Telmasa, on 17 May 2015 - 01:57 PM, said:
Nontheless, the ideas could be applied to the CW experience in some ways. Making CW matches feel more like missions and less like some kind of Solaris-arena-team-competition tournament would undeniably be more fun.
Though like I keep saying having that Solaris-team thing still around, just in another format, is worth keeping in mind. Evil e-sports attention and all.

I think, given what's in game now, a lot of what we have can be adapted if we connect the public queue maps to the IS Map in the back end.
First make all players align with a faction. If the player is a Lone Wolf or Merc, they have to acquire a contract from a faction to play. Even if its only for 24 hours.
Now that all the players are aligned with a faction, they go looking for a public queue match, they wind up on a team of everybody from that faction. Now say they win. They should get some LP out of that and the game impacts the IS map in some way. Maybe a few assault wins open up a shard on a planet so it can be attacked with Invasion mode. Maybe Conquest games get that faction a temporary perk in the store. Say a 2% discount for 30 minutes, stackable up to 10% or something like that.
There's lots of different ways to slot in the public queue game modes and have them impact the IS map in some way without trampling on the "hardcore" mode of Invasion.
I've been doing a survey of active members in my unit. About half of them are into CW as it is now on a competitive level, the other half don't like that but want to drop with some pals casually but also feel like they're fighting for Davion's glory. These casuals aren't satisfied with the casual player experience. They want to feel like, when they have the time, they're adding to the faction and/or the unit's goals and earn rewards for that.
Anyway, I don't think they need a whole game rewrite, but I do thing PGI needs to re-think their intentions and vision for MWO, then mod what assets they have done towards that vision and then, from there, adding more things to deepen and broaden that vision.
Its possible, if they only have the willpower to look at the game as a whole instead of "here's this group, you get that, and this other group, this other thing, and the two shall not be combined"