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Glossary/Глоссарий (англо-русский словарь терминов)

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Posted 30 June 2012 - 08:58 AM

Данная тема не претендует на полноту, но старается осветить всю англоязычную терминологию вселенной BattleTech. Пожалуйста, отпишитесь в ПМ мне или кому либо из других модераторов русского форума MWO (Lima Zulu, ELHImp) по поводу отсутствующего термина или неточности/ошибки в переводе. Оригинальный список терминов скопирован с сайта sarna.net и дополнен общими усилиями русского коммьюнити mwomercs.com.

Пока что перевод неполный, но будет дополняться по мере свободного времени.

Glossary - Глоссарий


Abtakha - Абтака
Воин, захваченный в плен, но принятый в новый (захвативший) клан.

Actuator - Актуатор/Силовой привод
Компонент конечности Боевого Робота, состоящий из сустава, связок миомерных мышц и контролирующих устройств.[1]

Aff - Афф
Принятая в Кланах аббревиатура, используется для утвердительных утверждений, происходит от английского "Affirmative"- "Утвердительно". В некоторых русских переводах книг серии BattleTech переводилось как "Ут" ( прим. пер.).

Air Lance - Звено воздушной поддержки
Альтернативное название для соединения аэрокосмичских сил, состоящее из 2 традиционных самолётов или аэрокосмических истребителей. Эскадрон состоит из шести звеньев.
В ранней терминологии (времён Звёздной Лиги, прим. пер.) Так назвалось звено, состоявшее из 2 аэрокосмических истребителей и 4 боевых роботов, в настоящее время (31 в.н.э.) такое употребление термина встречается крайне редко.

Archon-Designate - Архон-наследник
Титул, присваиваемый наследнику Лиранского Содружества. Пример: Мелисса Штайнер была Архоном-Наследником до смерти её матери в 3039 г.

Archon-Prince - Принц-Архон
Политический и военный лидер Федеративного Содружества, титул, комбинирующий звания Лиранского Архона и Первого Принца Федерации Солнц.


Ballistic weapons - Баллистическое оружие
Оружие, стреляющее неуправляемыми снарядами с высокой начальной скоростью, спроектированное для нанесения повреждений кинетического и/или взрывного характера. По сравнению с энергетическим оружием, баллистическое оружие производит значительно меньшее тепловыделение, но, в основновном, имеет более массивную и объемную конструкцию механизма, а также зависит от ограниченного боезапаса. Классификация на основании дульной энергии снаряда подразделяет Баллистическое оружие на три класса: пулемёты, автопушки и гауссовские винтовки.

Batchall - Вызов/Система заявок вызовов на поединок (в дословном переводе боевызов)
Принятый у воинов Кланов ритуал вызова на поединок. Хотя отдельные фразы и элементы ритуала могут отличаться, в большинстве случаев всё начинается с того, что нападающая сторона идентифицирует себя, объявляет цель поединка и запрашивает у защищающейся стороны какими силами она располагает и намерена обороняться, а также указать место, где произойдёт сражение. Далее между офицерами атакующей стороны происходят торги, победитель которых определяется по наименьшим заявленным силам для проведения атаки, он и получает право атаковать. Вызов считается завершённым, а заявки окончательными, после ритуальной фразы "заявки сделаны и приняты" произнесенной обоими сторонами.

Binary - Бинарий
Военное подразделение Кланов, состоящее из 2-х звёзд (см. пер. Star - Звезда).

Bug 'Mech (дословно Жуко-мехи)
Термин используется как в рамках вселенной, так и в реальном мире для слэнгового обозначения главным образом трио 20-тонных unseen-мехов: Locust, Stinger и Wasp (Саранча, Жало и Оса), ссылаясь как на их названия из мира насекомых, так и на их слабые боевые возможности по сравнению с более тяжелыми мехами. (Странно, что не упомянут Hornet - Шершень, пусть он и не unseen. прим. пер.)


