How Is Sean Lang Able To See His Target So Well In That Haze?
Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:05 AM
Check out this video, starting at 2:03:
I can't see anything on from my end, and it was recorded like that, so I assume that this is what Sean was seeing too, right? Is there a well kept secret I don't know about?
Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:11 AM
Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:12 AM
Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:19 AM
Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:25 AM
Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:26 AM
Joseph Mallan, on 17 March 2015 - 08:19 AM, said:
It's not just about resolution here, it's the color contrasts. It's tone on tone and you can barely see any edge. There's no color, it's grey on grey. You can barely see any movement at all at that distance. Is there a setting you can changed to reduce the effect of the haze on maps like Forest Colony or what?
I can play with maximum settings in DX11, and my monitor is pretty recent and of good quality. Even then at that range, I can't see much unless it's shooting back at me. My eye sight is better than 20/20 and I tested my eyes and do have a 4th cone for color, so I consider my eyesight to be pretty good. Yet, I can't see much, so either my graphic settings are not tweaked right or there's something else.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:27 AM
He's a terminator. When he isn't making videos, he's searching for Sarah Conner.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:29 AM

Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:56 AM
Tweaks, on 17 March 2015 - 08:05 AM, said:
Check out this video, starting at 2:03:
I can't see anything on from my end, and it was recorded like that, so I assume that this is what Sean was seeing too, right? Is there a well kept secret I don't know about?
He's shooting at the red box with Large Lasers, he can bracket his shot to get a hit. seeing as his target was in the 600M range and on that map, he's effing up by not using night vision. On that map, night vision when used on the water breaks out your targets mech to be crystal clear.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:57 AM
Rhent, on 17 March 2015 - 08:56 AM, said:
He's shooting at the red box with Large Lasers, he can bracket his shot to get a hit. seeing as his target was in the 600M range and on that map, he's effing up by not using night vision. On that map, night vision when used on the water breaks out your targets mech to be crystal clear.
No I meant before he even targets it, the first few shots he takes starting at 2:03. It's easy to shoot inside the target bracket, I know that.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 08:58 AM
For instance, during the weekend when I play in the morning, the sun is shining bright and washes out my screen, making it very hard to pick out low contrast objects. Whereas in the evenings when the ambiant light is about as bright as my monitor, I can make out mechs at the very edge of the map like that.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 09:01 AM
Rhent, on 17 March 2015 - 08:56 AM, said:
He's shooting at the red box with Large Lasers, he can bracket his shot to get a hit. seeing as his target was in the 600M range and on that map, he's effing up by not using night vision. On that map, night vision when used on the water breaks out your targets mech to be crystal clear.
The op is talking about PRIOR to the target brackets, in the video you can barely make out movement before Sean starts firing at the Mech without having it targeted. The video quality is the problem here, IT is what makes that Mech seem almost invisible. Actual ingame video you could see that Mech moving at that range without any problems, I know I can on my screen at least.
And why in Kerensky's name would you subject yourself to Nightvision on that map? You can clearly see anyone in the water on that map without needing Nightvision, same with using Thermal on that map, why? If you can't SEE the Mechs ingame yourself, your video isn't working right, pure and simple.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 09:57 AM
Joseph Mallan, on 17 March 2015 - 08:19 AM, said:
I can attest to this. A short while back my mobo died so I've been playing on a slower machine. Having cranked down resolution, settings and gone to DX9 there are a lot more times now that I can't even see what's shooting at me and have to aim for the flash/laser. Plus youtube can lose a LOT of detail.
I miss having a decent PC...
Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:00 AM

Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:04 AM
Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:04 AM
Kristov Kerensky, on 17 March 2015 - 09:01 AM, said:
I flip nightvision on quite often. Any time I am sure they are within 600 meters, I'll put it on. This game is too washed out for me to differentiate mechs from the background otherwise. And yes, I have a good card and a huge monitor.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:09 AM
HARDKOR, on 17 March 2015 - 10:04 AM, said:
I flip nightvision on quite often. Any time I am sure they are within 600 meters, I'll put it on. This game is too washed out for me to differentiate mechs from the background otherwise. And yes, I have a good card and a huge monitor.
Not good enough evidently, I don't have any issues seeing targets well beyond 600m much less 600m or closer, without using Night or Therm. I've tried using them as I've seen others do, and all I can figure is they need a better video card, monitor, or they seriously need to see an eye doctor, because I see just fine without those and I DO wear glasses.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:14 AM
I could not make someone at that distance. Maybe there is something in the video we didn't get to see like a red dorito before he started recording or a more visible sight from another angle.
Posted 17 March 2015 - 10:21 AM

I dont know what youre talking about.
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