If a 12-man is the only group quered up to attack or defend, and random players attempt to oppose them, then I for one would rather have that match go forward of organized vs. pugs rather than be delayed via said 12-man stuck waiting for an opposing 12-man to quere up, or for 12 random pugs to oppose the already gathering players.
We don't get to pick who we fight when the pregame clock counts down, but when you click "attack" or "defend," you resign yourself to facing whoever is quered up against you. Effectively, you give your consent to facing whoever is on the other side, much like undocking in EVE Online or Star Citizen-you enter hostile territory, you give your consent to whoever wants to shoot you to pull the trigger.
If you don't want to fight the organized 12-mans quered up on a planet, go to a different planet. That's really all you can do. And that's really how it should be.
Short of that, consider joining a unit, and become part of the 12-man. Or use the Looking For Group feature, and network with your people. Use VOIP, Teamspeak, Mumble-come on; be brave, step up, take charge, organize things. Pre-planning!
But let us not think for a second that 12-man groups are the problem. Game mechanics are also not a problem. Really, there is no problem. These complains are coming from people who choose to drop alone, get assigned to random pug sides, and then get plastered when they encounter 12-man groups on the other side of the line.
We saw what happened to Clans when pugs went up against pugs during that hideous Community Warfare weekend event. I refuse to let that happen again. I also refuse to let 12 random players try to defend one of my faction's planets by themselves, or attack the enemy without another team to support them, especially if they do end up facing a organized 12-man unit. That's the perfect time to call for 12-man group reinforcements.
And just because they're pugs doesn't mean they suck. I have stepped up to command a pug team before, and it has resulted in victory, on both attack and defense. Someone has to be brave, step up, and take charge-the rest of the team must then do their best to follow orders. Failure to do so lowers your chance of success. This is not Call-of-Duty-Rambo time, so work together, survive together, win together. If teamwork is overpowered, then start practicing it.
Edited by Commander A9, 16 April 2015 - 08:01 PM.