While we're on the subject of legs. Whyis there no Death from Above mechanics (but you can hurt your legs from falling damage), or ramming damage to friendlies but not enemies?
Which leads to another question... when is physical damage going to be developed further to encompass melee (Yen-Lo-Wang's Claw or Hachetman's Hachet or Axman's Axe)?
And speaking of Yen-Lo-Wang why change the Centurion's iconic big bore right-arm to some pipsqueak peeshooter? I've heard things like standardization/compartmentalizing. So they are charging expensive prices for digital content to make things easier for them and make all mechs bland and not unique?
I hope they seriously change it back to its original look (even when your arm is blown-off, when you look at the arm on the ground its the original arm look, lol). If not have a unique Centurion variant sporting it like the Hunchback has for its ballistic slotted rightorso.
Edited by Edward Radenovic-Espinueva, 16 March 2015 - 03:30 PM.