Mordin Ashe, on 21 February 2015 - 12:02 AM, said:
There are a few issues with your rant however this is the one thing I want to point out the most, OmniMechs are never allowed to change Engines, Armor-type, InnerStructure, Engine Built-in HS. in any incarnation of Battletech that I can clearly remember. That is plain and simple the trade off for being able to freely trade out your weapon pods. If you really want Clan Mechs that can trade these things out petition for Clan BattleMechs instead, many of which are are used as 2nd line fighters or as defense fighters but like all current IS BattleMechs can trade these options out, however you will be stuck with the Hardpoints that the Chassis has stock just like IS BattleMechs.
30ft SMURF, on 21 February 2015 - 01:10 AM, said:
LRMs are meant to hit the targets? well chit I have been using them wrong this entire time, I use them to distract opponents. I don't care if they hit because roughly 85% of my opponents (IS or Clan) tend to duck for cover when they hear that Missile warning giving me and my allies time to get within Brawling range.
Onmyoudo, on 21 February 2015 - 01:27 AM, said:
Out of interest, do any other clanners legitimately believe in the OP's assessment of balance?
No, this Clanner does not legitimately believe the OP's assessment of balance, I will agree that as Quirks get introduced they will need to be adjusted and re-adjusted from time to time but that is because in my mind Quirks are the balancing mechanism of this game, then again I am of the understanding that in terms of tech PGI wants to stick as close to TableTop as possible so they need to balance somewhere that doesn't exist in the TT game, that would be Quirks and Modules, heck even the skill system they have can be used this way as it is not reminiscent of the TTRPG skill system.
CrockdaddyAoD, on 21 February 2015 - 09:10 AM, said:
Don't trash hiim guys. He like many clanners are still recovering from their addiction to NERF.Their last hit, was the sweet TDR 9S NERF. Word on the street (pgi forums) that this NERF was some powerful stuff and addicted thousands of clanners. Once clanners get the taste of the NERF high they feel powerful and need another hit of that NERF to maintain the high. I expect like many NERF abusers he too will end up working the streets (PGI forums) in the never ending quest for the next NERF high. We should never hold them in contempt for the NERF high is a disease and they need our help. Even IS folks get NERF addicted (see the NERF Timberwolf endemic our IS addicted never seem to get quite enough of this one).
I will be honest here, I thought that the 9S quirks were a little powerful, and looking at the smurfy listing of what it is now I don't think it was over nerfed, the 9S ERPPC is at 25% heat reduction down from 50% but retains the 25% cooldown reduction. Now I don't know if these numbers are correct so please feel free to correct me. As for the IS ERLL I haven't seem them boated en-masse yet, however last time I faced a team from NS was before the latest update and even then I remember you guys used them more often than the ERPPC.