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March 17 Quirk Update

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#261 PASHA


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 06:46 PM

I'm sorry, PGI, but those quirks for the Summoner are pathetic.

I was really expecting a pass that would make us consider deploying the Summoner in competitive matches or at least with more utility. One might be able to have "fun" and enjoy some sense of nostalgia piloting it, but if it's utility I want, I'd rather drop 15 tons to a SCR.

+7.5% velocity increase for the RA ER PPC? It'd take +25% to bring it just passed the level of mediocrity.

#262 Amardez


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 06:46 PM

View PostOzealot, on 16 March 2015 - 06:03 PM, said:

That nails it.

There is dire need for the already confirmed ballistic velocity changes. Stating "it's a nobrainer" isn't enough. Turns out the pre-Clan mostly feared weapons - large caliber UACs - are total crap. Maybe you can make some use of them while brawling but that's the IS's game with all that burntime decreases, PPD ballistics and quirk buffed dps monters. My ping is too big to react to that half a second of pulse laser alphas in time to even think about torso twisting. And the latest changes now they even take away the range advantage, literally the only thing Clans where good in so far but paying with immense heat problems for it. That planned 90% speed reduction when one side torso is destroyed will be the end of the rope, I tell you. Stun locked without any heatefficiency left? Can I have IS tech? Wasn't that the reason for locking Omnimech customization in the first place? So what's the plan for the future PGI? I'm currently embarassed of your actions to a level I never knew before.

IS LPL is just wtf. Highest damage to heat ratio for energy wepons ingame. While taking ping into account you can remove splash damage from CERPPCs now and make them the way they are supposed to be. That would be 2 damage points less than a ISLPL, and the projectile would still be dodgable. Some chassis with limited hardpoints, for example the Summoner, would benenfit from that move.

And no, I personally don't want another Town Hall while the things discussed in the last ones aren't even touched. Would only look like "we just saying" and nothing else.

Not trying to sound like a pain but what is your ping range it helps your comment sound more accurate if you give it as a number range.

#263 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 06:55 PM

View PostOzealot, on 16 March 2015 - 06:03 PM, said:

That planned 90% speed reduction when one side torso is destroyed will be the end of the rope, I tell you. Stun locked without any heatefficiency left?

no that was a some one exaggerating what they should do,
what Russ really said on twitter is below!


Mogney_SRPH@Mogney_SRPH 1h1 hour ago
@russ_bullock Or Betty spams you with "Recalibrating Engine" for 10 seconds while you enjoy a 90% reduction in speed and heat dissipation.

Russ Bullock@russ_bullock 1h1 hour ago
@Mogney_SRPH Yes reduction in speed I think is sounding very fair now that we see the full impact of the heat increase from ST destruction.

Russ Bullock@russ_bullock 1h1 hour ago
@Dr_DXZ @Mogney_SRPH likely in the 20% range just like the 20% heat dissipation loss - 20% of engine crit slots missing etc.

im just worried as it is right now, when a Mech loses a ST(IS & Clan)
they lose 50% of their weapons and 50% of their HSs, but Clan also lose 20% more DHS, or 70% HS loss total,
with this 20% Speed Drop it may help bring down some of the Over Achievers SCR/TBR but,...
it may also hurt allot of the under performers, ADR KFX IFR & NVA,

the Nova with ST loss would go a staggering 68kph,...
so if your in a Nova and lose you ST your dead,
Edit- Spelling

Edited by Andi Nagasia, 16 March 2015 - 06:55 PM.

#264 Phelan Ward-Kell


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 06:59 PM

View PostRuss Bullock, on 16 March 2015 - 12:19 PM, said:

Remember the Clan omnipod amounts are low because players can stack with other pods

Two problems with this logic:

A) NONE of those quirks and omnipods are set up to be able to make anything even REMOTELY a "god" mech, so your logic is flawed there.

B) If you're really so terrified of someone making an omnipod uber-mech, PUT THE QUIRKS ON THE CT!

Russ, if the community has to keep doing all the thinking for you guys, I'm seriously worried about the sustainability of your business model. This isn't rocket science, it's game development. No lives are at risk if you bugger up, but people seriously spent REAL hard-earned cash on many of these mechs and you're giving them the impression that everyone at PGI is just sitting back and laughing at them while you smoke cigars, throw money at strippers, and play toss the midget (Yeah, I'm suggesting the twisted satirical Wall Street ponzi scheme here).

#265 lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:04 PM

This is what I read...

View PostRuss Bullock, on 16 March 2015 - 12:19 PM, said:

Remember the Clan omnipod amounts are low because players can stack with other pods

This is how I interpreted it...
Posted Image

#266 Mcgral18


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:07 PM

View Postvashdevalis308, on 16 March 2015 - 06:43 PM, said:

Love watching clanners ***** when they are given something that brings up their mech's potential, I say let them have the quirks they think they want and give the IS the clan's targeting computers.


They aren't exactly anything big compared to even 15% less heat.

#267 Lightfoot


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:09 PM

The problem with the Thor is it does not have the payload space to use any of those weapons in an effective combination. The best you can do is some SRMs and one Large Pulse Laser or UAC5s or 1 LBX and some ER Mediums. LRMs are too weak, maybe due to bugs, and too heavy to create a Mech that will compete as a heavy.

