocity. So, a Clan UAC10 that shoots shells the size of an IS AC5, should have the velocity of an IS AC 5 as well.
(FYI, I have never been very good at notes...never found a need to do them in school, so bleh...)
It could be interesting, but it still gives the huge PPFLD advantage to the IS. I would love to try it out, though.
Absolutely. Like I said, I think it would need to be coupled with a faster burst. I am fine with a DOT nature UAC, as long as the time portion was extremely, extremely small. Right now, 2 UAC is not as good as a single Gauss, and that is not a good place to be.
Bursts like MW3's would be ideal IMO:
I think what excites me the most is that they know there is a problem with C-UACs. That... means a lot.
Edited by Pariah Devalis, 19 February 2015 - 09:16 PM.