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The Biggest Reason The Clans Are Losing Right Now

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#81 Mystere


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 04:46 PM

View PostCzarr, on 03 April 2015 - 03:23 PM, said:

Clans are as weak as their totem animals

Jade Falcon- Psssh a falcon? If i saw a falcon swooping down i would just punch it

Please provide a video or you're full of you know what? :P

#82 Lawrence Elsa


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Posted 05 April 2015 - 09:16 AM

The fact hat there are so many people who don't even read the huge banner that says "communication" and resort to talking about one side crying over the other's mechs or just generally insulting each other makes me very sad. Mechwarrior as a whole doesn't deserve a community like that. I think this thread should be locked if no one has anything positive to add to it.

#83 _Comrade_


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Posted 05 April 2015 - 08:38 PM

i have to say that a Stalker and T-bolt rush is the scariest thing ever. It's SUPPOSE to be IS pilots who fear clan mechs, not clan mechs fearing stalkers and tbolts

#84 Angry Kylo Ren


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Posted 05 April 2015 - 09:00 PM

CJF is much more organized than wolf or bear used to be when I was dropping with them. The pugs also seem to understand how CW works much better, for the most part.

So from a CJF perspective it's not about comms. It's about #1 numbers - even if we won every single drop we'd still lose the planet.

#2 in terms of balance I don't believe CW is a good forum for debating Clan vs IS mech balance.

HOWEVER here are a couple of simple truths.

1) Clan PUGs will be better destined to work together by simple fact of clan mechs all running about 89KPH and pretty much every clan pilot bringing a laservomit build. It's easy to coordinate when everyone runs the same speed and is effective from 400-600m.

2) On the other hand, IS have mechs running anywhere from 50kph to 150kph, and bring all sorts of builds effective anywhere from 200m to 1200m. It's much harder for random PUG IS players to coordinate and work together.

#85 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 05 April 2015 - 09:07 PM

View Postmakbeer, on 05 April 2015 - 09:00 PM, said:

CJF is much more organized than wolf or bear used to be when I was dropping with them. The pugs also seem to understand how CW works much better, for the most part.

As strange as it sounds, i can second this. Clan wolf is a magnet for "solo" players.

#86 Koniving

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Posted 05 April 2015 - 09:10 PM

View PostSpitalier, on 01 April 2015 - 02:44 AM, said:

See it from a different side. Maybe the Clan PUG`s want to be like a real Clan-Warrior who needs to excell on hisself in one on one. Forging his legacy and be chosen for breeding. And The Inner-Sphere Guys are not that Warriorhonor driven and like it to fight as a team for... yeah let the other guys die before myself so that i can enjoy my retirement benefits.


#87 Sandersson Jankins


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Posted 05 April 2015 - 11:19 PM

I've never played in a single clan mech since I went founder. So I'm looking for some correction, possibly...

I certainly don't find clan mechs OP. That's for damn sure. I think IS have an edge with quirked mechs, albeit a small one.

But what I've been telling people is that I find clan mechs to be EASIER while IS mechs are BETTER. Basically, I thought IS mechs had more potential, while clans had more pick-up-n-play.

From this thread, I think I might be wrong. Any pointers?

#88 Commander A9


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Posted 06 April 2015 - 10:41 AM

I did try to tell people that the Clans have their own TS server...repeatedly...

That and I think that people are finding that CW is losing its luster.

Or alot of the major units in Clan territory don't have the numbers to match what's being thrown at us. Which means that we need to recruit fresh blood or start waking people up.

Although to focus on communication, I remind people that when you drop in a match, and you see a majority-tag unit (i.e., 3 CWDG players, 4 CWI players, 5 SWOL players), please get on that unit's Teamspeak and help them in that drop.

If you don't have a unit, join the Strana Mechty Teamspeak and form up.

I have been told Clan Wolf has the worst PUG players, so let's be active and try to fix this.

#89 xX PUG Xx


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Posted 06 April 2015 - 01:19 PM

View PostCommander A9, on 06 April 2015 - 10:41 AM, said:

I have been told Clan Wolf has the worst PUG players so let's be active and try to fix this.

I'm not THAT bad :P

Edited by xX PUG Xx, 06 April 2015 - 01:20 PM.

#90 Gyrok


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Posted 09 April 2015 - 07:29 PM

View PostLawrence Elsa, on 01 April 2015 - 01:53 AM, said:

Okay, make that the second biggest reason. But still, we need


The amount of IS players using TS are way higher than the amount not. The houses have hub servers with no locked channels with short or no passwords. They have unit leaders either idling or leading groups in those servers to turn pugs into tools of war, or even new recruits.
  • Kurita has a hub server,
  • FRR has a hub server,
  • Steiner has a hub server
  • even Davion (who has no active front against the clans) has a hub server.
Now look at the clans
  • CWI has a server
  • SWOL has a server
  • CWDG has a server, and so on

But there is no Clan Wolf primary hub, Nor a Ghost Bear, or Smoke Jaguar.

