I keep hearing different takes on this, so can someone please confirm:
"If you leave match after being killed but before its over, you get all rewards except for kill assists where the target is killed after you exit match"

Match Rewards After Leaving
Started by MechWarrior3671771, Apr 14 2015 10:35 AM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 14 April 2015 - 10:35 AM
Posted 14 April 2015 - 10:49 AM
From my last understanding, that is how it works. I have not personally tested it, as I almost always watch the whole match anyway. (I can't see how someone could test this with any ease.)
Posted 14 April 2015 - 11:08 AM
The dev post describing it is lost to the ages (and to the terrible search function on the forums). What they described was that any rewards that come up after you leave will not be applied. If you damage a mech and quit before it dies you won't get the reward. As far as I know that's the only thing affected, since you actually need to be present and active for the rest of the rewards.
I suppose you could launch a volley of LRMs, quit before they land, and score a kill or component destruction. No idea if you would get a reward for that.
I suppose you could launch a volley of LRMs, quit before they land, and score a kill or component destruction. No idea if you would get a reward for that.
Posted 15 April 2015 - 03:03 AM
In the past all you lose if you leave a game were assists. These days are are stuff like saviour kills, saviour assists and most damage dealt to a mech bonus besides assists. There might be more i'm unaware of, since i didn't study the current one in detail. Some of these give a good payout.
Let's say an early leaver averages 30k for a 3 minute match. In 30 minutes he earns 300k playing 10 games in total.
Another player watches an entire match, averaging 90k for a 8 minute match. In 32 minutes he earns 360k playing 4 matches in total.
Let's say an early leaver averages 30k for a 3 minute match. In 30 minutes he earns 300k playing 10 games in total.
Another player watches an entire match, averaging 90k for a 8 minute match. In 32 minutes he earns 360k playing 4 matches in total.
Edited by dragnier1, 15 April 2015 - 03:03 AM.
Posted 15 April 2015 - 04:39 AM
dragnier1, on 15 April 2015 - 03:03 AM, said:
Let's examine that for a moment here. Your assumption is that staying and watching other people have fun for five minutes is more profitable than having fun yourself. Of course, throwing out the whole "having fun" part. Let's just look at Cbills.
Someone who dies after three minutes is unlikely to have earned very many rewards. In all likelihood, this pilot died before having any sort of notable impact on the match, and in fact, it's highly unlikely he even saw more than a couple of enemy mechs, let alone had the opportunity to damage them, the pre-requisite for earning money after death. Thus, his potential for earning money is very low. Additionally, his loss has put his team at a disadvantage, and in fact due to the multiplicative nature of focus fire, early deaths by pilots tend to be the harbinger of a stomp.
All in all, it is almost always more profitable to leave a match than sit there and watch in the hopes that your team can pull something out if you die early on.
The key is understanding the ebb and flow of the match, and your place in it. The longer the match goes on (with you in a mech) the more opportunity there is for you to have unclaimed rewards waiting. You have to learn how to assess the situation. How many enemies are still alive? How many friendlies? Conquest? What specific mechs are alive on each side? Does your team stand a better than 50/50 chance of winning?
If you aren't yet experienced enough to keep track of things like this in your head, click spectate immediately upon your own death and get a picture of what the real situation is.
Is your team getting rolled? Leave.
Did you die very early, with little opportunity to fire on the enemy? Leave.
Are there a large number of mechs left on both sides? Leave.
Is it Conquest? Judgement call.
Did you touch a lot of enemies? Judgement call.
Is your team rolling? Stay.
Is the match nearly over (60 secs or less)? Stay.
All of this is a consideration only of Cbills. For a new player, much can be learned via observation, and that's something Cbills can't buy. If you are dying early as a new player, you probably need to observe some to understand what you did wrong, because rest assured, it was your mistake that saw you out of the fight early. Learning to understand exactly what that mistake was represents the most important step you can take in this game.
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