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Solo Players In Cw - A Pain

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#41 Johnny Z


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 10:27 AM

View PostNecromantion, on 06 March 2015 - 09:40 AM, said:

Yeah I am saying that. Each faction has its on +'s and -'s right now and that creates diversity. I have no issues nor do other competent players pulling the same numbers from IS to Clan mechs and winning the same number of games.

I would gladly duel your adder with any IS firestarter/Jenner/Spider/Raven that I have.

I would take most IS lights over Clan lights. Toe to toe IS lights are better with maybe an exception for a streak adder/kitfox but nobody runs those in CW because the crow/maddog/timberwolf or even summoner streak boat better as they are just as mobile and have more armor.

You saying that pumas are overpowered shows how dense you really are and from our matches against you in CW i cannot say that I would consider your input to be anything other than biased and that of a mediocre at best player who has only really played a significant amount of time as IS.

For what the dual CERPPC Adder is used for it does it better than any IS light. If i put streaks on it I will wipe the floor with any IS light.

Regarding your comments about my playing, I get bored of scoring 2800 damage and taking 13 Clan mechs with me on the Star map match so sometimes I score lower. Sometime if half the team is Clan synch droppers trolling Inner Sphere public teams my score is mediocre at best, something you would know alot about. :) But as you know my score is at the top more often than not for my team and sometimes both teams, yes even on a loss once or twice lol.

Edited by Johnny Z, 06 March 2015 - 10:40 AM.

#42 Chagatay


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 10:38 AM

View PostJohnny Z, on 06 March 2015 - 10:27 AM, said:

For what the dual CERPPC Adder is used for it does it better than any IS light. If i put streaks on it I will wipe the floor with any IS light.

Er....NO. Though I might run a streak build on the adder when I get around to that chassis. Seems like it could work as long as you look unassuming enough. Just need to tap that flamer and make them think "Oh it's just a silly flamer, no threat there......OH *&^#!!! What the *&^& just hit me"

Once the Quirkening happens though, you may indeed be shown to be a prophet of things to come. I, for one, welcome our new Adder overlords.

Edited by Chagatay, 06 March 2015 - 10:40 AM.

#43 Necromantion


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 12:17 PM

View PostJohnny Z, on 06 March 2015 - 10:27 AM, said:

For what the dual CERPPC Adder is used for it does it better than any IS light. If i put streaks on it I will wipe the floor with any IS light.

Regarding your comments about my playing, I get bored of scoring 2800 damage and taking 13 Clan mechs with me on the Star map match so sometimes I score lower. Sometime if half the team is Clan synch droppers trolling Inner Sphere public teams my score is mediocre at best, something you would know alot about. :) But as you know my score is at the top more often than not for my team and sometimes both teams, yes even on a loss once or twice lol.

The panther does what the adder does with more mobility and better heat efficency. Your argument is invalid.

Sure thing, I cant wait to see you again soon in game then as out of the multiple matches over the last week or two in CW have been anything other than the context you just stated. I have not sync dropped public queue in months. Hasnt ever been the case when I have seen you in game.

#44 girl on fire


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 12:43 PM

View PostHARDKOR, on 06 March 2015 - 07:13 AM, said:

But please, please, wait for there to be a group of people with a clue in there before you pile on. I'm getting really sick of playing 12 randoms who's MVP is the dropship.

is it really necessary to be a self congratulatory douchebag?

(the only acceptable answer is no, by the way, so you know... Stop it.)

Nobody gives a **** how much better you think you are than pugs at pressing the buttons... and how many times are you going to trot this "drop ship is better than you lulz" line? It wasn't funny the first time and it's not funny now.

Edited by girl on fire, 06 March 2015 - 12:55 PM.

#45 Basilisk222


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 12:57 PM

View PostJohnny Z, on 06 March 2015 - 10:27 AM, said:

For what the dual CERPPC Adder is used for it does it better than any IS light. If i put streaks on it I will wipe the floor with any IS light.

