EvangelionUnit, on 15 April 2015 - 04:44 AM, said:
it costs money to remove the upgrades, so why arent they included in the sale price ?
edit: i wouldn't mind if DHS and ENDO were removable upgrades that i can stick to other mechs (Endo to mechs of the same weight maybe) ...
Id say this would the same concept as installing a hitch on your truck and buying a trailer. You wanted a trailer (DHS/ENDO) so you bought a trailer and had a hitch installed on your truck. When you sell the truck you keep the trailer (DHS/ENDO) just like you keep DHS in inventory. The hitch is welded (in this example) onto the frame of the truck and well you can remove it but it'll cost cash.
Very few people sell mechs in reality, mentioned above quirks and meta can turn bad mechs into top tier mechs. Personally sometimes I sell 1/3 variants when I'm done leveling the mech. Like the vindicator, I kept my Saint Ives Blue (which I now adore), kept the 1AA (meh but if PPC's get a buff it'll be nuts) and sold the 1X because, meh. New players will sell mechs more commonly because resources and mechbay's limited. Mech bays cost $1.25 (IIRC) and can be won through events or CW rewards (limited for IS, better for Clan).
End of the day, the buy back mechanic isn't a huge deal for the player base. Its there and has a purpose, recently I sold 40/134 medium lasers because I was shy of buying the SRM6 range module I wanted to outfit the 3 new Hunchbacks I just bought to level.
*edit: I saw your attitude replying to other posts, its a game tough luck. Mechwarrior is a battle mech simulation game not an ipad type casual game. You have a founder tag, come on.
Edited by HelBound, 15 April 2015 - 08:21 AM.