Thorn Hallis, on 08 July 2012 - 11:34 AM, said:
This I doubt. Romano Liao wouldn't sent anything (maybe some tires). And Thomas Marik...even as a former Comstar acolyte, I think he would know that sending untried troops against the Clans would be complete suicide. And he would have to convince the FWL parliament to help a foreign power, one that crippled the league during the 2nd Succession War. I doubt Oriente and the Border Protectorate would have been happy to see their troops helping Comstar.
That may be, but unless Romano Liao was even more of a wack-job than I though, she'd be forced to involved the Confederation once the Clans hit Terra. That would put Clan forces within striking distance of Cappie space, and I doubt it would be long before the Clanners would be going for the "Easy Targets" presented by the Cappies in an attempt to shore up their positions in and around Terra. If Romano Liao still refused to act while the Clans threatened the Confederation, she'd be removed. Cappies are nothing if not fervently patriotic.
FWL: Same deal really. If the Falcons were really approaching the Isle of Skye as has been suggested, that puts them within spitting distance of the outer edges of the FWL. If the Falcons pushed far enough, I have little doubt the worlds along the FWL borders would've gotten spooked and started demanding action. If Thomas Marik was on the "I Hate the Clanners" bandwagon, he could've made the case that fighting the Clanners in FedCom space is better than fighting the Clanners in FWL space. Collateral Damage is easier to stomach if it's not your homes and businesses being blown up.
The point I'm trying to make is that if the Clanners continued their drive "South", the FWL and the Cappies would've been forced to get into the fight.
I'm not even going to attempt to argue with Jaroth Winson at this point. His 'arguement' consists of "Iron Womb! Sibkos! Assembly Line! Spartans!" .
I'm not arguing that the average Clan Mechwarrior is better skilled than the average IS Mechwarrior. What I'm aruging is that those Trashborn don't fall out of the Iron Womb and into the cockpit of a Mech. It takes years for them to even "Test into" the Warrior Caste, and a lot of them wash out and either die or get enslaved as a member of the "Lower Castes". He's also blantantly ignoring the fact that there are literally BILLIONS of populating each of the Successor States, and unlike the Clans, the Successor States have no qualms about drafting anyone that can wear a uniform. For every Spheroid solider or Mechwarrior killed, there are literally thousands of replacements. As Arctic Fox said above, the Comguards, one of the smallest military forces in the Inner Sphere had more men(and women) in it's infantry-arm than the total head-count for all the Toumans combined.
Let's not forget production, all those soldiers need equipment, and the IS has more factories, and they're right in the proverbial backyard. It's like that anecdotal story about ammunition coming out of that Soviet arms factory and literally going straight to the soldiers who are fighting right outside. It wasn't until very late in the Invasion that the Clans started investing in setting up production infrastructure in the Inner Sphere, prior to that, all of their equipment needed to be produced in, and shipped from, the Clan homeworlds. That process would take weeks. Say a week or two to produce the Mech, a day or two to get it loaded into a dropship and into orbit, and then another day or two to get that dropship on a jumpship and on it's way, and then there's the weeks-long voyage to the Inner Sphere. And even then, it's a few days or even a few weeks before the Mech makes it from the supply depot to the front-lines.
Let me just say it one last time:
For any given Successor State, you have hundreds of planets, and tens of billions of people supporting hundreds of thousands, if not millions of soldiers, hundreds, if not thousands of Mechs, and thousands of vehicles and Aerospace assets.
For all the Clans combined, you have at most a couple billion people(I'd wager the total Clan population is somewhere around two billion, but that's just an educated guess) supporting a few hundred thousand troops in total.