Regarding your comments about my playing, I get bored of scoring 2800 damage and taking 13 Clan mechs with me on the Star map match so sometimes I score lower. Sometime if half the team is Clan synch droppers trolling Inner Sphere public teams my score is mediocre at best, something you would know alot about. :) But as you know my score is at the top more often than not for my team and sometimes both teams, yes even on a loss once or twice lol.

Have you Piloted an Adder? as one of my favorite lights, I've got a LOT of time in it. My adder runs 3 small lasers and an LBX-20, and I use it as a shock trooper, quick engagements and glancing blows. It's very very effective, it gets 14 shots, and laser back up. It runs pretty cool and I can brawl for enough time to strip a component and run off. Against lights, generally I can kill them if they run off since the LBX does so much damage and rear armor isn't really a thing on a lot of lights.

The adder is not really a good streak machine. It's not fast enough to keep up, it really can't compete with ECM unless you waste a missle HP for for a NARC or run a TAG. and it can't boat enough streaks to really kill a light. The Adder, at least in my experience, is one of the few lights that fights more like a medium, load it up with weapons and hit hard close or far away.

Tangoing with lights won't help you much, the Adder's arms are easy to hit and once one is gone, the Chassis is very dead. It's well suited to movement sniping and surprise alpha brawling. Adder Vs. Firestarter is a bad place to be.

EDIT- Maybe it can be, I still wouldn't boat the SSRM though, that leaves it with 3 SSRM 6 and a laser, I'D still think you'd be short an arm by the time you got lock and fired in some instances though.

Edited by Kilgorin Strom, 06 March 2015 - 01:03 PM.

#46 Necromantion


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 01:10 PM

View Postgirl on fire, on 06 March 2015 - 12:43 PM, said:

how many times are you going to trot this "drop ship is better than you lulz" line? It wasn't funny the first time and it's not funny now.

Its actually quite funny because its true.

#47 Gyrok


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 01:33 PM

View PostKilgorin Strom, on 06 March 2015 - 12:57 PM, said:

Have you Piloted an Adder? as one of my favorite lights, I've got a LOT of time in it. My adder runs 3 small lasers and an LBX-20, and I use it as a shock trooper, quick engagements and glancing blows. It's very very effective, it gets 14 shots, and laser back up. It runs pretty cool and I can brawl for enough time to strip a component and run off. Against lights, generally I can kill them if they run off since the LBX does so much damage and rear armor isn't really a thing on a lot of lights.

The adder is not really a good streak machine. It's not fast enough to keep up, it really can't compete with ECM unless you waste a missle HP for for a NARC or run a TAG. and it can't boat enough streaks to really kill a light. The Adder, at least in my experience, is one of the few lights that fights more like a medium, load it up with weapons and hit hard close or far away.

Tangoing with lights won't help you much, the Adder's arms are easy to hit and once one is gone, the Chassis is very dead. It's well suited to movement sniping and surprise alpha brawling. Adder Vs. Firestarter is a bad place to be.

EDIT- Maybe it can be, I still wouldn't boat the SSRM though, that leaves it with 3 SSRM 6 and a laser, I'D still think you'd be short an arm by the time you got lock and fired in some instances though.

2xSSRM6 and 2xERMLs would serve better I think...you would get better heat efficiency, more ammo, and room for the CAP you would so badly need.

#48 TheLastUn1corn


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 01:48 PM

Please folks, move the discussion about ups and downs of clans and IS to other threads; it just isn't what I was talking about initially and it isn't what this discussion should be about. I had the very same experiences playing as IS and clan, so for me this is no important factor of the problem I am talking about.

It might be that I was just very very unlucky lately in CW, and that many other players come across Group/PUG situations less often. But still, the fact, that those situations do exist, is imho a reason to complain about the MM system. Regarding the "find a group and you will do better" portion: I had some bad experiences with groups/outfits/whatever they might be called in different online games, including group leaders kicking newbies for not coming online for a week. And as I don't have enough friends playing MWO I can't form a group of my own.

If group play was to be the only acceptable way to participate in CW, then I request an official statement about this from PGI. As long as this isn't the case, I feel like PUGs composed of reasonably skillfull Pilots should have a fair chance in this mode just as they have in the normal queue.

