Lily from animove, on 18 March 2015 - 08:09 AM, said:
yes winning in the term of the original goal, meaning ending the IS selfdestructible behavior.
conquering terra is not to rebuild the SLDF, rebuilding SLDF is one goal to get peace. But whoever controls terra controls the IS because of the HPG's. So terra is the initial and most easy way to achieve this goal.
And so, no we don't need to win more proactive. We break logistics of war, war stops poeple may do better thins than killing each other.
I never said conquering Terra would be preventative to restoring the SLDF. However it is one of the recognised invasion goals in terms of helping to determine the ilClan and also that Terra is the traditional recognised seat of power for the IS. HPG's are all over the galaxy and doesn't just need Terra to control them. Though the technological advantage of Terra itself and COMSTAR who hold the key to the Tech recognise Terra as their home planet, but they could control the HPGs from anywhere. Other than the large proportion of tech on the planet itself there isn't any real purposeful aim to needing Terra for logistical purposes.
Stopping war is not winning the peace though and I personally find the idea of not being proactive about restoring the aims and purposes of peace to be rather naive and/or irresponsible. To think peace "just happens" doesnt really sit with me. It is something you have to work at, otherwise there would be no need for diplomacy. The socio-economic factors then something that requires investment effort and negotiation in re-building relations and trust with other factions, organisations etc.
Also the SLDF is/was a "defense force". It is a necessary evil as a deterent for other parties not waging war and then recognised as the policing factor in defending the IS from external invaders in whatever form. So the logistics of war wouldn't completely go away at all.
I therefore continue to uphold the idea that peace is something you have to work at as a part of rebuilding and fostering good relations with other parties.
http://en.wikipedia....i/Marshall_Plan )
Edited by Noesis, 18 March 2015 - 11:52 AM.