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Adder Up Event Feb 27Th To Mar 2Nd

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#341 Goose


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Posted 01 March 2015 - 11:10 PM


46 games, 19 wins, 14 kills, 11 games with a kill, 123 assists, 34 deaths

10 points

I've gone from a 19% success rate to twenty two.

I'll trade back them three points to have the "Conquest is Skirmish" BS removed … <_<

#342 Jeffrey Wilder


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Posted 01 March 2015 - 11:41 PM

Events are always a nightmare especially for those in ELO hell.

So to just prove my point, I created a new account and attained 80 points in less than 130 games. These events obviously favors those in ELO heaven.

That in itself is already a bug in the system. Good luck to those who consistently use VOIP to steam roll your opponents. Some of us really need to get off the ELO hell ladder :)

#343 ShinVector

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Posted 01 March 2015 - 11:43 PM

View PostSagamore, on 01 March 2015 - 10:45 PM, said:

I was thinking the same thing. You should get the hamster wheel cockpit item at 250 matches played this weekend.

I think can be done if one is the type to use multiple mechs and disconnects post suicide rush. Lol.

#344 Marukage


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 12:05 AM

hello pgi

this is the worst of all challenge I've ever done with. sorry people. never again

Time to play this challenge???? is too much! and make no fun :wacko: <_<

maru :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Edited by Marukage, 02 March 2015 - 12:18 AM.

#345 zzoxx


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 12:21 AM

What i don't understand about setting up the point- requirement conditions: While playing and In your post match c-bill chart you see your rewards for the "in game behavior" that is rewardable from a gameplay point of view: besides of kills and assists we have spotting assist, lance in formation and what not. Would it be possible to use that table as a base for the point result? This maybe would force people to step back from that "challenge- bloodlust" that spoils it for almost everyone? If the actions rewarded for with c-bills in the "regular game" are "the way to do it", why should it be cut down to these "Kill-Assist" or "Kill-Assist-Win" models a lot of folks are worried about? Sure i have no idea if it would be possible, and it would take effort to set up such an model. But trying something different every upcoming challenge and still there are complaints, why not reward playing the game the way it is intended, when there is already a scoring table for "good work"? Just saying.

#346 Morgan Daval


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 12:23 AM


I also have to admit the time comsuption of the last challenges were simply ridiculous high!
I really like to ply MWO but not in that extrem grind way.

If it would be possible to eran more than one point per game depending on performance, that would be much better in many ways.
Like the many good proposals which already have been metioned above.

Please listen to them PGI!


#347 Marukage


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 12:26 AM

time ... time ... reallive? and work?
80 points is too much!


Edited by Marukage, 02 March 2015 - 12:26 AM.

#348 Deathlike


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 01:02 AM

Got all the rewards and I hate PGI for it.

Getting what amounts to "4 tiers" of consumables is the biggest disincentive for the challenge.

Whoever plans these things should actually learn to improve the entire ordeal.

#349 Fat Jack Murphy


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 01:09 AM

like they said in wargames - the best solution is not to play.
(disclaimer: i dont play on event weekends usually and i dont own any clan mech - i speak out of experience as the target, not the hunter)

i love playing locusts and attacking their rear... so what does this game style provoke in people ?

they get any number of stormcrows and convert them to scarecrows (5 Streak SRM6, i think grouping them 3-1-1 should do).
then they charge into your team and pick the lightest and greenest mech they find (fresh guy with a locust - single hit munch for a crow, i have seen on receiving end A F... DAMN BLOODY LOT).
as the new player, your game is over the second you see this scarecrow.

if you are lucky enough they have a disconnect and you sneak in the area where they should be. the guy just reconnected after 20 sec.. (on purpose, it seems, seen him do it more then once)
you and the other light (spider or whoever else sacrifices speed for armout) try to get "that one sure kill".
you been afk-baited by a killcrow. he likely gets the second mech damaged and disconnects after he got killed to join a new match.

if these farmers take more then 4 minutes per game to get their kills, they probably dont optimize enough. and i cant even be angry at them, because if i really wanted the mech, having to join 50 matches AND getting the point in each one is already more then my time budget for a weekend.
i have a real life and my dog needs his walk, too. so even if they play like a...holes i can understand why they do it.

like i said, the only way to win is not to play on event weekend (as long as the rewards reward such crap playstyle)

#350 Raven Glock


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 01:36 AM

Events like these only advocate bad playstyles and with the constant crashing to desktop along with the terrible grind is really just saying that I should play MW4:Mercs on weekends.

#351 darkshane3


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 01:45 AM

dang, 10 points shy and i gotta work. guess i wont be getting it.

#352 ShinVector

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Posted 02 March 2015 - 01:50 AM

Avoided this challenge because since I am on Perm Liao contract.
Clan mechs are not very useful to me.
*Only own one set of Kitfoxes.

#353 Deadeeye


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 02:06 AM

In some of the previous events, there's been a lot of "thank you PGI!" This time around (including last weekend), there is so much negative feedback. PGI should stop doing weekend events since it's all going downhill.

#354 ulrin


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 02:15 AM


As lots, i disagree wiz the format of that challenge, but i spent time for rewards...

WTF my all new cokpit item in my all new adder cokpit is just hide by the weapon window....

Im so sad...

And yes, that dissapointing to have only 1 pts when u have over than 1000 dmg done, and 7 kill and 12 assist in a match...

#355 Sagamore


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 02:18 AM

Got the Adder finally. Website shows 50 points but no Adder in my stable. Not going to stay up any later to figure that one out.

Thanks for the free stuff PGI.

#356 G SE7EN7


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 02:31 AM

Maybe PGI should stop running events for a while, after about a month or two we might all be really really grateful for an event/challenge.

#357 Zergling


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 02:39 AM

So... I just finished scoring 80 points; I tracked the amount of time I played, and it was 22 hours in total.

That is just an absurd amount of grinding time for a 3 day event. This event should either have only required half as many points, or its duration should have been 7 days.

EDIT: took me 121 battles in total.

Edited by Zergling, 02 March 2015 - 02:45 AM.

#358 A Vieira


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 02:42 AM

Yeah, I got my 60 points (which was my objective). Took me 108 matches.

I mostly stuck to mediums and assaults, but got more success with mediums. HBK-4G, 4P and SHD-5M were the main choices. Maybe because you're less of a prime target than the assaults.

Was easier to get points than the last tournaments, still I think (and maybe a lot of you would agree) it should be dialed down to 60-80% or something. Like top prizes being 60 points and main prizes being in the 30-40 point range.

The multiple points per match would probably be good.

Edited by A Vieira, 02 March 2015 - 02:42 AM.

#359 gericom


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 03:14 AM

You should just get also a point if you do 8-12 assists.....

its so dumb hunting that kill and u go out from a game with 750 dmg done 11 assist and u get nothing for your time

#360 ulrin


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 03:17 AM

well, i use my locust too for challenging, and have some results wiz
But, once again, im not sure skills are really needed wiz that format, just having enough time, and counting on luck
challenge wiz lance formation or number of kill will be better i think (but maybe others pb will come wiz that format :D)

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