#49 Czarr


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 06:56 PM

For awhile i was raging on these forums cause i was soloing and getting ROLFstomped and i blamed the game. But really, now that i come to think about it the game is a team based game. If you don't want to play as a team then don't expect to win, HOWEVER! The game still disappoints me cause pugs still get stomped even with VOIP although we aren't getting stomped that badly as before

My suggestions if you're a solo player is to stick with a deathmatch. I actually find that more fun then CW as a solo player. Really this game is two games in one....deathmatch for loners and small groups, and CW for roleplayers and competitive teams. So you have two choices to play. Or if you want to make things better for your soloing experience...go on to any number of the IS ran teamspeaks, i am sure they will let you play with them. I know for A FACT that JF has a faction wide TS

Edited by Czarr, 06 March 2015 - 07:04 PM.

#50 Asmosis


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 08:54 PM

went through the same set of problems with the base game and premades vs pugs and the only way to fix it "in theory" is to separate large premade groups from pugs.

In practice it doesn't work though because even 12man premades don't want to fight 12man premades for the most part which has been readily proven time and time over.

If I were interested in another game, but people said "casual players aren't welcome, you need an organized team to play" I don't think I'd go much further than that. Same thing is happening with CW right now. Gave it a decent try, but after losing 11/12 matches (one win by default) and getting about 1/4 the cbills for time invested compared to deathmatch mode, I think i'll pass for now.

Edited by Asmosis, 06 March 2015 - 08:56 PM.

#51 GernMiester


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Posted 06 March 2015 - 10:14 PM

View PostTheLastUn1corn, on 05 March 2015 - 05:45 PM, said:

So, right now I feel like the Invasion game mode is geared towards a very small percentage of MWO players: the ones who have a group of 12 (or something like 10 at least) people to play with, so they can drop as a homogenous group with superior communication and organization. Now, what seems to happen really rarely at the moment, is that such groups are paired up against equal groups on the other side. Most of the time I see the Matchmaker putting a (nearly) full group against a PUG, that contains either only small groups or, more often, no groups at all.

Most of the time, the outcome of this is rather enraging: the full group just stomps the PUG, sometimes without even losing some 5 mechs. I had 4 invasion matches today, and all 4 went on like this.

So what are the results of this? Community Warfare, being held up as the shining example of where MWO is going to be in several years, is actually rapdily losing player support: a lot of single players and mini-groups are disappointed of how terribly unbalanced most matches are and therefore decide to play CW less often. Today, a player even told me in the chat: "It's not fun. In fact I never had fun in this mode".

To me, this is really sad, as I remember the time when CW did just come out: no big groups would fill the lobbies; instead, it was almost always PUG against PUG with only minor groups inside. Back then, this mode was fun for everybody, down to even the most casual player, now it's only fun for a selected few. Bearing this in mind, "Elite Warfare" seems more of a correct term to describe this mode as it is now...

So, what could be done about this? I suggest adjusting the Matchmaker in a way that would make big groups stand up against other big groups instead of taking a full group on one side and trying to puzzle up a PUG on the other. To achieve this, I would vote for a more general lobby system: to most players it is not important, what exact planet they are attacking or defending right now as the whole galaxy system isn't really working as promised so far. So why don't we make it so that players of one faction would join a single lobby, from where they would then be redirected to any planet where an equally qualified enemy group is formed. This would result in Groups fighting Groups and PUGs fighting PUGs on separate planets. As a result, group players, who are enjoying (or maybe not so much) a big grindfest just now, would get more of a challenge while solo players and small groups would be able to reasonably participate and have fun in CW.

What do you guys think about this? Are you group or solo players, and what are your experiences on this topic?

I play MWO solo every time, my friends don't play PC games anymore at all. Lame consoles have corrupted them

I get matched in under 2 minutes or I leave. Most of the time I join right into a full group with a 30 second countdown. A quick look between matches and if the numbers are good I go, if not then it's back to PUG'n.

