WM Quicksilver, on 29 March 2015 - 02:17 PM, said:
The Warhawk has the better engine (340 vs 300) at the same tonnage and the duration difference between the C-LPL and I-LL is 0.15s. The Warhawk's main advantage is it can poke for longer periods but has more downtime between volleys.
That is, provided the Warhawk has Stalker high mounts and profile. Without that key thing the Warhawk just pales in comparison.
Why does the Warhawk seem to move like a slug compared to a Stalker? Maybe im just seeing people grinding and dont have their pilot tree filled out, I guess that makes sense since thats the only reason to drive one.
Yeah its probably on par with CLPL, but still really deficient if loaded with ERs. Even then, that .15s matters. But id would have parity imho.
If the WH is actually more agile it might eek out slightly better with the CLPL build, but still, as said, it doesnt have the longevity in a fight, you have to spend serious time not firing. Whereas the Stalker can fire on you, then fire on another peakaboo mech somewhere else, then back to you by the time you pop out again.
Not that I think the WH should be better than the Stalker. It shouldnt really. The Stalker is a great mech, always has been, while the WH is kind of subpar. 4 ERPPC in the TT you can actually fire is nice, but it lacks what the RNG gods like, which is lots and lots of rolls, moar weapons moar rolls moar hilarity.
Edited by KraftySOT, 29 March 2015 - 02:25 PM.