We have a mighty province!
It's that little one, right there!
Our warriors are nothing to scoff at!
So all clanners, BEWARE!
And although some cowards may claim:
These battles just aren't any fair!
Well then I say to you, my fellow man:
Next time you should be there!
(I've decided to add a second section, with the above being the chorus)
Allow me tell you about these battles...
We battle against great foes
Who are anything but tame
And unlike most of those other weenies
We don't cower at their names
And when the enemy is upon us,
We know just what to do!
It really is quite simple,
and completely true
all you need to do is
Kill THEM before they kill YOU!
(Returns to chorus)
And after every battle
although many scars to show.
Every man within our ranks
Knows just where to go.
We race straight down to the pub
EXACTLY what we need!
And all the while we sing our songs
and chug our horns of mead!
(returns to chorus, ends)
Edited by Tenessen, 26 March 2015 - 04:28 PM.