MischiefSC, on 19 March 2015 - 02:53 PM, said:
Not the same thing as just having a bad game. Sometimes you just show up with a bucket full of suck. Happens, no hard feelings. Intentionally sandbagging the team happens sometimes too and it's not unreasonable to get a smack upside the head for it.
Maybe talking to people one on one or in their private teamspeak is one thing. Publicly embarrassing your own members in front of people who you know are going to remember it and call you on it later is another thing entirely. There's no good reason to ever do that to your own people.
My skin is more than thick enough to manage that sort of criticism, no problem. Every member my unit has ever seen? Not so much, and I don't expect it either. I don't make it an entry requirement for members to be able to cope with verbal abuse because I don't think it's necessary to begin with. It's very possible to coach players and bring out the best in everyone without resorting to drill sergeant nonsense or public shaming.
Drill sergeants work in the army because raw recruits are under contract and are pretty much stuck with them until they get with the program or wash out. MWO is a video game. No one's stuck with anyone. If people don't enjoy the time they have with their own unit, they're not going to play with you any more.
The rest of the community can shlorgen my gutenmorgen. But I will always have my people's backs. Is this really such an alien concept to the carebear community?
Edited by Vlad Ward, 20 March 2015 - 11:38 AM.