So even with the Quirks the Clan mechs are all wildly unequal and you are balancing MWO Clan vs Inner Sphere based on players bringing Mad Cats and Dire Wolves. What is your planned solution?

#268 Lucian Nostra


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:13 PM

Wait.. the Summoner prime is eating a NERF this upcoming patch??? the new quirks are way worse than the old quirks!!

#269 kf envy


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:17 PM

View PostTasker, on 16 March 2015 - 02:47 PM, said:

Is winning 64% of the time not enough for you? lol

if it really 64% its that we have 64% better team work most the time.

View PostLucian Nostra, on 16 March 2015 - 07:13 PM, said:

Wait.. the Summoner prime is eating a NERF this upcoming patch??? the new quirks are way worse than the old quirks!!

yes it is an Russ is defending these really bad insulting quirks

Edited by kf envy, 16 March 2015 - 07:19 PM.

#270 Alwrathandabout42ninjas


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:20 PM

View Postjeirhart, on 16 March 2015 - 05:33 PM, said:

Clan Mediums:
  • -All Clan Mediums with the exception of the Stormcrow are waste of tonnage
  • -Ice Ferret lacks JJs to make use of its speed. Giant walking fridge blown to bits.
Clan Heavies:
  • -Mad-Dog has hit box problems. Ghost heat hurts its SRM potential and LRMs are garbage
Clan Assaults:
  • -Almost each and every one of these is far too slow and immobile to be used in CW
Gonna have to disagree on some of your points here. The Ice Ferret does not need jump jets to take advantage of its speed. It sounds like you just dont know how to play it or dont have the skill required to use it, L2P before spreading nonsense. At 45 tons, it is an extremely good CW mech to take due to its low tonnage, and the new quirks have made it more durable.

The Mad Dog has no heat issues with srm's, you fire them in salvo's of three so you dont trigger ghost heat. I actually like the Mad Dog's hit boxes, so not sure what your complaining about there, other than the fact they are not " stormcrow op invincible mode lol ".

Clan Assaults too slow? Sure the Direwolf is, but the Warhawk has plenty of speed especially considering the tonnage it has for weapons. And we have the Gargoyle which is fast but... well see how it does with the new quirks.

#271 Kyynele


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:22 PM


< 5% quirks are nothing. What they do, is make the quirks lists look hardcore in a terribly offputting way, while having no actual in-game effect at all. For actually bothering to post that we should keep in mind that the omnipods accumulate, while the grand total of the quirks is maxed at 4%, you should be ashamed.

Yeah, the Dragon 1N was a **** tier mech. Try dropping the AC5 cooldown to 4% and see if anyone would bother playing that. Heck, you could set EVERY damn stat you have on the Dragon 1N to 4% boost and it would still be utter garbage, despite having 150 positive quirks. Here, you take the shittiest clan mechs, and instead of even trying to give them some purpose on the field, you decide, 1% less ****** is enough. Guess what. It's still 99% ****. Truly bad mechs don't need 1% buffs to every little thing, what they lack is PURPOSE.

If quirks are the way to go, it would be better to have a few actually useful ones per mech, instead of tons and tons of completely negligible ones.

I'd go as far as recommend you to fire the guy who typed in these values, because he was just wasting your money. He would've been just as useful for you sitting at home unemployed, you would have gotten the exact same thing: Nothing of any value. It actually looks like the guy doesn't have a clue what he's doing, so he's added tens of quirks that do nothing to look useful, like he got lots of work done. Those kind of people need to be fired, before the whole game is bogged with a gazillion of stats that have no meaning.

You need LESS incomprehensible, obscure mechanics like ghost heat. Not MORE. I just want to go to my mechlab and see that "This mech can shoot machine guns to 1km, wow. Hmm. Maybe I'll put some machine guns in it." Simple things that specific mechs are good at AND they can still be way more general than that MG example. I don't want to stare at spreadsheets whether it's more effective to have 8% shorter cooldown or 5% shorter cooldown and 12.5% shorter beam duration.

And no, I don't need or even really want quirks for clan mechs. I'm not whining because they're not buffing any of them. I'm mad because my, and everyone else's time has been wasted with this demonstration of hobbyist quality game balancing.

#272 XSurusX


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:26 PM

Tomorrow is Adder Master Race day. So happy with the changes here. The Adder is my most played mech and I love what they've done. Now if I could only get my hands on the B variant...

Well done PGI, the additional structure in the legs and arms is exactly what the Adder needed, being the slower brawling mech that it is. Stacking the omnipods allows 4% additional cooldown for my MPLs, very happy about that change.

#273 Ngrasta


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:28 PM

Lots of negative response to these clan quirks. I think they're fine. sure 2% of something isn't much, but those values are for EACH omnipod of that type. so instead think 4%. Given that Clan weapons are already pretty good, I think this will give them the edge back in long range combat that they're supposed to have. IS will still be better in short range, as they should be, but now if you want a sniper, the Clan 'mechs look more attractive.

