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Why Are We Missing So Many Cool Mechs In Mwo?

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#101 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:05 PM

View PostMetus regem, on 13 March 2015 - 01:01 PM, said:

I tend to agree with you on that, but I think Catalyst and Topps have a chance to bring it back, but they have to be very careful... or maybe do a re-boot to it, and 'fix' things like the Clans maybe? I started in TT with the 3050 TRO, so I got into it beacuse of Clan Ghost Bear, and I love them dearly, but I know that they broke the game.

If they were to find if a viable product I think they could work wonders with it... I mean for years Shadowrun was nearly dead, but they managed to bring it back from the depths with 4th and 5th editions (as much as I hate the limit system in 5th... to easy to brake...), it leaves me with a little hope for Battletech and Mechwarrior in general.

If ive learned anything in this medium, which includes comics id think too...its that ANYTHING can happen.

Shadowrun is a great example. That was dead. Now its really making a come back.

#102 Metus regem


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:07 PM

View PostKraftySOT, on 13 March 2015 - 01:05 PM, said:

If ive learned anything in this medium, which includes comics id think too...its that ANYTHING can happen.

Shadowrun is a great example. That was dead. Now its really making a come back.

Yea my guys like to run it, but we broke the system horribly in 5th... We've got adepts that you cannot hit, like their twitch dodge pool is nearing 20 dice, it's just dumb....

#103 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:10 PM

Thats why you have GMs/DMs just slay people.

Oh, a boulder falls loose. Sorry. Roll a new character buddy.

Chits in a cup *cough* I mean original Dungeons and Dragons was just as bad. Without being ruthless, everyone min/maxed up so fast it broke the game.

THACO was the same problem.

At some point you realize theres a bazillion things that can lower my AC to -30 and just never be hit by anything short of Demogorgon.

Edited by KraftySOT, 13 March 2015 - 01:08 PM.

#104 Metus regem


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:12 PM

View PostKraftySOT, on 13 March 2015 - 01:10 PM, said:

Thats why you have GMs/DMs just slay people.

Oh, a boulder falls loose. Sorry. Roll a new character buddy.

Chits in a cup *cough* I mean original Dungeons and Dragons was just as bad. Without being ruthless, everyone min/maxed up so fast it broke the game.

THACO was the same problem.

At some point you realize theres a bazillion things that can lower my AC to -30 and just never be hit by anything short of Demogorgon.

True... how I deal with the adepts that are like that? AoE attacks.... Grenades are wonderful things.

#105 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:13 PM

Elminster attacks you with a +7 staff, rolls perfect 20, needs 31 to hit

You attack Elminster with a Trout, rolls 7, Elminster hit for 1 damage.

*4 hours later*

You kill Elminster 600,000,000,000,000 XP awarded.

"Hey guys, I broke AD&D"

#106 Anyone00


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:15 PM

View PostKraftySOT, on 13 March 2015 - 01:13 PM, said:

"Hey guys, I broke AD&D"

Not as hard as Pun Pun.

#107 Metus regem


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:15 PM

View PostKraftySOT, on 13 March 2015 - 01:13 PM, said:

Elminster attacks you with a +7 staff, rolls perfect 20, needs 31 to hit

You attack Elminster with a Trout, rolls 7, Elminster hit for 1 damage.

*4 hours later*

You kill Elminster 600,000,000,000,000 XP awarded.

"Hey guys, I broke AD&D"

in second edition:

Elminster casts Time Stop, rolls 4, Elminster gains 4 turns to do something...

Elminster takes out dagger +1, cuts your throat from ear to ear, taking three turns to do it. Then makes tea...

Time stop ends, you die.

That's how I would've done it anyways...

#108 Kristov Kerensky


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:16 PM

View PostKraftySOT, on 13 March 2015 - 01:08 PM, said:

Thats why you have GMs/DMs just slay people.

Oh, a boulder falls loose. Sorry. Roll a new character buddy.

Chits in a cup *cough* I mean original Dungeons and Dragons was just as bad. Without being ruthless, everyone min/maxed up so fast it broke the game.

