I've heard a lot of incredibly cool sounding ways to give loyalist units something to distinguish them from mercs besides not needing to renew their contracts, the notion that loyalist units would be the ones in charge of handling merc contracts seems particularly popular. But many of these proposed solutions require a level of complexity that CW simply isn't ready for and likely won't be for some time. I am here to present a solution that simply adjusts the mechanics of the system that is already in place rather then requiring an entirely new one to be built from the ground up.
Awarding LP based on what fraction of what pilots were in a given drop sounds like it would be the easiest to do, but it is also thoroughly unsatisfying to fluff-lovers such as myself. I have written up a (incomplete, haphazard) list of mostly possible fluff-friendly matchups of what loyalists would be able to defend who from what. I tried to have it set up so that loyalists would be able to defend as many factions as possible, but I really had to stretch it.
Apologies if the proposed list of combinations above seems a bit Kurita centric. I tried to have this post be as much for loyalists of every faction as I could, but it should be a pretty easy guess as to which house I'm on permanent contract with. Apologies again to all you Clan loyalists out there who I left out in the single-faction-LP-rewards snow.
Adjusting the LP reward system this way would have several benefits for all loyalists, Inner Sphere loyalist especially. The first and most obvious would be that there would be less prominent benefits to faction hopping and, conversely, fewer drawbacks to staying loyal. The second benefit would be that factions suffering from low populations would have a wider pool of possible defenders for their worlds and attackers would not have to sit through so many ghost drops. The third benefit is that conflicts between Inner Sphere factions, particularly the southerners, would not place as much of a drain on loyalist pilots as they do now.
The specifics of this idea aren't critical, but here is how I would see it done if I were the man in charge.
1) Dropping on a given factions planet nets you half the win bonus reward of your current contract plus half the rewards of the faction you're dropping in the defense of. So if a Draconis Combine Pilot (current win bonus rewards are 100,000 c-bills and 150 LP with permanent contract multiplier) drops in the defense of a Free World League planet (current rewards 62,500 c-bills and 65 LP with no contract multiplier) if he won he would receive a grand total of 81,250 c-bills, 75 LP for house Kurita, and 33 LP for House Marik with whatever LP he earned in that match being split no more then 50/50 and the larger share of points being rewarded in favor of this parent faction. This way loyalists can earn LP for factions other then their own, but are still rewarded for fighting for their home faction above all.
2) "Loyalist" does not mandate a permanent contract. I'm less sure of the specifics of how this portion would work, but renewing the 30 day contract for one faction and only one faction for months on end ought to count for something.
3) If the "fraction of pilots from a given faction fighting on your team gives you LP based on what faction they are" method is chosen alongside/instead of the ability for Inner Sphere pilots to drop in defense of other factions in IS vs IS battles, then these LP are rewarded in addition to the usual LP bonuses for fighting and winning, rather then being divided up like in 1). These rewards would likely be miniscule (single digit % per faction pilot in the group), but at least it's there providing a source of non-factional LP to the loyalist player.
Edited by Ultra-Laser, 07 March 2015 - 11:06 PM.