Canister Born - Рождённые в канистре
Насмешливый жаргонизм вольнорожденных Кланов для названия либо части евгенистической программы по искусственному улучшению, либо вернорожденных воинов, полученных в результате этого процесса. Иногда сокращается до просто Canister.

Caste - Каста
Общество Кланов жёстко разделено на пять каст: воины, учёные, торговцы, техники и рабочие. В каждой касте много подкаст, образованных в зависимости от специализации. Шестая, неофициальная, бандиты или тёмная каста, существует вне общественного устройства Кланов.

Captain-General – Капитан-генерал
Глава государства Лига Свободных Миров.

Celestial Throne – Небесный трон
Иносказательное название титула Канцлера Конфедерации Капеллы.

Chalcas - Чалкас
Клановский термин, относящийся к персонам или убеждениям, нарушающим жёсткую клановую систему каст.

Chancellor - Канцлер
Глава государства Конфедерация Капеллы.

Cluster – Кластер (дословно Гроздь)
Военное подразделение Кланов, состоящее из 4-5 бинариев или тринариев (см. пер.), приблизительно равное, в эквиваленте воееных подразделений Внутренней Сферы, усиленному батальону или неполному полку. Как правило, кластер - это общевойсковое формирование.

Combat Loss Grouping – Допустимые боевые потери (дословно группировка боевых потерь)
Принцип, согласно которому группировка мехов (или других боевых единиц), вовлеченная в активные боевые дествия, будет накапливать повреждения до тех пор, пока несколько или все члены группировки будут подвергаться повреждениям в одно и то же время. Термин также может быть использован для описания времени, за которое подразделение понесет такие потери, что перестанет существовать как боевая единица.

Combined-Arms - Общевойсковой
Тип воинского формирования, включающего элементы разных родов войск (боевые роботы, техника, пехота, аэрокосмические войска и т.д.). Пропорции могут варьироваться от полков с приписанными батальонами бронетехники до подразделений с высокой концентрацией различных родов войск, имеющих в своем составе смешанные роты, отделения (звенья).

Commonality – Сообщество (дословно Общность)
Административная единица, принятая в Конфедерации Капеллы или независимых нациях. Изначально это большие раойны [Внутренней Сферы], состоявшие из государств-участников одной нации.

Command Circuit
Organized method of using series of JumpShips in relaying DropShip(s) to distant destinations in a short amount of time. For example, a DropShip leaving via Command Circuit might take a week to arrive instead of spending months travelling and waiting for JumpShips to recharge.

The Chief of State of the Draconis Combine; also, the head of the Kurita family.

Clan term referring to the minimum force necessary to win a trial for which there has been bidding. Bidders who can push their opponent into making a bid below the cutdown are considered clever, while those who win with a force smaller than the cutdown are greatly honored.

Capital Weapons
Weapons that are 10 times as powerful as standard scale weapons. The standard scale damage is 10 times that listed on tables unless otherwise noted. These weapons are found on WarShips and Fortresses. Capital Missiles may also be found on DropShips.


A appointed administrator of Duchy. A Diem will be charged to administrate small groups star systems referred to as warrens. The title is typically used by the Capellan Confederation.

The head of state of the Terran Hegemony.

A euphemism for the Draconis Combine or its head-of-state.


Elected Prince
The head of state of the Free Rasalhague Republic.
Alternate term for individual military vehicles, 'mechs, Aerospace fighters, and other combat units.
A title given to both the technologically advanced power armor and the elite genetically engineered Clan infantry who pilot them.
A rare unit that has endured trials, hardships, and is capable of great military feats. These are troops or units that have seen the worst of combat and have come through. Their exploits are the fodder of holovids. Also used for a character of any experience level that had roll/skill targets of two or less for gunnery and three or less for piloting in BattleTech.
Energy Weapons
Term for weapons which deal damage by directing a concentrated beam of particles or radiation against a target. Unlike Ballistic Weapons, energy weapons are extremely light and compact and when linked a fusion reactor are ammunition free, but produce very large amounts of waste heat. These weapons fall broadly into three classes: Flamers, Lasers and PPCs.
A 32nd Century Genotype of Clan Warrior that was first introduced by the scientist caste of Clan Jade Falcon. It combined all three existing geno-types of Clan Warrior; MechWarrior, Elemental, and Aerospace pilot. The resulting combination results in slightly shorter, large headed individuals who show superior reflexes and other abilities. Other Inner Sphere Clans have adopted the genotype as well. They are considered to be superior to typical Clan warrior, but also they are rarely used unless extreme situation are called for. The name of the genotype comes from term Elite Ristar.[2]
Errant MechWarrior
A lone Mechwarrior who is hired to act as protector of underdefended worlds. They are normally found in Periphery, and always own their own 'Mechs.[3]