I've yet to see the PnP game that we couldn't break the rules without ever breaking a single rule. A friend of mine had created a new gaming system, great mix of scifi and fantasy, and asked me to help test it. I said ok, explain what I do to create a character and we'll start with that. He explained it to me, I questioned him repeatedly on things he considered silly, but he answered them. A few hours later I gave him my new character for his game, which became the first NPC for his game because using his rules I had created an immortal, all powerful, all knowing character that wasn't divine and had so much starting money that he could literally buy his own universes(plural). We spent the next 6 months going through the system like that to make it as hard to mess with as possible, got close, but it could still be bent all kinds of ways by people who tried. We sent the entire thing to TSR, got rejected, and started seeing some of OUR work in their next few projects..

2 lessons there, first is, gamers WILL game the system no matter WHAT you do, min/max is just the most visible sign of that. Second, NEVER send anyone your UNCOPYRIGHTED material when you are trying to sell it...*sigh*

#109 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:17 PM

View PostAnyone00, on 13 March 2015 - 01:15 PM, said:

Not as hard as Pun Pun.


#110 Soul Tribunal


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:18 PM

View PostKahnWongFuChung, on 13 March 2015 - 12:20 PM, said:

Thanks gentlemen and ladies for replying to this topic and derailing it in your own way .

The truth will only be told when RUSS himself comes forth and tells the truth about the Unseen and why they are not im MWO.I look forward to his response.

Posted Image

Sadly you call this a Topic. You're either truly trolling, or clueless to the History of MWO and its battles with IP.
Do some forum searching, Russ has made Offical Posts about this.
You are not special, he isn't going to answer to you.


#111 Metus regem


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:20 PM

View PostKraftySOT, on 13 March 2015 - 01:17 PM, said:


Not quite as bad, but 20th level, Warforged Frenzied Bazerker Juggernaut... look it up, they be really nasty... we had a 3.0/3.5 PvP arena event a few months back, I brought that... I kind of broke the event, my weapon arm also delt 1 point of CON damage...

#112 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:22 PM

View PostKristov Kerensky, on 13 March 2015 - 01:16 PM, said:

I've yet to see the PnP game that we couldn't break the rules without ever breaking a single rule. A friend of mine had created a new gaming system, great mix of scifi and fantasy, and asked me to help test it. I said ok, explain what I do to create a character and we'll start with that. He explained it to me, I questioned him repeatedly on things he considered silly, but he answered them. A few hours later I gave him my new character for his game, which became the first NPC for his game because using his rules I had created an immortal, all powerful, all knowing character that wasn't divine and had so much starting money that he could literally buy his own universes(plural). We spent the next 6 months going through the system like that to make it as hard to mess with as possible, got close, but it could still be bent all kinds of ways by people who tried. We sent the entire thing to TSR, got rejected, and started seeing some of OUR work in their next few projects..

2 lessons there, first is, gamers WILL game the system no matter WHAT you do, min/max is just the most visible sign of that. Second, NEVER send anyone your UNCOPYRIGHTED material when you are trying to sell it...*sigh*

Ant attacks. It even happens in wargames. My favorite thing to do since putting a unit on the map in SSIs Vietnam with nothing in it cost no PPs, was just fill the entire board with 1 CV ant battalions which cost the other player an extra MP to move into.

Ah nothing like grinding the Aircav to a halt in the Ia Drang without ever actually engaging them with troops.

Yeah if you give me a system, ill break it. The reason it worked usually is because everyone is friends, or youll soon have no one to play with playing like that.

Its one thing I miss the most in the franchise, the ability to play the way you want to play with the people you want to play with. If I want to do that here, I gotta shell out for premium time.

Battletech has such a great system because its just so deep that theres pretty much a counter to every munchkin thing you can do, be it BV, choice to not let the guy plop down that unit, or bringing the ever annoying Long Tom to keep people from going prone behind hills in heavy woods Lurming everything to death.

Rifts was good in that way too since you got packages that were usually fan made and they really went out of their way to try and keep you from gaming it.