#274 Better Call Saul


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:33 PM

Re-think the gargoyle quirks, the mech is not viable wasting tonnage on ballistics or SRM. Please make them energy based, so the mech has some "use"

#275 jeirhart


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 07:57 PM

View PostAlwrath, on 16 March 2015 - 07:20 PM, said:

Gonna have to disagree on some of your points here. The Ice Ferret does not need jump jets to take advantage of its speed. It sounds like you just dont know how to play it or dont have the skill required to use it, L2P before spreading nonsense. At 45 tons, it is an extremely good CW mech to take due to its low tonnage, and the new quirks have made it more durable.

The Mad Dog has no heat issues with srm's, you fire them in salvo's of three so you dont trigger ghost heat. I actually like the Mad Dog's hit boxes, so not sure what your complaining about there, other than the fact they are not " stormcrow op invincible mode lol ".

Clan Assaults too slow? Sure the Direwolf is, but the Warhawk has plenty of speed especially considering the tonnage it has for weapons. And we have the Gargoyle which is fast but... well see how it does with the new quirks.

Ice Ferret has good speed but it does not have any major advantage from that speed. It is not fast enough or small enough to gain hit reg issues nor does it have a great load out. Its use in CW is essentially limited to the ICE ICE BABY tactic some of the CSJs utilize. Using Stormcrows for just 10 tons more is far better use of the tonnage for a fast 'mech with good firepower. Jump jets would at least give it some great mobility and use in getting into harder to reach places. As far as skill or "L2P" goes....

Mad Dog can of course fire two salvos of SRM6s to avoid ghost heat. However, any delay means more damage spread and less spot on damage. SRMs (again) are mostly only useful on Sulfur as Boreal and Hellebore are a bit too spread out. You can of course use them, but range is more of an issue.

WHK top speed is 20 kph slower than any clan heavy while the DWF is 40 kph slower than heavies. Any 'mech you have to wait for or could get left behind in a push is a detriment. The WHK is 10 tons heavier than the TBR but the speed, mobility and power of the TBR give me no reason to want to bring a WHK over a TBR. The GAR is about same speed as a heavy but is a massive target with low hanging arms which is absolutely abysmal in maps like Boreal with slopes and hills everywhere.

Edited by jeirhart, 16 March 2015 - 08:12 PM.

#276 Amardez


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 08:05 PM

View PostOzealot, on 16 March 2015 - 07:07 PM, said:

Normal 115-125, sometimes 250. It's enough to translate to about 0.4 seconds ingame I'd say. The awkward moment when you twisted your torso away it gets destroyed anyway because timeshift.

I sit about 230 and find myself shooting then turning away regardless of if i think something is incoming best you can do but even then i get damage on areas that they can't see, I don't fear lasers but that IS front loaded ac's scare the hell out of me i would love to see clan with real ac's esp with the rate of fire quirks i was kinda expecting something like that one the gargoyle, seems no go though.

Edited by Amardez, 16 March 2015 - 08:08 PM.

#277 Ney Pryde


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 08:07 PM

View PostNgrasta, on 16 March 2015 - 07:28 PM, said:

Lots of negative response to these clan quirks. I think they're fine. sure 2% of something isn't much, but those values are for EACH omnipod of that type. so instead think 4%. Given that Clan weapons are already pretty good, I think this will give them the edge back in long range combat that they're supposed to have. IS will still be better in short range, as they should be, but now if you want a sniper, the Clan 'mechs look more attractive.

So how about the Summoner that goes from 10% general energy cooldown CURRENTLY to a 2% general energy cooldown tops. Want to try and explain why this still works out in our favor? And remember these mechs were picked because they were the least played. I can bet anything the Summoner will receive less play after tomorrow.

Edited by Ney Pryde, 16 March 2015 - 08:10 PM.

#278 CHH Badkarma


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 08:23 PM

Clan quirks are laughable. Couple with TCs that scale terrible I am starting to feel like we will soon be fighting with one hand behind our backs.

PGI, I know russ said he would not do it, but at least run some tests with your "comp" units before dismising it. Try giving clans release day power and having us drop 8 vs 12 IS. I know it is not a proper star, but it give IS the weight they want and clans a chance for honor. Best of all, no silly quirks needed. Plus, it is a nod to lore that would go a long way in the game. IS numbers vs a technically superior enemy. Try it before you blow it off.

Edited by CHH Badkarma, 16 March 2015 - 08:24 PM.

#279 Lightfoot


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 08:34 PM

View PostOzealot, on 16 March 2015 - 08:14 PM, said:

What's a Summoner?

Posted Image

That's MWO's Summoner. DOA. What a fu-bar for such an iconic mech to be such garbage. Just shows that MWO's Clan Mechlab did not work and will never work.

#280 aniviron


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 08:36 PM

View PostLightfoot, on 16 March 2015 - 08:34 PM, said:

That's MWO's Summoner. DOA. What a fu-bar for such an iconic mech to be such garbage. Just shows that MWO's Clan Mechlab did not work and will never work.

To be fair, the Summoner wasn't that great in the tabletop game either. I just PGI just managed a faithful port of the construction rules after all, to the detriment of the game.

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