I add this comment only in the interest of giving PGI customer (whale) feedback on their offers...
I won't be taking advantage of this offer. I bought a bunch of MC in your discounted sale at Black Friday. But you haven't given me anything worth spending it on. So much as I like to support you and the game, buying more MC when I can't spend the last batch would be silly.
I bought the Clan and Resistance packs - which of course can't be bought with MC. Now there's nothing MC-purchasable that I want to spend my existing MC on.
What might I want to spend MC on...?
Well I'm partial to Hero Mechs to reduce the onerous CBill grind. I have 11 of them. But I have all the "good" ones (eg. Ilya, Oxide, Ember, Golden Boy) and also have several that you rendered "pretty much useless" first through negative quirks (Dragon Slayer) and then by failing to re-balance them vs the Clan's Holy Trinity (eg. Heavy Metal, Misery). The remaining Hero Mechs are so gimped relative to other variants (eg La Malinche, Boars Head) that no responsible player will drag his team down by buying/playing them.
Now, if you quirked these under-achievers up to the point of competitiveness, or changed their hardpoints/engine limitations in some way, I'd probably spend some MC buying the Heroes I don't own.
I might buy some Mastery Packs if I ever get through leveling all the Invasion and Resistance variants, because they are decent value to get around to doing those chassis I never purchased (eg Hunchies and Ravens).
BTW I'm completely disinterested in cockpit items (pay to obscure my view - no thanks) paints (I have the ones I want) camos (everything is black at 200m anyway).
I hope this feedback is useful to you.
PS: If you introduce AP and Euro servers, I'll buy more MC just out of pure thankfulness
Edited by Appogee, 22 March 2015 - 01:21 AM.