But I even gamed the PnP Starship Troopers and that came out in like the 50s.

#113 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:27 PM

Oh and the counter to pun pun, is to 'Shrink' a boulder, and throw it at him.

The magic will fail, the 'Shrink' will come undone, and the boulder SHOULD crush him, as theres no WRITTEN reason he should have a change to dodge.

Up to your DM, who hopefully, will let that happen.

Environmental damage is the way to kill those things. Drowning, fire, crushing, building collapse. Those things dont 'do damage' in any rule ive seen.

If its an 8 ton boulder, or you fall a few hundred feet, or get stuck under water, theres nothing that prevents those but save from death checks, which he cant manipulate like he can his stats and abilities.

Falling is always great, because it doesnt matter if you have a bazillion hit points, if you dont Feather or Fly or some such thing, you just go splat. Theres no "oh you fell 51 feet and you have 18 hps, take 17 hps damage". You just roll vs yer save from death, which is up to the DM, who probably hates your character, and you die lol

Edited by KraftySOT, 13 March 2015 - 01:34 PM.

#114 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:30 PM

Years ago, being a Black Paladin with an Anti Magic Shell was the same thing. And had the same counter.

You just have to survive Pun Puns Viper.

#115 1453 R


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:31 PM

Just gonna throw up in here that there's realistically nothing the Mauler does that the King Crab doesn't have covered three times over. Well, other than weigh ten less tons which is a big deal in CW, but still.

Of course people still want the Mauler and they're entitled to do just that, I'm never going to stand in the way of MOAR MEX, but the Spheroid side has their assault-weight ballistic boat in spades. I'm honestly more afraid of winding up in front of a Crab than I am of winding up in front of a Whale - the Crab can twist to catch me while I adjust course, and if it's a dual-20 instead of a quad-5...well. There goes something I'm going to miss later.

#116 RoboPatton


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 02:18 PM

*peeks in thread*

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#117 Ovion


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 03:42 PM

View PostKristov Kerensky, on 13 March 2015 - 01:16 PM, said:

I've yet to see the PnP game that we couldn't break the rules without ever breaking a single rule. A friend of mine had created a new gaming system, great mix of scifi and fantasy, and asked me to help test it. I said ok, explain what I do to create a character and we'll start with that. He explained it to me, I questioned him repeatedly on things he considered silly, but he answered them. A few hours later I gave him my new character for his game, which became the first NPC for his game because using his rules I had created an immortal, all powerful, all knowing character that wasn't divine and had so much starting money that he could literally buy his own universes(plural). We spent the next 6 months going through the system like that to make it as hard to mess with as possible, got close, but it could still be bent all kinds of ways by people who tried. We sent the entire thing to TSR, got rejected, and started seeing some of OUR work in their next few projects..

2 lessons there, first is, gamers WILL game the system no matter WHAT you do, min/max is just the most visible sign of that. Second, NEVER send anyone your UNCOPYRIGHTED material when you are trying to sell it...*sigh*
A while back I played in a homebrew system, that was immensely fun.
A sci-fi space opera epic, spanning generations, sort of a melting pot of numerous scifi universes in terms of background, though the base tech / universe at start, was close to early Star Wars (circa new hopish I'd say).

I'm going to put this in a spoiler, I ended up rambling a bit
TL;DR, could have been god within 4-8 game sessions.

#118 Escef


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 09:58 PM

View PostLightfoot, on 13 March 2015 - 08:26 AM, said:

If the weapons all worked as in Battle Tech they could release mechs with Battle Tech hardpoints ...

Battletech doesn't use hardpoints.

#119 Escef


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 10:07 PM

View PostCathy, on 13 March 2015 - 11:33 AM, said:

Mauler is a mere add on, to fill the gap when the Unseen were removed for legal reasons, wasn't in the first edition TRO

Funny, my TRO 3050 has both the Unseen AND the Mauler.

#120 stjobe


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Posted 14 March 2015 - 12:48 AM

Hello K-town!

I am shocked, SHOCKED! that we ended up here.

SHOCKED! I tell ya :)

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