I request all Clans resist the urge to spawn camp the IS PuG LZ. I like to fight, I love to fight... it shows such poor taste the way you hammer down on us by pushing as hard and fast as you can to our LZ. *as soon as you have wiped the first wave of IS mechs out*
If you cannot resist camping the LZ at least use zellbrigen. It is one thing for us IS cowardly scumbags to back stab each other so poignantly. It is rather disconcerting you have to bring yourselves down to our level when you could have a better fight if you just duel it out or hold back and let us regroup and slug it out to the end. Even if it is the last few dropping at least let them move and only use equivalent numbers to fight them instead of hitting the ground half dead from 12 laser vommit spewers.
Then drop in a 12men so that you can guarantee all of you will respect Zellbrigen and shoot a batchall. Granted, more than a Clan commander would not trust a batchall from IS forces..
Not much we can do about it but if your so adamant why not request that all IS Units do the exact same thing? It has happened to me a few times in some fractured PuG groups.
BTW if you really want spawn camping to stop think of a creative lore-like way to prevent it and post that up in the suggestions forum and if your lucky the Devs will take notice and like the idea.
Sometimes you just don't have the time, and spawn camping is the quickest and easiest way to finish the game and launch another for counter-attacks.
CW isn't just about any single game. It's a fight for the planet, whether to take it or defend it. Players can fight with all the honor they want, but sometimes you gotta do a light rush, or spawn camp, or run down the clock. All of it is part of the bigger picture. Doesn't make it fair or right, but there comes a time for each large group where they have to make that choice, and unfortunately, the needs of a single team of solos will frequently be below the needs of the faction.
As an example, if FRR didn't employ lots of light rushes, and played fair with teams of solos, there wouldn't be an FRR anymore. The whole reason they still exist is because they are utilizing each and every means to ensure they survive as a faction, and sometimes a group of solos will find themselves on the wrong side of it.
Negating the enemy's reinforcements before they can be brought to bear is a sound strategy. There is nothing dishonorable about it & as such, the Clans do implement it. I will draw two references from the Jade Phoenix Trilogy to make my case.
In Bloodname during the battle for Glory Station, Clan Wolf aerospace fighters damaged a Dropship that had forces bid into the battle, taking them out of the fight.
In their control room, Radick and Ward watched the incredible success of their aerofighters against the Jade Falcon DropShip.
"Seyla," Radick whispered as he watched the DropShip hurtle toward the planet Glory. Ward wondered why Radick thought the ritual word applied here. Just what was the man responding to? Perhaps it was simply awe at the sheer success of his strategy. Radick was egotistical enough to interpret the event that way.
Radick glanced up at Ward. "That should put Kael Pershaw at a severe disadvantage. One lost DropShip containing a full Trinary of the forces he bid. We have a marvelous advantage with just one brilliant maneuver, quiaff?"
Ward hated agreeing with the man, but what he said was true. It had been a masterstroke, as he had originally termed it.
Radick chuckled with pleasure as the monitor screen registered the faraway fire and smoke of the Drop-Ship's crash on Glory.
"A marvelous advantage," he shouted gleefully.
In Falcon Guard, Star Commander Selima, an Elemental warrior, saw that a ComStar Dropship was about to disembark reinforcements.
The Jade Falcon Elementals did serious damage. Star Commander Selima alone, with little infantry resistance, was ferocious in his attacks against the ComStar BattleMechs, peeling armor off the unsuspecting 'Mechs and firing accurately at leg joints. Other Elementals kept up a steady series of hit-and-run attacks on 'Mechs too occupied to notice the damage done by the human gnats until one of their machine's legs collapsed or a fusion engine blew out.
Selima suddenly found himself on the other side of the ComStar lines. Looking around, he searched for an opportunity to do some fatal mischief. The idea came to him immediately, literally dropping out of the skies. Ahead of him, far enough away to be protected from Jade Falcon 'Mech attack, a ComStar DropShip was descending onto a landing area that had been prepared, no doubt hastily, for it. Running at his best speed, Selima headed toward it, oblivious to danger.
Selima guessed that once the ship landed, its crew would immediately begin to unload reinforcement BattleMechs. Those fresh 'Mechs would probably finish the Jade Falcons at the bridge. Using his jump pack to leap onto the side of the ship, he landed just above the unloading door, where he waited.
As a ComStar Highlander began to lead his fellow 'Mechs down the ramp, Selima dropped from his perch on the DropShip to land on the head of the 'Mech. He stared through the canopy viewport at the startled ComStar MechWarrior. Drawing back his arm, Selima rammed the armored claw through the canopy. One, two, three times, he drove his fist, pistonlike, through the transparent armored glass. When the glass finally broke on the third blow, Selima reached in with his mechanical claw and seized the throat of the disbelieving MechWarrior. A twitch of his fingers and the pilot was dead.
Selima jetted off the Highlander as it toppled back against its fellows in the DropShip. A muffled explosion inside the ship gave testimony to the instability of a BattleMech's ammunition supply. He did not use up much time gloating, however, but ran straight back into the fray, continuing to do any damage possible to the enemy as he raced back to the Robyn's Crossing bridge.
Edited by Jaroth Corbett, 28 February 2015 - 03:24 AM.
One reason. If we don't push the pugs they will spend 20 minutes standing at the ridge line and never do anything. Would there be some way to get rewards without getting up close then why not, I wouldn't push the poor pugs. But right now you are trying to sell me the idea that it is ok to stand on a hill for 30 minutes and make 600 LPs and 300k c-bills out of it. Very bad deal.
You know what? Push the pugs. Ravage them. The game is very simple in this. In the beginning the ball is in their court, they have to make the first move. If they don't do it then too bad for them because they should have. All the robots you log in to match will be destroyed for no penalty, why not to make the best out of situation? You can't win without daring but you can lose because of overly cautious nature.