Okay, a few things here, so let me take them in order:
MischiefSC, on 20 February 2015 - 11:21 AM, said:
Would have been happy to facilitate giving a Davion world to Steiner if they could have done it last night to do the same. In fact I've tried to reach out to Steiner units to facilitate giving Davion worlds back to them after some cross-border shenanigans. The consensus from the Steiner units I spoke to was that they didn't care, they were on the Clan front.
Yes - CJF is taking up all of our attention. That much is correct. Meanwhile, Marik has been chewing up our backsides to the tune of about 50 planets. Marik would be the power you made a deal with, in case you were wondering.
Because you don't seem to be getting my consternation on this subject, let me put this another way: this would be like Steiner making a deal with Kurita for them to attack Marik by plowing through Davion worlds. And then by Steiner units dropping on those systems so the route will be easier and more guaranteed.
See why that might be a problem?
MischiefSC, on 20 February 2015 - 11:21 AM, said:
We did reach out to a number of Steiner units. This wasn't a surprise nor malicious. If you think Marik is going to have any time to drop on Steiner worlds after they are kissing faces with Kurita you're crazy pants. Those two are going to set at each other like two cats in a sack. My money, long term, is on Marik. Short term though there's going to be a bit of a 'first 2 rounds of a Rocky fight' set of events. That wouldn't surprise me.
For the surprise or maliciousness, I don't doubt your sincerity, just the strategic skills of those who came up with this plan.
You do realize that Marik has been dropping on the Steiner front since CW opened AND in Kurita when the wormhole opened, correct? I just want to make sure that's understood. If they don't have to worry about the Davion front, what assurances do we (the FedCom) have?
MischiefSC, on 20 February 2015 - 11:21 AM, said:
If you want to have some people dedicated to speaking to Davion and communicating with the rest of Steiner that would be incredible. We want to talk to you, we want to coordinate with you and we want to work together. Currently though that consists of 2 or 3 of us having to try and speak to 6-10 people, not all of whom respond and some of whom may respond but not end up getting the word out to all of their members.
Much like Davion, Steiner isn't a single unified unit. There are definitely larger units out there (the 5th RCT that I'm a part of, for example), but I'm not seeing them mentioned in the above posts. There are huge numbers of PUGs. Add to that we have a huge Euro presence. Were they contacted? Was mention made on the forums, where people are likely to see it? Because I don't remember seeing it.
MischiefSC, on 20 February 2015 - 11:21 AM, said:
We did reach out to leadership. Everyone we could get ahold of. If you want better relations with Davion we need a hand coming back across the aisle. We want your input and involvement and coordination but it can feel at times like it's something we have to shake out of you.
From what I've seen, Davion's been largely absent in an organized fashion. It's good to see you back, but with Liao, Marik, and Kurita knocking at your door, you should begin to get a sense for what Steiner's been dealing with since CW started.
We have a good ally in Davion because your PUGs do drop on the Clan border. That's appreciated, especially since there isn't a way we can really return the favor. But this deal severely lacks in insight of just how big the problem with Marik is for House Steiner. To us, they're our House Kurita, except we have even fewer resources to face them down with.
Marik has very good pilots and very good units. With our main organized units focused on the Clans (not wanting to become Kurita, with our capital surrounded and half our space gone), this is what was likely meant by "we don't care."
MischiefSC, on 20 February 2015 - 11:21 AM, said:
Give us 1 or 2 people to talk to who we can consistently get ahold of and this sort of misunderstanding won't happen.
Forum, MischiefSC - there's a forum right here and you can talk to ALL of us. It's not like this is a sneak attack.
Even knowing this plan, there are some great gaping holes in the logic behind it. I'm not sure who the tactical genius is that put this thing together, but I'll be real honest here: it's a dumb move.
You are relying on too many variables to go perfectly. You need the completely unpredictable algorithm to latch onto the corridor you want. You need Marik to stay loyal to the deal. You need Steiner to stay loyal to the deal while you hand away Steiner worlds. You need Kurita to focus on Marik once they engage and pull the pressure off the Davion front. You need...
You get what I'm saying here?
This is not a well thought-out plan and it smacks of desperation.
I get it - Kurita is pushing hard into your space and the only allied border you have (Steiner) is being slowly whittled away by Marik. Add to that Steiner can't drop in your space to help out and, of course, you have similar population problems to our House.
But this deal...
Let me spell it out for you:
Dear Marik
Even though you have been running roughshod over House Steiner, we have a great deal for you. We'll take some Steiner worlds uncontested and then you can have them for free as long as you open a front against Kurita. Cool?"
If the agreement had been:
Truce. When the algorithm opens the Davion corridor to Kurita, we will let you take it uncontested so that you can open a front to Kurita. Don't push on our worlds, and we won't push on yours."
Fine. No problem with that. You're giving away your own territory to a rival Faction, but it's a lesser of two evils things. I get that.
But giving away worlds from the only Faction you border that ISN'T invading you...
Finally, again, I'll note that Marik had an eerily similar deal on the table with Kurita: "We'll just use the wormhole to open a front with the Clans!"
Did you see how that turned out? Marik snatched twelve planets before Kurita began to question the alliance.
I'll run this by my own unit and see what they have to say.
[edited to fix grammar and spelling errors and try to tone down the snarkiness...mostly]
Edited by Dawnstealer, 20 February 2015 - 12:12 PM.