1) Jump Jets originally provided wonderful agility and jump speeds, making their users feel very maneuverable. It was a lot of fun just to go romping around the Testing Grounds with them.
2) A meta developed focused on using JJs to "poptart" up and down from behind cover, snapping off shots from Gauss, PPCs, and AC/5s and 2s. This meta was very powerful when employed by a skilled Unit against Pugs
3) PGI nerfed JJs hard to break this meta and they haven't been particularly useful since. They went from being a combat asset to being a combat detriment with a change in primary role from fighting to traveling around the map. This makes them relatively undesirable in larger chassis because of the severe tonnage requirements that must be traded for very little or no gain.
4) The issue has divided many, with some (such as myself) calling for a return to our old JJs. Others call for buffs not quite that strong, and still others call for more nerfs (we call the latter people type trolls).
So, with that in mind, I'm making a request that JJs be restored to their original functionality, but with their current heat nerf maintained. I believe that now is a great time to do it and that it will not break the game for the following reasons:
1) Gauss has been nerfed drastically, requiring a charge-up. This makes it a hard weapon to use in jump-sniping.
2) Ballistics have had both their projectile velocity and their range nerfed substantially. While technically a weapon that pilots could still use in poptarting, such pilots would need to get quite close to allow their ballistics to fire with enough accuracy to be worthwhile. Getting so close will somewhat defeat the purpose of poptarting, which was to engage Mechs at range and from cover to prevent them from closing with you.
3) PPCs and ERPPCs also had their velocities nerfed. For the same reasons in bullet 2), they are no longer a powerful poptarting weapon.
4) Maintaining the current heat nerf (JJs interrupt Mech cooldown and exacerbate heat problems) prevents the JJs from being too powerful by penalizing hot Mechs. In other words, PPC/ERPPC jump sniping will be very difficult to accomplish while laser vomit brawling will need to be done carefully to prevent overheating. The heat nerf requires more skill in how pilots employ their JJs.
5) The current meta is focused on laser vomit, which is not favorable to poptarting of JJ brawling due to the weapon's firing duration and heat generation.
6) More powerful JJs would go a long way towards buffing the Summoner and Nova chassis, which are currently penalized rather than enhanced by their locked JJs. It would also bring back the Victor to some extent.
7) JJs would breathe more variability into the game and make it a lot more fun.
8) Premades and Pugs have been separated in the normal queues, fixing one of the biggest problems originally caused by JJs; Premade Poptarting. Note: I am ignoring CW at the moment because it's own issues are such that JJs will not impact it. Both Clans and IS will benefit equally from this buff. Premade versus Pug may still be an issue, but JJs will hardly cause more of a problem in CW since the coordinated requirements of it are already so daunting. Put another way, JJ buffs in CW will have a negligible impact on CW balance compared to other problems CW already has in it.
I do not recommend that this change simply be made and then let lie. Instead, I recommend that a single week be chosen for live testing, much as the Ghost Heat changes were tested for the AC/2s and IS LLs. If the community finds the changes pleasing, then PGI can retain them. If the JJs prove too powerful, then PGI can remove them and use the resulting information to craft a better fix for JJs.
The bottomline is that JJs need to be buffed. Since PGI cannot decouple them from engine turn rates, a new fix must be obtained. Given the multitude of changes made to gameplay through weapon nerfs, Mech quirking, and the implementation of VOIP and separated group/Pug drops in the normal queue, I think it is safe to assume that restored JJs will not break the game. Thus, I suggest a temporary test at the previously mentioned JJ parameters to determine whether or not such a fix for JJs is viable.
TL; DR: Read it. There aren't any shortcuts here. Digest it and then think before you respond. If you respond, provide something of substance rather than something meager such as "I don't like it," or something trollish like, "JJs OP, nerf them."
Thank you for your time.

Edit: An added bonus is that buffing JJs back would help the IS slightly more than the Clans, providing the IS with a slight bonus in the area of skirmishing/poptarting. This would be an indirect way of balancing the IS and Clans without resorting to Clan nerfs.
Edited by Nightmare1, 22 April 2015 - 11:14 AM.