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Let's Talk About Ping. At What Point Do You Start Actually Noticing A Difference To Your Gameplay?

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#461 General Solo


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Posted 11 January 2018 - 04:45 PM

I notice things are much better during non peak times, (Australian east coast evenings/nights
, which suggests to me some bottlenecking during peak on PGI's side.

#462 Tankertoad 380th OMS


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Posted 11 January 2018 - 06:18 PM

I start noticing ping related issues somewhere in the 2-300 range. Above 300, there's a lot of graphics issues and the game becomes almost unplayable.

#463 Liveish


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Posted 11 January 2018 - 11:06 PM

View PostTankertoad 380th OMS, on 11 January 2018 - 06:18 PM, said:

I start noticing ping related issues somewhere in the 2-300 range. Above 300, there's a lot of graphics issues and the game becomes almost unplayable.

What graphics issues?

#464 BenAran


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Posted 12 January 2018 - 04:02 AM

So, I either have 30-50 ping (europe) or 120-170 (USA) and both work well, you really only see a short delay in lasers.
As for when actual "errors" occur, 500 and up seem to be where hiccups can occur, like hits not registering, lasers work semi decently.
At over 800 the game pretty much almost never lets you hit anything and at 1000+, its over.

#465 Burning2nd


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 02:30 PM

as a locust pilot.. 40ms i can do.. 100ms gets me killed

#466 Angus McFife VI


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 08:57 PM

View PostJon Cunningham, on 12 March 2015 - 03:22 PM, said:

Especially for people who have experienced the game at different pings, at what point do you start noticing ping is having an affect on your gameplay?

1-50 ms
50-90 ms
90-140 ms
400+ ms

I have a lot of data from internal tests but I am looking for your experiences. Of course remember that jitter and packet loss fps and many other factors also impact gameplay; I'm just looking for what your subjective experiences are at each range of those pings.

90-140 is when it gets bad. But usually you want it under 90.

#467 Garamanus


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Posted 14 January 2018 - 12:55 AM

I regularly get 260, which is a bad gaming experience, it is like playing drunk!.
I do not play with lasers, PPCs and the like,
I use Ballistic, but mainly the big calibers at close range.
LRMs have been my go to weapon, but you do not become a good player with them.
Back in the day I used streaks, and could make an impact on the game.
Why were they nurfed so harshly?
I stop playing at over 300.
I tried the Singapore server, but the stability makes it worse even though the ping is lower at 160-180

#468 Laser Kiwi


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Posted 14 January 2018 - 07:43 PM

playing like you are drunk at 260 ping, stop drinking while you play, that'll sort it out.

#469 Throe


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 06:02 PM

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Edited by Throe, 08 November 2018 - 05:09 PM.

#470 Threee


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 10:33 AM

As someone who plays the commando quite a bit, i get a pretty intimate look at ping both from how easy it is for me, as well as how many ppl start complaining about me lagging (honestly u should be locked to under 100 kph if ur ping is like over 300ish), but ive also played with pretty shiet connections and computers almost all my life so im used to a bit of lag. on american servers i get about 30-40 ping, and obviously thats fine. euro i get 110 ping give or take, usually this is fine but ive had other ppl complain about me lagging around on euro servers, so meh. on Asian servers i get ~300 ping, which is noticeable but still playable (for the most part) however, i suspect the enemy must hate seeing me on those servers, as ive been accused of lag switching more then once on asian servers. mind you tho, at 167kph, any packetloss would make me near impossible to hit, so if i know im lagging i try and take something slower for the sake of the red teams' sanity

#471 Throe


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Posted 22 January 2018 - 04:06 PM

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Edited by Throe, 08 November 2018 - 04:34 PM.

#472 Pawn Couch


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Posted 23 January 2018 - 03:00 PM

Cant always get a game on OCE 125ms, so its 300ms on NA and 450ms on EU, i usually notice that when i torso twist in brawls i tend to still get hit on the side i have turned away.

#473 Sebaztien Hawke


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Posted 30 January 2018 - 03:32 PM

From Auckland, NZ
Average Ping NA servers: 250ms
Average Ping European servers: 290ms

It sucks, but down here in NZ and Aussie we learn to compensate and lead targets somewhat. We’d be a heck of a lot more deadly with the latency North American players enjoy ; )

I know from War Thunder that a difference of latency of 60ms was worth maybe 3 aerial kills per match for me, so here in MWO I am guessing it might be 1 (or 2) kills per match and 100 damage lost compared to what we could be doing with half the latency. I have had games with 4 or 5 kills but I think they were be more frequent with a better connection.

#474 Liveish


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Posted 30 January 2018 - 04:48 PM

View PostSebaztien Hawke, on 30 January 2018 - 03:32 PM, said:

From Auckland, NZ
Average Ping NA servers: 250ms
Average Ping European servers: 290ms

It sucks, but down here in NZ and Aussie we learn to compensate and lead targets somewhat. We’d be a heck of a lot more deadly with the latency North American players enjoy ; )

I know from War Thunder that a difference of latency of 60ms was worth maybe 3 aerial kills per match for me, so here in MWO I am guessing it might be 1 (or 2) kills per match and 100 damage lost compared to what we could be doing with half the latency. I have had games with 4 or 5 kills but I think they were be more frequent with a better connection.

Nah MWO has a good HSR, so its not that bad, Befoer HSR yeah it sucked :(

#475 Soulless86


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Posted 12 June 2018 - 08:49 PM

I play from Australia and have 350 ping in Europe, 250 odd in US, 15 - 60 in Oceanic - I've never really noticed much difference in performance.

#476 Credomane


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Posted 28 June 2018 - 07:43 AM

I have a range of pings I've played at:
@home 100-160ms over ethernet. US servers. Works great.
@home 180-260ms over ethernet. Euro servers. Works great.
@gf 60-120 ms over wifi. US servers. Works great. No clue why this is lower ping than @home over ethernet on US servers.
@gf 180-260 ms over wifi. Euro servers. Works well enough zoom is slightly delayed. same ping over ethernet is no zoom delay. *shrugs*
@gf 300+ ms over wifi. US/Euro servers. It sucks. zooming is very delayed and I often zoom too many times because it. Lots and lots of rubberbanding/teleporting into walls or sides of buildings. I play the round out then quit playing for the night.

Don't notice much difference in my hit registration at any ping but I also run a light mech harassing stationary LURMs. I do notice a big difference in getting hit. Hitting me depends on if I'm rubberbanding (unhittable) or teleporting (unmissable).

Probably going to get asked what is the difference between rubberbanding and teleporting.

The way I classify it:
Rubberbanding is when I'm constantly sliding around as I move. Say I move forward 10m. Mech slide back that 10m then mech move forward again 10m. But i only gave the command once. It is like everything I do is done, undone, and done again for each command.

Teleporting is when I suddenly end up somewhere else often facing a completely different direction but still close (<100m) to where I was before the teleport. Really annoying when this happens when I waste ammo shooting someone only to have my mech rotate X degrees and miss completely. Teammates just see me run into the wall/building like an idiot and wonder wtf I'm doing.

Edited by Credomane, 28 June 2018 - 07:48 AM.

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