FupDup, on 08 April 2015 - 06:37 AM, said:

Also, with allowing multiple matches to accumulate in one play session, that means more playtime in one day = higher chance of winning due to expensive mechs > cheaper mechs.
If money was to used as a "balancing" mechanic at all, it would have to be reset to the default value every match, with no carryover from previous matches. Imagine, for example, playing Starcraft where the winner got to start with all of their minerals and vespene from the previous round...
Well, anyone who's played CounterStrike knows that there's a maximum amount of cash you can accumulate. And it's not quite enough to buy all the best equipment, I think. Which means that even if you die with the max amount of cash in the bank, you still won't have enough money to buy full body armour and the best weapons in the next match. Which, translated to MWO, would mean that no matter how much cash you had, you still wouldn't be able to instantly buy back the Dire Wolf if you lost it.
There would need to be some changes for MWO though, obviosuly. Since CounterStrike has 2 sorts of equipment you can buy - armour and weapons. So you can keep the armour and buy a new weapon. But in MWO stock mode, there would only be one sort of equipment you can buy. Mechs.
But yeah. If the maximum amount of stored cash is 20 million C-bills (or something like that), the problem is solved.
EDIT: In CS you have different servers, so you lose all your cash if you move from one server to another. The only way to accumulate cash is to keep playing on the same server. Each server has a population limit like 12 guys on both teams. In MWO, you would need a similar solution, even if we're all playing on the same servers. So you would need a "Stock mode instance" or equivalent, where you keep playing with the same people match after match. As people disconnect, slots open for new people to join. So... basically like CS, because it works. And it's easier for matchmaker to adjust the teams when the same people are playing each other over and over, by moving one or two players from one team to the other after each match.
Edited by Alistair Winter, 08 April 2015 - 06:46 AM.