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Stop The Clan Xl Nerf Idea

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#261 Kristov Kerensky


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Posted 19 March 2015 - 08:11 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 19 March 2015 - 07:34 AM, said:

In any online game you will never have clean data, so best is to never change anything because any data are anywys incorrect? LOL your logic again makes no sense.

balance is a constant process because the situation constantly changes. Both will stay constant even with corrupted data sicne non corrupted data will enver appear. The only thing you can do is cleaning corrupted data by known issues. We should probably forbid the TBR and SCR for like 2 month and see how clan win chances then look like.

or best never change anythign because you say data are corrupt.

Actually, MOST online games have clean data because their netcode works properly, so weapons hit when they should, not randomly as we have in MWO. You should try some other online games if you really think their netcode functions like MWO's does, you'll be freaking AMAZED at what solid netcode does for game play. Even with CoF games, solid netcode means you hit the target a hell of a lot more often than we see in MWO. I had some poor guys blast my Raven 3L last night with 6 SRM6s at 40m, clean shot into my face, I walked away with a scratched CT and Right ST. He should have dropped me cold, I knew it, he knew it, but the hitreg said, nope, you MISSED a point blank shot on a non-moving target while you were stationary! And that's not a once in a great while thing, it happens all the time with all weapon types.

And you think THAT kind of performance gives data that's usable...

And yes, I believe that balance with weapons and quirks that affect weapons SHOULD be put on hold until the HSR and hitreg work 90%, 80% at the very least. It doesn't work that often right now, and the balance changes we keep seeing every 2 damn weeks is a clear indication of this. Go find another online game that isn't in beta that does balance changes every 2 weeks. WoW wasn't this bad in the first 2 years of Live production, nothing I've seen or played has been this bad in the past 20 years. Even STO wasn't this bad for pity's sake, and it's first couple of years were a total CharlieFrank.

#262 Lily from animove


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Posted 19 March 2015 - 09:20 AM

View PostKristov Kerensky, on 19 March 2015 - 08:11 AM, said:

Actually, MOST online games have clean data because their netcode works properly, so weapons hit when they should, not randomly as we have in MWO. You should try some other online games if you really think their netcode functions like MWO's does, you'll be freaking AMAZED at what solid netcode does for game play. Even with CoF games, solid netcode means you hit the target a hell of a lot more often than we see in MWO. I had some poor guys blast my Raven 3L last night with 6 SRM6s at 40m, clean shot into my face, I walked away with a scratched CT and Right ST. He should have dropped me cold, I knew it, he knew it, but the hitreg said, nope, you MISSED a point blank shot on a non-moving target while you were stationary! And that's not a once in a great while thing, it happens all the time with all weapon types.

And you think THAT kind of performance gives data that's usable...

And yes, I believe that balance with weapons and quirks that affect weapons SHOULD be put on hold until the HSR and hitreg work 90%, 80% at the very least. It doesn't work that often right now, and the balance changes we keep seeing every 2 damn weeks is a clear indication of this. Go find another online game that isn't in beta that does balance changes every 2 weeks. WoW wasn't this bad in the first 2 years of Live production, nothing I've seen or played has been this bad in the past 20 years. Even STO wasn't this bad for pity's sake, and it's first couple of years were a total CharlieFrank.

most MMO's have this? maybe you should go across the forums of then and see the rant threads, none of the MMO games have actually good serevr fps and good hitreg.

So care to name any of those games that are shooters and not having stand alone server that players run?
WoW? works totally differnetbecause of TCp not UDP. WOW in its first year had a rather empty internet at all. pakcage loss, is a general problem in the internet nowdays. Thats why in any shooter that offers stand alone servers, you go for a server with low ping and low package loss.

#263 Kristov Kerensky


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Posted 19 March 2015 - 09:36 AM

Internet connections aren't the problem we're discussing here in regards to MWO's netcode issues, you obviously don't get that. The actual NETCODE isn't working properly, that's the problem, 100 stable clean direct connections to the server in the hosting center and you'll see the issues happening still, HSR and hitreg do NOT work properly ON the server, it's an ongoing issue that they've been working on for over 2 years now.

Other MMOs will have complaints about the connections TO the servers, totally different issue that isn't caused by the BASE NETCODE. That's been around since we were playing Doom modem to modem and it will always be a problem with internet connections, and it's totally beyond the abilities of the game makers to control or fix.

You obviously don't know anything about this subject, which explains a lot.

#264 Illya Ghost Bear


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Posted 20 March 2015 - 06:11 AM

View PostKuroNyra, on 18 March 2015 - 02:24 PM, said:

Your talking about Orions...

The better question would be: What can't outperform most Orions?
The answer? Yeah... Pretty much everything can outperforms Orions. :P

Your sainted All Father who was going to bring balance to the Force drove an Onion, though!!!!!!

#265 Gyrok


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Posted 20 March 2015 - 06:21 AM

View PostIllya Arkhipova, on 20 March 2015 - 06:11 AM, said:

Your sainted All Father who was going to bring balance to the Force drove an Onion, though!!!!!!

That was TT, the protector did not suck in TT, or the ON1-K.

Edited by Gyrok, 20 March 2015 - 06:21 AM.

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