First Prince
The leader of the Federated Suns and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns.

A Clan military formation consisting of 3-5 Clusters, roughly equivalent to an SLDF Brigade or a ComStar Army.
Genetic Repository
A Clan facility designed to store, maintain and create new Clan Warriors using the DNA of founding founders and their Bloodname successors. Taking two separate DNAs & they put into device known as Iron Wombs where child develops.
Typically applied to troops that are unblooded or inexperienced. Also used for a character of any experience level that had unmodified roll/skill targets of five or higher for gunnery and six or higher for piloting in BattleTech.

HeavyMetal Aero
The official CBT software for the design of AeroSpace Fighters, DropShips, JumpShips, WarShips, space stations, monitors & conventional (combat) fighters.
HeavyMetal Battle Armor
The official CBT software for the design of Battle Armor.
HeavyMetal Lite
The official CBT software for ProtoMech design, as well as printouts for Battle Armor and infantry platoon designs.
HeavyMetal Plus
A bundle of three official CBT software programs: HeavyMetal Pro, HeavyMetal Aero and HeavyMetal Vee.
HeavyMetal Pro
The official CBT software for 'Mech design.
HeavyMetal Vee
The official CBT software for designing combat vehicles.
Heavy Weapons
The new Core Books use this term for standard scale CBT Weapons.
Honorable withdrawal from battle granted by a Clan warrior to a defeated enemy. Hegira allows the opponent to withdraw honorably from the field without further combat or cost.
Designated person to succeed a person whom is the head of state, usually a person of nobility.
Alternate term for individual whom is designated to take over as head of state or a organization. Sometimes referred to as successor or Heir-apparent.
High Council
A group of democratic, hereditary, and other officials chosen by the leadership of the member-worlds of the Federated Suns who officially governed the nation.
House of Scions A
gathering of the Capellan nobility.
A type of high speed water-borne naval vehicle which can weigh over 100 tons. Typically they can be used as a type of Combat Vehicle known as a Surface Naval Vessel.[4]
Iron Womb
Clan device used to artificially conceive children. These devices are usually found in genetic repositories.
The spoils of battle, including bondsmen, claimed by victorious Clan warriors.

Abbreviation of Hyperspace Jump.
Jump Infantry
Type of infantry unit equipped with jet packs, greatly increasing maneuverability.

