Allow me to extend my most profound thanks to the gamers of House Kurita's DCMS. Your outstanding manner and maturity of gaming ensured there were uncounted dozens of the highest quality, most excellent and enjoyable matches yet to have graced MWO:CW.
Thank you for gaming... and meet you on the high (Luthien!) ground!
JOURNAL ENTRY 001(22FEB) - It was an amazing event that PGI afforded us last night - the ability to participate in the very first Clan liberation Attempt of an Inner Sphere Capital World, specifically the Draconis Combine's capital of Luthien.
At the height of last night's CSJ attack on Luthien, I recall 72 Smoke Jaguars being queued up in the Attack. Because it was an attack queue, every single one of those Attackers were indeed Smoke Jaguars. All this occurred deep into the Oceanic-cycle. I do not believe CSJ EVER reached such a high number of Attackers than the 72-Smoke Jaguars queued for drops on Luthien.
The first screen captures are included below:

- This pic captures what is nearly the high point of the attack. Resident data is only maintained at the 15-minute Marks, it was just offset by 5 or 10 minutes when CSJ liberated 73% of Luthien. THIS constitutes the height of the CSJ Attack.

- This pic captures the final results. These results occurred in large measure due an hours-5 though hours-6 massive surge in the number of Inner Sphere Common Defenders. As I recall it, he highest total numbers in both queues reached and were sustained 72 Attackers and 90+Defenders.

- I was indeed fortunate to be the first Smoke Jaguar queued for battle on Luthien. Though a 12-man Faction Drop RIGHTFULLY cut to the front of the line, I found myself dropping with a remarkable collection of gamers.

- The gamers listed here became the core cadre of a continues 12-man Faction Drop for the first 6-hours of the Battle of Luthien.

- A memorable shot of our Core Cadre assaulting through Alpha Gate on Sector Two of the Sulfurous Rift, Luthien on or about 1231hrsEST on 22FEB3050.

- Included here are the immediate results of our Core Cadre's Assault on Sector Two, realizing the first Sector of ANY Faction Capital seized in MWO:CW. Much honor and praise are due the 11-members of our Core Cadre this night.

- From the beginnings in Sector Two, success was fast realized in 11 of 15 Sectors. What is pictured here was a turning point in the Battle (to be clear there was two turning points.) The above pic shows the 0230hrsEST loss of initiative by Luthien Defenders, when for two hours the average number of CSJ Attackers (53) out paced the Inner Sphere Common Defender average (42) and what had been exclusively Holding Actions keeping CSJ penned into Sectors 1 through 5, quickly saw CSJ seize the initiative, attack and liberation Sectors 6 through 11.
- And then the second of two turning points, an NS 12-man Unit Drop came on line, joining a 6RNT 12-man Faction Drop as the Kurita ELITE Counterattack Forces, destroying one Clan Holding Action after another until only 27% of Luthien remained under CSJ control by the end of the Oceanic Cycle.
While it did not end in victory, tonight's Battle for Luthien constituted the high point of my time in MWO. So very many of us just happened to still be on line when this unlooked-for and unexpected opportunity arose.
RECOMMENDATION:Opportunities like Tukayyid and Luthien WILL occur again.
It just might be Clan Wolf and Rasalhague that next unexpectedly combine to offer ALL MWO gamers a peek into just such a climatic Battle. I recommend that ALL Clans look to and respond in force in support of ALL Defensive Requirements of whichever Clan gets the next shot at a Climatic Battle.
At numerous times last night CSJ had to divert forces to defend Leiston as it was my MISTAKEN belief that since Leiston was the last Kurita planet seized, it represented the "Gateway" or Invasion Jumping Off Point for a whole series of CSJ attacks on Luthien. I was WRONG, as even by holding Leiston by the slimmest of margins, the CSJ option to liberate Luthein evaporated and was replaced by the Kurita world of Omagh.
If CSJ had not had to divert forces to rescue Leiston (or as unconfirmed, though highly likely reports of a contested Clan Ghost Bear invasion of Keisen) it is ASURED that additional Drops on Luthein would have been possible.
Thus there are indeed two request:
1). That all potential Clan Common Defenders look to augment the Defenses of the Clan finding itself with a Climatic Battle, thus relieving EVERY member of the lucky Faction to go over to 100% "Attack."
2). That at the very least ALL Clans refrain from attack the lucky Clan with the option to enter a Climatic Battle. Even if a Clan decides NOT to send Clan Common Defenders to backstop loss of Invasion Jumping off Point planets THE VERY LEAST THAT CAN BE DONE is to NOT victimize a Clan decisively engaged in its Climatic Battle,
You never know what famous Battle my next offer any of the Clans an opportunity to realize a Climatic Battle...
It could be Jade Falcon and Tharkad (we do have the perfidious PGI logarithm still sometimes working against us, it COULD happen!)
It could be Clan Wolf and Rasalhague.
It could (and most likely WILL) be Clan Ghost Bear and Tukayyid.
I propose that ALL Clans make a sincere and heavy contribution of Clan Common Defenders to whichever Clan finds itself next thrust into the breach of an Climatic Battle.
What say you my fellow Clan Trothkin?
ps... here is my favorite pic from last night's climatic battles:

Edited by Prussian Havoc, 22 February 2015 - 11:04 AM.