Nightmare1, on 07 March 2015 - 11:32 AM, said:
The worst recent example was a two-man pug group that dropped with our 10-man. Three of us got disco'ed (including myself, the designated Commander for that drop). While we were trying to reconnect, one of the two puggers assumed command, jumbled our nicely organized lances, and then hightailed it across the map with his buddy and hid for the match. Towards the end, when it became obvious that the 12-man had beaten us (Fighting 10v12 and getting a late start due to three discos and a jumbled drop organization didn't help!) he started chewing us out for losing the match and how we had failed our "responsibility" to win for him since he and his buddy were just puggers.
I've also been in other 10-Man drops where one pugger decides to run the match and tries to override the Drop Commander. That's annoying as all get-out and leads to a lot of confusion. groups fuss at/about Pugs? Yes, I've seen it in game. Is it common? Not from my perspective, but it does occur at least once each time I run a series of matches. Is it more common/worse to see Pugs fuss at Groups? Yes, from my perspective, it happens all the time.
However, it may also all depend on your elo, game mode, and of course, the pilots themselves.
Welp, I've seen quite a few matches where Unit pilots decide to drop pug, then ragequit because they forgot how it was like to pug and can't handle it.
As for "undermining unit command," I have no problem following a unit commander so long as his orders make sense and don't take FOREVER to execute. Been in quite a few drops with large unit groups where the first assault doesn't even start until 8 minutes into the match.
I mean, what's the friggin point of running the clock that early into a game???