A entry level rank of Knight in the service The Republic of the Sphere. There is no equivalent to this rank. For information see article in Republic of the Sphere main article.
Land Train
A large ground-based Support Vehicle which consists of a tractor & multiple trailers. This type of vehicle can be either wheeled or tracked base. It usually from 160 to 200 tons. These vehicles serve as large capacity cargo vehicles on colonies or undeveloped worlds with no transportation infrastructure.
Light Weapons
Term the new core rules use for Pistols, Infantry Long Arms, and other weapons that are not commonly mounted in vehicles or on vehicle Pintle Mounts. These Weapons may be attached to BattleArmor Anti-Personnel Weapon Mounts and are not otherwise accounted for in the construction rules for any type of unit other than an Inner Sphere Infantry Platoon or Clan Solhama Infantry Squad.
Level I
The smallest ComStar and Word of Blake military formation, consisting of either a single BattleMech, armored vehicle or aerospace fighter, or single infantry squad.
Level II
A ComStar/Word of Blake military formation consisting of six Level I units, referred to as a demi-company.
Level III
A ComStar/Word of Blake military formation consisting of six Level II units, referred to as a battalion.
Level IV
A ComStar/Word of Blake military formation consisting of six Level III units, referred to as a division.
Level V
A ComStar/Word of Blake military formation consisting of six Level IV units, referred to as an army. Mostly an administrative grouping for regional deployment, they were deployed as field units only at the Battle of Tukayyid.
LoaderMech A commercial cargo handling Industrial Mech. Typically employed to do physical labor. They are usually powered by ICE power plants and used by civilians. They are also known to be used by military forces to reload weaponry and move supplies.
Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV)
A firm that designed a large number of Fusion Engines, Jump Jets, and other equipment. Seen primarily in the equipment that other firms produce by license.
Title of the Supreme Leader of Magistracy of Canopus. An elected title, which is voted on by the Central Committee & Canopian Electors. The title can be only held by a woman.
Medium Weapons
Term the new core rules use for Support Weapons.
Melee Weapons
Term for BattleMech scale melee weapons such as Hatchets and Swords. While nominally armed with ranged weaponry, the technological decline of the Succession Wars led to the development of specialized BattleMech scale melee weapons in response to the impromptu battlefield debris for physical attacks. While many deride melee weapons as a waste of tonnage, Clans considering them highly dishonorable, their ability to inflict increased damage without a heat cost has led to appear both in and outside the arenas of Solaris VII.
(New) Free World League political title created by Nikol Marik in 3138, whose duties include ministering to the people of the League to ensure people of the league remain free. [5] The MG also sits over FWL Parliament while it is in session and handles domestic affairs of the League. [6] Acts as primary aide to the Captain-General.
Missile Weapons
Missile Weapons are Rockets & Missiles that are fired from tubes and include an engine in the projectile. Some of these weapons travel a flat trajectory, others have an arcing trajectory that allows them to clear terrain features. In general parlance, Rockets are unguided and Missiles have some form of guidance.
A single-wheeled variation of the motorcycle.

A series of zellbrigen duels.[7]
Naval Star
A Clan formation consisting of 5-6 individual JumpShips or WarShips under the command of a Trueborn officer with the rank of Star Admiral.[8]
Clan abbreviation of "Negative".
A Clan military formation consisting of a Star of OmniMechs and a Star of Elementals. Rather than just being two separate Stars deployed together, Novas are trained in combined-arms tactics and operate as a single cohesive unit.

