Ultimatum X, on 15 March 2015 - 04:25 PM, said:
No, not that part.
The part where you harp on the Summoner.
For buffs, for unlocked Endo, for how that is so important for your mech.
When someone else does that for a different mech? "Metawhoring".
That part.
really, so which specific mech was I saying it was blasphemy to quirk? I did say quirks in general are exacerbating the issue of metas have and have nots, at least as they have been used. I have been on record for some time that Quirks being used as a bandaid for real fixes is a stupid idea, and that quirks should always be the FINAL touch.
I'm also being realistic that chances of any fix beyond quirks ain't going to happen. And saying "it's going to take a heck of a lot of quirks to make the Summoner meta variable" is not campaigning for heavy quirks, but making a statement of fact. Also if you pull your head out of your butt for any length of time, you might recall my primary topic is "Free Endo for the Poor" which is for opening up Endo for all Omnis as a baseline to give a more solid balance point to start from.
So,. What other details do you feel like cherry picking and misrepresenting? I'm not sure... does that qualify as you just lying, or being a hypocrite. *shrugs*
Burktross, on 15 March 2015 - 04:36 PM, said:
Focus fire has nothing to do with hitboxes.
Firing exposure has nothing to do with hitboxes.
We're not talking about XLs here. We're not talking about huge cockpits here. Everything here is irrelevant to hitboxes. Go to Bishop's thread and argue about not actually knowing it there.
why do I get stuck with him?
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 15 March 2015 - 06:32 PM.