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Is Balance Getting Out Of Hand


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#1 Mordin Ashe


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 12:02 AM

I just had an interesting game. 12man (NS from kurita, great job btw) against 12 complete pugs. You can guess they rolled over us, important thing is how.

Each and every one of them had ERLLs on Mechs with range bonuses. They killed 25 of us before we even managed to return the fire. Right now every solid IS CW Mech can easily outrange Clan weaponry simply because of quirks(+modules+ERLL but Clans can have that too). We could crush them from range by LRMs (noone took AMS) but guess what, PGI is still stupid enough to keep ECM stacking going on, meaning that as long as they had 2 ECM there were immune to any CAP/ECM we could push their way.

Long story short, well played NS. Now to the balancing problems:

PGI, I know you are IS loyalists and hate Clans, you said it yourself repeatedly. But what you did is getting out of hand.

Lets see what IS has:
- Same range or range advantage (because of quirks).
- Much better heat efficiencies (lower heat to begin with + serious quirks on many Mechs).
- Better Mech design (no Clan Mech can trade with Thunderbolt or Stalker, we don't have a single Mech with solid high-mounted hardpoints that can avoid damage while dealint it so well).
- Less gimped designs (every Clan Mech relies on weapons in arms, problem is that due to current map design many IS Mechs can hulldown, do damage AND be invincible because of poor angles Clans even can't shoot that "low" - there are 9 spots where IS can fire but Clans can't on Boreal alone - free killing zones Clans can't do anything about).
- Lower costs (what are we paying for, really? Clan Mechs aren't more powerful, are less customizable and even after 8 months the only viable builds Clans have is laser vomit).

And what do the Clans have?
- Higher theoretical damage because of higher DPS. "Theoretical"... What matters is TTK and I doubt that is any higher in Clan Mechs because of huge heat increase.
- Range is an advantage against very badly built Mechs, but on everything even remotely competitive IS outranges Clans for better DPS (i thought DPS was Clan advantage?) and higher survivability (combination of better hardpoints, armor and internal bonuses to Mechs and quirks)
- We have engine benefits, true, but is that enough to compensate worse weapons, much higher heat, lack of quirks (listen to last Town Hall, it will take until summer before all Clan Mechs are quirked), no upgrading abilities like FF/Endo, we can't even change our unneccessarily huge engines... Plus very bad weapon placement. On top of that all, we pay for our equipment much more than IS for no real game-balancing reason.

PGI, rethink what you are doing. I know you hate Clans but if you sit in a room, put strengths and weaknesses of IS and Clan on paper and talk about how godly quirks fit into this you will definitely find some problematic spots. Right now Clan Mechs are a bad deal... You got many IS Mechs to level of godly Timby or SCR. That is a good thing, that should have happened. But most of Clan Mech pool is sh*t that falls behind incredibly and you don't even pay attention to them. Most of our Mechs are no match to what IS brings to battle today... Is this what you wanted all along?


#2 The Droid


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 12:26 AM

There are so many things wrong with this post that rather than address each individual point (and have every response rejected out of hand regardless of their quality) I will say this:

Die Clanner, ha ha ha

#3 Malcolm Vordermark


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 12:42 AM

I certainly believe that balance is much closer than some players would like to believe, but what you're saying is rather hard to believe.

Do you have some specific example to illustrate that IS is able to out range clans?

#4 Aleraen


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:00 AM


#5 Mexicutioner46


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:00 AM

Really, please, go on...

#6 pwnface


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:01 AM

You do realize that Clan ERLL has longer range than IS ERLL right? Thanks for the compliment though.

#7 MungFuSensei


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:01 AM


#8 JohnnyBlue07


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:01 AM

Please elaborate...

#9 Novawrecker


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:01 AM

View PostMordin Ashe, on 21 February 2015 - 12:02 AM, said:

I just had an interesting game. 12man (NS from kurita,

Me amz offendededed ... it was an 11 man NS and one 9th Sword. Get it right! :P ;)

#10 hopterque


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:02 AM

Dear Coordinator says, 'Haha, thanks for the Cbills, Dead Clanner Dog"

#11 Crockdaddy


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:03 AM

View PostMordin Ashe, on 21 February 2015 - 12:02 AM, said:

I just had an interesting game. 12man (NS from kurita, great job btw) against 12 complete pugs. You can guess they rolled over us, important thing is how.

Each and every one of them had ERLLs on Mechs with range bonuses. They killed 25 of us before we even managed to return the fire. Right now every solid IS CW Mech can easily outrange Clan weaponry simply because of quirks(+modules+ERLL but Clans can have that too). We could crush them from range by LRMs (noone took AMS) but guess what, PGI is still stupid enough to keep ECM stacking going on, meaning that as long as they had 2 ECM there were immune to any CAP/ECM we could push their way.