I wait longer to play in the PUG queue when the numbers are good

#52 wanderer


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 08:31 AM

View PostReverend Poison, on 06 March 2015 - 08:36 AM, said:

Possible Band Aid for CW woes: stock loadouts only.

Because all we need to improve CW is crappy, uncustomized layouts that barely function in MWO, many of which lack enough ammo to sustain fire through a single wave or things like double heat sinks.

#53 Wingbreaker


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 08:39 AM

View PostReverend Poison, on 06 March 2015 - 08:36 AM, said:

Levels of participation in CW are well below at least what I expected. Due to? I could go down the list but I just do not feel like aggravating myself as PGI seems to have ears and eyes that just do not function nominally.

Possible Band Aid for CW woes: stock loadouts only.

I'll uh... be nice. How many did you expect to be fighting over a single planet? A thousand? Two thousand?

Because we regularly have well over two hundred per planet in the Falcon and Wolf OZs.

#54 Tasker


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 08:39 AM

View Postwanderer, on 07 March 2015 - 08:31 AM, said:

Because all we need to improve CW is crappy, uncustomized layouts that barely function in MWO, many of which lack enough ammo to sustain fire through a single wave or things like double heat sinks.

Would be pretty good deal for Clanners. Already bring three Storm Crow. Why not four?

#55 Wingbreaker


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 08:45 AM

View PostTasker, on 07 March 2015 - 08:39 AM, said:

Would be pretty good deal for Clanners. Already bring three Storm Crow. Why not four?

Christ I will be so happy when I can totally get rid of scrows from my deck. Ebon Shaguar and ShadowCat can't get here fast enough.



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Posted 07 March 2015 - 08:50 AM

View Postgirl on fire, on 06 March 2015 - 12:43 PM, said:

is it really necessary to be a self congratulatory douchebag?

(the only acceptable answer is no, by the way, so you know... Stop it.)

Nobody gives a **** how much better you think you are than pugs at pressing the buttons... and how many times are you going to trot this "drop ship is better than you lulz" line? It wasn't funny the first time and it's not funny now.

It's not supposed to be a joke or a brag or whatever you want to read into it. The ratio of games where the enemy drops ships and turrets do as much or more damage than the enemy team is way too high. I do not find this enjoyable.

In my average play session of say, 25 games, there's 1-2 close exciting games, 1-2 losses(my second favorite outcome), 5-15 games where the enemy puts up a decent fight but it's really just a farm, 5-15 games where the turrets and dropship are MVP, and 0-5 turret drops.

If people would wait for a small group to get in cue before forming their 12 man, it would go a lot better. Lots of the close games are pugs with a small group leading them and those can be great fights. Full blown group of single players? Rarely a good fight. A moment of patience and actual intention when joining the cue can make the game better for everyone. The system depends on you being a rational actor, not just a lemming.

#57 masCh


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 03:16 PM

It doesn't matter if you yoruself have a 12 man group or not.

If you wait for an hour for a match with humans, all the while ghost-dropping and the only enemy on the scenario is Omega because the enemy can't form up a 12-man defence a whole hour then you know your own ability to form a 12-man group is not the problem here.

#58 jaxjace


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 03:22 PM

View PostTheLastUn1corn, on 05 March 2015 - 05:45 PM, said:

So, right now I feel like the Invasion game mode is geared towards a very small percentage of MWO players: the ones who have a group of 12 (or something like 10 at least) people to play with, so they can drop as a homogenous group with superior communication and organization. Now, what seems to happen really rarely at the moment, is that such groups are paired up against equal groups on the other side. Most of the time I see the Matchmaker -

Let me stop you right there noob because thats when i stopped reading. there is no matchmaker in CW have a good day.

#59 Flaming oblivion


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 03:24 PM

Don't play cw the vast majority aren't already , Its all you need to do.

They will get the message

#60 jaxjace


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 03:24 PM

View PostFlaming oblivion, on 07 March 2015 - 03:24 PM, said:

Don't play cw the vast majority aren't already , Its all you need to do.

They will get the message

Or L2P

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