But we do have this:

Teamspeak3 server:stranamechty.info


If we can get some unit leaders, officers or moderators to keep an eye on the channels, then we can truly unify the clans and even turn multi-clan PUG teams into 12-mans with communication and coordination.

A lot of people mute VOIP right off the bat just because of the audio quality, let alone what some less polite people may be saying. I have been told multiple times when commanding that no one can understand me when I talk on VOIP, and this might just be due to individual client settings. Hopefully this will be changed, but for now we have limitations.

I hope for the sake of all the clans that we stop resenting our Pick-Up-Group players, and start appreciating what sheer numbers and simple communication can do. The Inner-Sphere certainly has...

So far I have gathered that while Community Warfare certainly has room for improvement in the terms of population and planetary attack cycles, a majority agrees that there is a lack of organized teams or cross-unit participation.
Points made
  • High cost of entry for clan mechs
  • Jade Falcons have a hub server
  • Many new players to CW (or old returning ones) had the chance to play with veterans and learn a lot
  • If there is even one more group attacking on a world, it is near impossible to re-take territory
  • The April 21st patch will be equalizing drop weight on both sides.
  • The nature of counter-attack and defense game modes.

Clan Wolf has the Wolf Hub: PW: deltacomms

Use it.

#91 Animus


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Posted 09 April 2015 - 07:37 PM

Lots of good points in this thread.

Our server is open for all Clan Jade Falcon members to come join in the fight for CW.


We also try to frequent the Clan Jade Falcon Prime server as well for games.

Our group is constantly grabbing people from the LFG queue now that it is implemented and look forward to joining up with Clan brethren to destroy the freebirths.

If anyone is looking for a drop add me: Animus

#92 latinisator


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Posted 10 April 2015 - 12:03 PM

View PostGrimwill, on 05 April 2015 - 08:38 PM, said:

i have to say that a Stalker and T-bolt rush is the scariest thing ever. It's SUPPOSE to be IS pilots who fear clan mechs, not clan mechs fearing stalkers and tbolts

Seyla! However that rush can be stopped without losing too much on numbers and ground on the new map. Fought a team (coordinated PUGs with a 7 or 8 man lead premade) of Space Vikings today, who rolled out that rush twice in a single match. The requirements are not always met, unfortunately: focus fire and situation awareness.

Facing STK and TDR on the other maps is a real pain and something that needs more adaption on our side. Personally I remember the sweet times when "we" whined about the tripple PPC Bolt being OP. Not easy opponents, but way more manageable than the recent IS tactic - assault + heavy rush.

#93 Jack Spade Ward


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Posted 16 April 2015 - 10:52 AM

Have you thought that maybe is because the current meta are the IS mechs, builds and tech?

#94 Repasy Cooper


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Posted 17 April 2015 - 09:44 AM

View PostSpadejack, on 16 April 2015 - 10:52 AM, said:

Have you thought that maybe is because the current meta are the IS mechs, builds and tech?

It's already well established that the Clans won 53% during the event. The reason we were losing ground was because of attack queue bias. The IS had more numbers, allowing them to rush the queue and force us on the defense, preventing us from gaining back lost ground.

#95 PhoenixNMGLB


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Posted 17 April 2015 - 01:55 PM

There are a lot of people saying go on this TeamSpeak server or go on that TeamSpeak server. The problem is that in my experience most pugs don't want to have to go to a third party software to communicate.

A lot of people were asking for in game VoIP - how about using it?

Two weeks in jade falcon and no mention of ts and when I did log on to it it was deserted.

Couple of days back in the IS and I have been invited to several.

#96 CyclonerM

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Posted 18 April 2015 - 03:52 AM

View PostPhoenixNMGLB, on 17 April 2015 - 01:55 PM, said:

There are a lot of people saying go on this TeamSpeak server or go on that TeamSpeak server. The problem is that in my experience most pugs don't want to have to go to a third party software to communicate.

A lot of people were asking for in game VoIP - how about using it?

Two weeks in jade falcon and no mention of ts and when I did log on to it it was deserted.

Couple of days back in the IS and I have been invited to several.

I cannot speak for every drop commander, but in a good number of the CW drops we did our drop commander was using VOIP to relay the orders to the pugs.

And i cannot speak for CJF, but i i think it could just be this particular moment: after the event and the announcement of a reset, many have taken a break from CW and overall activity has decreased.

Before the event, in CWI's TS there were pretty much every evening at least a 12men, often more when warriors from other units like GCW, 57th and, later, CI/MS joined our drops.

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