You may believe I wasn't contributing enough - among your comments were "why are you shooting from Kansas to the Moon", but please note that when the game ended**...
- I had more kills (you had 0)
- I had more assists (you had 1)
- I did more total damage (you did 79)
- I scored higher (your score was 11)
While I generally dislike arm-chair quarterbacking, I will grant that your commentary was pithy and entertaining. I would like to have responded in-game, but you said you couldn't hear my voice over the noise, and I was too busy piloting to respond with text. Unfortunately you disconnected too quickly after the scores were shown for us to have a polite after-game discourse.
Maybe next time?
** I'd post my own scores, but frankly I was a little embarrassed by them, even if I was in a Spider. I respect your audacity though - with numbers like that in a Banshee, I'd have quietly logged off before the game ended, and hoped nobody remembered me afterwards.