Utilyan, on 04 April 2015 - 09:39 PM, said:
I wish they would add some quirks as incentive to the lore.
"Introduced in
2587 for the
SLDF, the
Kintaro was designed with one sole mission: tagging enemy units with a
Narc Missile Beacon." --Sarna
I've built mine as my narc mechs, even got the narc modules. I think they should add narc quirks. range, cooldown
Prob most importantly is if you put a narc in center torso of a kintaro it gets penalized by the missile door delay. I think they should make the narc an exception.
I often think I should use narc but I feel I get more mileage out of tag, especially in CW. You are right about the issue though, it should have a quirk for it.
Kilo 40, on 04 April 2015 - 11:02 PM, said:
I just wish we didn't have to wait until freaking JULY for the shadow cat. I want more viable clan mediums and lights, and I'm so sick of running heavies and the stormcrow.
sometimes I wish i had went IS just because of all the medium mechs available to them, like the Kintaro.
Otto Cannon, on 04 April 2015 - 10:14 PM, said:
The LRM5 GB is an excellent support mech. It's just big enough to provide a decent lurm rain while being mobile and not taking up too much tonnage on the team.
Downsides are some of the launchers being low and hitting terrain easily, plus the mech size and lack of JJ- although with hoverjets being so bad at the moment that's less of a downside.
I'm not keen on the model texture either to be honest, it looks really rough and low res compared to most other mechs.
I wrote this thread hoping to bump awareness of this mech with the newer pilots, I think it has just been lost in the heap of IS mediums and smaller heavies.
More players playing it is the only way I see pgi will improve it. I talked more about its dmg average in the My Favorite Murder Machine thread. Haven't here because that can be argued is pilot skill vs mech ability. But you can only work with what you got no matter how good a pilot you are. I am a moderately skilled player and do ok in some of the other mentioned mediums like the Wolverine or Centurion but this mech just fits me better and my scores show it.
Ive played the 18 and 18(C) the most, Ive always Lurm boated and am trying to get away from that so have been playing the 19 and 20 more. The problem with energy weapons you get kills with less damage done. But here are some score boards that are a good indicator of where me and these mechs are.
I always forget about the other tabs on the scoreboard, would be nice to show the bonus difference.
Lrms are just bonus heavy so the 18s with lrm5 modules offer the wicked rate of fire that makes them bonus machines. If I solo kill an assault or heavy it usually is with at least 3 components destroyed. I usually always get the kill most damage done and savior kill on kill assists. Closer in with line of sight it pumps out enough ordinance to get brawling bonuses fairly regularly though I have no idea exactly what gets that bonus.