tl;dr@bottom with builds
It has 3 variants that you can choose from (In order of viability) oh yeah biggest thing about this mech TORSO TWIST TO PROTECT THAT RIGHT ARM!
Wolverine 6K:
This mech has the best ability to trade well with almost any other mech in the game excluding the timber wolf, and it can dish out some awesome pewpewz (Mostly because it is the one with the most laser hardpoints) This is a sniper mech and should always be sitting at around 500-600 meters away from your target. Corner peeking is this mechs specialty so remember to abuse the crap out of that and you will do well. The current most well done build that I can find is this one Wovlerine 6K OR you may go with my all time favorite build which isn't as good but wubs oh the wubs ... WUBVERINE

Effectiveness:(Side note I got most of these games in one day that I had this idea to make a thread about the wolverines.)
Also proof its the good stuff, I wish they weren't' mostly losses but a loss still proves effectiveness AND even more so to be honest because it shows it works under pressure

Wolverine 6R:
Lets say you would prefer dakka. This mech is meant to brawl and get out that high damage per second rather than a sniper like the 6k (although because its range is 680 meters with modules it can snipe if it wants too). If you can get someone to tank a mech then the Wolverine 6R can absolutely go to TOWN on that persons face. But the best thing about this mech is that you yourself can tank.
Hypothetical situation:

More showing of how easy it is to just lay into enemy mechs and rack up that damage while having a literal blast.

Wolverine 7K: This mech is the unwanted child. Its a the mech you have to grind to make the others better. It technically brawls better than the 6R but because Srm hit reg is so bad it doesn't brawl better than the 6R. If you want a build for leveling this mech refer to budget wolverine, also here is one that makes you waste a bunch of money to try to make it good Wolverine 7K. Here's a wovlerine build that is a lot less expensive (sell the xl it comes with its worthless and also gives you enough for the standard plus some) Budget Wolverine 7K So yeah have fun grinding this guy out. It is well worth it for the other two godly Wolverines... in my opinion.

Just an fyi I made the 7k's picture smaller cause I don't particularly like this mech.

TL;DR 6K 6R 7K
Edited by Tool Box, 29 March 2015 - 11:58 AM.