Alright, I need to break this down into sections.
Gyrok, on 18 March 2015 - 03:52 PM, said:
You *can* alpha the stalker, but get about 60% heat, ironically about the same as TW.
This isn't true. with the builds
I linked earlier, you get 72% heat alpha from the stalker. The Timberwolf's alpha only hits 42%. You can make these builds yourself, drop in canyon and try it.
Now, the bigger factor, splitting 3s against a full alpha. Well, considering duration quirks,
If you split a stalker's laser into a 3/3 volley vs TW alpha the heat % is practically identical because of the difference in DHS.
The Stalker does not have a beam duration quirk, or do you mean battle duration?
the stalker needs just .2 seconds more to get all 54 on target due to long beam times on clan weapons.
No, it needs .35 seconds more...
Large Laser Beam Duration: 1 second
Perfect Large laser 1-2 combo duration: 1.5 seconds.
Timberwolf Alphastrike: Longest beam duration (ER ML) 1.15 seconds.
1.5 - 1.15 = 0.35s
And unless you have a macro, there will almost always be a bit of padding between the first and second shot making it even longer.
After cooling and cooldown quirks, you actually net a higher effective DPS with the stalker than you do the TW.
Taking all possible quirks, skills, and modules into consideration
The timberwolf build I listed has a
12.5 DPS
The stalker build I listed has a
13.3 DPS
However this is with an absolutely perfect macro'd .5 second separation between shots. I think realistically this is a wash.
Especially if we get into sustained where the Stalker can continually put 27 damage downrange at an alarming rate.
If we get into a sustained fight than you have to take into consideration heat dissipation. It's way higher on the timberwolf because you have +5 double heatsinks. This is important for delaying the initial build up to 100% heat, but even more crucial is the time it takes to cooldown after that will favor the timberwolf.
Neither of us have these numbers, but I would wager that in a sustained fight lasting a minute, the higher heat threshold and dissipation rate would favor the Timberwolf. I would be curious to test this. See how much damage you could throw at a target in a minute or two.
Mobility...yes, there is that, however, someone who plays assaults in a comp setting will be aware of positioning to take best advantage of the mech they are using. Considering the damage per heat advantage at range against the clans, what should be an advantage turns out to be an inherent weakness in this case. As the TW cannot keep up in the sustained race at all, and cannot compete for alpha damage beyond 446m.
Come on man, you're really stretching it. Extra mobility is a weakness? Competitive assault players know exactly where to position their mech so that their slowness is never a factor? Because that is essentially what you are saying. The "best" position to be in will change about 5 seconds into a fight and continue changing throughout that fight. Being able to reposition to those better locations as quickly as possible is a huge asset.
So, essentially, it takes a TW teamwork to bring down a larger more tanky stalker when playing the same game the clans try to be best at. Except the TW loses. We are not even talking about things like thuds yet that get better range quirks to ERLL and better heat quirks.
This whole argument about who would win in a fight is a false dichotomy. The stalker is an 85 ton assault mech and the Timberwolf is a 75 ton heavy. Of course a stalker
should beat a timberwolf in a straight 1v1 fight. It has a 93 hitpoint advantage! Being able to kill a TW in a Stalker does not mean the TW is balanced. (although the reverse would be troubling) That would be like a cicada trying to solo my hunchback. Whether this is the case or not, I'm not sure, and I'm not here for that reason. If we wanted to see who would win in a fight we would need to drop into a lobby game and do some 1v1 tests. That way we could see how things like heat, weapon mounts, clan vs IS balance, jumpjets, and mobility play out. My only purpose for dropping into this black hole of a thread is trying to clear up some of the misinformation that some people keep trotting out. Speaking of which...
So...I hope you see the math lines up on this just defies most people's perception of things.
EDIT: Just to add, the range quriks also buff the range 5 module, or vice versa if you prefer. So, while you do get 545 with quirks, it stacks to add 54.5 or rounded to 55m or 600 even for the 4N after quirks, hence my comment about 600m.
No, quirks and modules are additive not multiplicative.
- Large Laser: is 450 meters base optimal range.
- Large Laser with 20% range quirk is 540 meters optimal range.
- Large Laser with 20% range quirk and level 5 range module (10%) is 585 meters. (20% + 10% = 30%)
You claimed 653 meters in the original thread I quoted.
Here, if you don't believe me I took a screenshot. (which also proves what a full alpha does to heat with 20 DHS Stalker)
Edited by Jman5, 19 March 2015 - 08:34 AM.