Long story short, well played NS. Now to the balancing problems:

PGI, I know you are IS loyalists and hate Clans, you said it yourself repeatedly. But what you did is getting out of hand.

Lets see what IS has:
- Same range or range advantage (because of quirks).
- Much better heat efficiencies (lower heat to begin with + serious quirks on many Mechs).
- Better Mech design (no Clan Mech can trade with Thunderbolt or Stalker, we don't have a single Mech with solid high-mounted hardpoints that can avoid damage while dealint it so well).
- Less gimped designs (every Clan Mech relies on weapons in arms, problem is that due to current map design many IS Mechs can hulldown, do damage AND be invincible because of poor angles Clans even can't shoot that "low" - there are 9 spots where IS can fire but Clans can't on Boreal alone - free killing zones Clans can't do anything about).
- Lower costs (what are we paying for, really? Clan Mechs aren't more powerful, are less customizable and even after 8 months the only viable builds Clans have is laser vomit).

And what do the Clans have?
- Higher theoretical damage because of higher DPS. "Theoretical"... What matters is TTK and I doubt that is any higher in Clan Mechs because of huge heat increase.
- Range is an advantage against very badly built Mechs, but on everything even remotely competitive IS outranges Clans for better DPS (i thought DPS was Clan advantage?) and higher survivability (combination of better hardpoints, armor and internal bonuses to Mechs and quirks)
- We have engine benefits, true, but is that enough to compensate worse weapons, much higher heat, lack of quirks (listen to last Town Hall, it will take until summer before all Clan Mechs are quirked), no upgrading abilities like FF/Endo, we can't even change our unneccessarily huge engines... Plus very bad weapon placement. On top of that all, we pay for our equipment much more than IS for no real game-balancing reason.

PGI, rethink what you are doing. I know you hate Clans but if you sit in a room, put strengths and weaknesses of IS and Clan on paper and talk about how godly quirks fit into this you will definitely find some problematic spots. Right now Clan Mechs are a bad deal... You got many IS Mechs to level of godly Timby or SCR. That is a good thing, that should have happened. But most of Clan Mech pool is sh*t that falls behind incredibly and you don't even pay attention to them. Most of our Mechs are no match to what IS brings to battle today... Is this what you wanted all along?


Hey, I know this can't be true. According to Road Beer we don't fight clans. :(

#12 Scoops Kerensky


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:03 AM

View PostMordin Ashe, on 21 February 2015 - 12:02 AM, said:

PGI, rethink what you are doing. I know you hate Clans

From newest package announcement they not hate big fat wallets clan pig-monkeys have, ha ha ha.

#13 SteelWarrior


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:03 AM


So you go up against one of the top units in CW, with a long track record of doing extremely well, who play 8 hour stretches across 2 ceasefires and get loads of practice....

And somehow because they trashed you, theres a balance issue?

Why is it always a "something needs to change" situation and not a "damn those guys are really good at this"


PS: Thunderbolts dont die because we torso twist to block damage, while you sit in your Timberwolf and keep head on with us.

#14 Crockdaddy


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:03 AM

Thanks guys for the PMs on this topic. I appreciate it.

#15 pwnface


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:04 AM

Hey Roadbeer, this is us not fighting clans btw.

#16 Songy


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:07 AM

Dear Coordinator gift His Children with Light of Amaterasu to scorch savage clanners

you like our gift?? Ha Ha Ha Ha

#17 Taisa Sodai Lopez Kerensky


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:09 AM

Excerpt from Dear Coordinator's essay, On the Subject of Clanners,

"The clanner is of simple mind. He sees a noble samurai of Kurita slay his brother, and declares his weapons too strong"

"What the clanner does not realise is that Kuritan pilots are superior, ha ha ha"

#18 30ft SMURF


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:10 AM

Silly clanner... There never has and never will be 'weapon balance' and if there ever was everyone would cry about the newb lrm spam they died from every day... also this is why we should be able to put clan tech in our IS mechs. Sure do wish I could use lrms and still kill you, but we like to hit our targets.

#19 JohnnyBlue07


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:10 AM

Well thank you for the compliment, good sir. This is less of a balance issue, and more of a teamwork/coordination vs no teamwork/no coordination.

#20 SteelWarrior


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Posted 21 February 2015 - 01:16 AM

Also it should be mentioned we trash IS teams who HAVE thunderbolts as badly as we trash you guys. So nothing to do with what mechs you have in your drop deck....

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