There is a weekly 'work item prioritization' call for one of the myriad legacy systems at work. There are a lot of different groups that need to use this system, and it was decided that representatives from each of the primary business units would group and prioritize their internal items before the weekly call.
I'm one of them.
Each of the six team members presents their top items, and we have a... robust discussion about which items should be selected for the slots available in a given week. This week we had three, which was above average.
Everyone put forth their items, and we decided on the ones that appeared to have the biggest impact. Because my area has already solved most of our critical items, I haven't been able to get a slot in this year - but given the [problems] that some of the other teams are facing, I'm ok with that.
So, as we're wrapping up the call this guy who was invited by one of the team members to present his item demands to know when his item will be selected. We explain that he's going to have to try next week, as there are bigger fish to fry this week.
UNACCEPTABLE! This is HUGE issue for him! His Director needs this solved NOW, and he wasn't going to take no for an answer!
Except, well, he was going to *have* to, because his item *wasn't* as important as the others, and he didn't havw the authority to override the (higher ranked) member of the team from his business unit.
We got a note later from his team lead apologizing for Mr. Angry.
What's your point, Strat?
Just this: screaming about how PGI must - *must* - drop everything to get you the items you demand RIGHT NOW isn't likely to change their priorities.
You know the items that impact you the most. You should *absolutely* bring that to their attention, as player feedback is going to reveal issues that simply aren't going to be discovered otherwise.
You should lay out how the issue impacts your gameplay experience.
You should *not* throw a [redacted] hissy fit.
Because you're not only reducing their ability to assess the real impact of the issue, you're making yourself look like a [surat].
And while I don't expect Doctor Cranky to be on my call next week, his attitude grated on me to the point that if there were two issues that were equally impacting, I'd be choosing the other - *just* to spite him.
Don't be that guy. Raise your issues and concerns,but if you want to be taken seriously, don't be a [surat]
Edited by Marvyn Dodgers, 14 March 2015 - 02:57 AM.