Clan name for the master of any particular clan ceremony. This can be a temporary position for small ceremonies or events such as trials, or a permanent position who answers to Khan of a Clan. Oathmasters are also responsible for knowing rules and laws he/she must use to conduct or judge in various ceremonies.
Occupation Zone
Name given to Inner Sphere territory that was taken by invading Clan forces. These zones are referred to by the Clan's name at head of them (example: Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone). Typically shortened to "OZ".
A MechWarrior's acronym for "Poor Bloody Infantry", those forced to fight without a 'Mech or other vehicle. Often crushed underfoot, toasted with Flamers, or riddled with Machine Gun bullets by amused pilots; PBI's fight back with shoulder-launched SRMs, Inferno missiles, hand Flamers, and satchel charges. Personal Weapons pistols and other small weapons carried in addition to any arms issued.
Pit Fighter
Solaris VII slang for specialized combat exoskeletons used in arena fighting.
An Inner Sphere military formation, a platoon is the infantry equivalent of the BattleMech/Combat Vehicle Lance, and can consist of anywhere between eight and 28 men depending on infantry type.
The smallest Clan military formation, consisting either of one BattleMech, two Land Vehicles or Aerospace Fighters, five Battle Armored Infantry or ProtoMechs, or five Squads of conventional infantry (25 men total). Commanded by a Point Commander.
Point Commander
A Clan rank, given to the commander of a Point.
Officially, the law-making body of the Capellan Confederation; made up of the six leaders of the Capellan member-states, which generally includes the current Chancellor.
A geo-political district of land or a group star systems. The latter is commonly utilized within in the Capellan Confederation, Draconis Combine, Republic of the Sphere. They are small collections of planets within a Commonality, each ruled by an appointed administrator.
Privy Council
A group of the highest advisors to the First Prince of the Federated Suns; extremely important in running the day-to-day affairs of the state.
Provisional Galaxy
A 2nd-Line or reserve Clan formation consisting mainly of 2nd-line BattleMechs and other 2nd-line equipment. Provisional Galaxies are used to garrison and defend Clan worlds.
Power Armor
Essentially an industrial Exo-Skeleton that has been covered in armor, this suit of infantry armor is powered by Battery Packs and may or may not be armed. Power Armor comes in the following flavors in the game rules: Power Armor (Light), Battle Armor (Light) (also known as Scout Battle Armor), Battle Armor (Medium), Battle Armor (Heavy) and Battle Armor (Assault).
Clan word used at the end of a question in which an affirmative response is expected.
Clan word used at the end of a question in which a negative response is expected.
Recharge station
A space station, generally located at a zenith or nadir point within a solar system, where JumpShips and WarShips can recharge their jump drives.
Clan honor-bound promise. Breaking a rede may be punishable by death.
A unit composed of troops that have some combat experience and have worked together for an extended period of time. Also used for a character of any experience level that had roll/skill targets of four for gunnery and five for piloting in BattleTech.
The Ongoing heroic saga detailing Clan history from the time of the Exodus to the present day. Each Clan has a slightly different version reflecting their own opinions and experiences, and all Clan warriors can quote whole verses of this marvelous epic from memory. See the Remembrance page for more information.
A colloquial term for Unseen mechs that have been given new artwork to bring the designs back into published works. Note: The stats themselves and the BattleTech name for the 'Mech were created by FASA and were therefore never in question, only the artwork.
Technological term for Primitive Technology in the late 31st Century. The Age of War level of technology was revitalized among haggard factions of the Inner Sphere to bolster their armies with any means of equipment.[9] The term was originally coined by the MRBC.[10]
Clan compound word for "rising star", referring to a particularly gifted warrior on his or her way to high position.
Rite of the Vision
Clan Nova Cat ritual which a warrior meditates before a large fire to bring on a vision of that person's future. The ritual uses objects known as a Vineer to bring about this vision. The warrior also does not sleep for over 24 hours and fasts.
Acronym that can mean either Role Playing Game or Rocket Propelled Grenade. The latter is not to be played with.

A post-Jihad Solaris VII infantry warrior. Can be part of a named team or a solo warrior.
A Clan epithet favored by members of the Warrior Caste, loosely translated as "freeborn."
Supernova (Unit)
A Clan military formation that consists of two Novas, i.e. two Stars of OmniMechs and two Stars of Elementals. A Supernova Trinary consists of three Novas.
Surface Naval Vessel These vessels are descended from the Ships and Boats in use today. They are loosely classed into standard hulled boats or Hydrofoils.


Terra Synchronized Time a.k.a TST
This relates the time on any world to the traditional, twenty-four hour clock set to the rise and the fall of local sun(s), dividing the world’s time into standard Earth hours & days. [11]
Pre-starflight death cult of assassins, which were secretly devoted to the Hindu death goddess named Kali. The cult was known to numerous enclaves throughout the Inner Sphere by 31st Century. They became more public in their devotion to Romano & Kali Liao in 31st Century viewing them as avatars.[12]
Mixed use term for any individual combat organized formation (Example: Lances, Companies, Etc.). This term is sometimes applied to individual vehicles/BattleMechs/Aerospace Fighters.
A unit that has several years of successful combat experience. Capable of undertaking the most difficult missions and succeeding. Also used for a character of any experience level that had roll/skill targets of three for gunnery and four for piloting in BattleTech.
A Clan Nova Cat name for a object from a warrior's past which is used for their Clan's Rite of the Vision. The object is usually a fragment of the person's life in which they throw into a fire to bring about a vision of warrior's future.[13]

Free World League title first used in 3139, for a person whom oversees FWL’s military.[14]

Political faction in Clans society.

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