Spleenslitta, on 18 April 2015 - 01:43 PM, said:
That's what hit me too. It would be like an ammoless hot gauss rifle with smaller range. No 3x maximum range though.
What traits could we put on the Binary Laser to keep it fair? Maybe get a burn duration of more than 1 second? I'll put that in the poll too.
But yes. I do like the Bombast Laser more to be honest. It's lighter and smaller for the same range and damage potential.
The reason i put up this thread about the Binary Laser instead is the timelines these 2 weapons are released.
Either weapon would be fine with me actually. I'll add a question to the poll just for this.
I had no idea about that stuff regarding mech variants and their designations.
As for the BL firing 2 lasers at the same time causing coding problems. Maybe just make a thicker beam or just plain change it's color?
Pink laser with sparkles? XD
Boating won't be a problem if PGI says: This weapon is so rare.... so outright badass that a mech can only mount 1 Binary Laser.
Yes i know....players will still think the side they are fighting against is OP.
I try my best to remain neutral but whenever i see clan weaponry i just drool...
But then i pity the clanners for their difficulties. So many things in their mechs that cannot be altered.
i honestly cannot make up my mind which side has it easier.
I may be biased. I would say IS have it easier as in many cases quirks makes things a lot more easier or superior for IS.
For eg an ER large laser that has longer range, shorter duration, less heat, more DPS, etc. While only disadvantage is being 1 slot higher (not that much considering now it's 2 slots...). That being one example.
Another is +10 tons in CW and all the variants.
Variants > Configs.
Because there are MANY underpowered configs the Stormcrow and timberwolf have if you keep stock omnipods or do not do meta. However with omnipods I doubt PGI will see Timberwolfs anything but the same mech over and over with different c-bill prices to buy and exchange pods.
My fear is that we will never see a UAC jam chance reduction on a timberwolf, or a SSRM 6 cool down or ER PPC heat reduction to the respective alt.configs.
Getting away from the "ranty" side of this comment.
Yea, designations of mechs play a huge part, Ranging from how it's formated...
[cypher] - [numbers (lots of digits, eg 3) ]
[cypher] [number] - [letter] [number]
For eg...
two mechs with similar cypher structures and also have an additional b on the end meaning an SLDF variant. (sometimes they don't have this, ie the Griffin 2N I believe, which has no b, this could be cypher differences though)
However... the HGN-733p and 733c are different, they symbolise things that isn't strictly a variant... picture it as a sub variant so to say or a field modification.
Cyphers are quite usefull when you understand them BUT do be warned, just because it's a bigger number, letter, etc... doesn't make it newer.
For eg the Direwolf W is more older then the Direwolf S.
back on topic with rarity. Look at couldron born, this thing was made in 3050 and was rushed to the IS asap because smoke jaguar started struggling, it only saw combat in 3052.
even then ,this thing is so rare that clans outside of smoke jag called it by the inner sphere reporting name couldron born instead of it's original name Ebon jaguar because they didn't know about it because how rare it was.
Also I just wounder if rarity should be a thing in this game?... economics of RnR will counter and eat into that a lot when it's back I guess....
Also. the part where you make it fire 1 laser instead of 2 kinda ruins it iconicy.
that's like removing the hunch of the hunchback.
Anyway, another thing striked my mind... Is this thing really worth the trouble? Lets take a step back. This thing is fun but would it be practical?
We still need more hero mechs for the wolverine and thunderbolt. After this all the clan hero mechs and later on the Resistance mechs need heros as well.
The resistance two is on the horizon and clan IIC mechs also.
More game modes for the normal public matches and more community warfare matches as well.
Steam launch, UI 3.0, Gifting MC, Repair and Rearm. Solaris VII, Single Player Campaign. Heat effects like to hot = ammo explosions even if you didn't over heat. above 90 % heat you got a chance to over heat. at high heats your mech will be slower. Other things like PPC's hitting a mech will cause HUD glitching and spazing for a few seconds and if your head is critical your hud glitches and you can't zoom in anymore.
Other things like making Flamers balanced and work right and having clan balanced a bit more. Removing the dreaded machine gun bugs with MACRO that is very serious and all sort of things like that.
Not saying the Blazer is a bad idea. But I think we have quite a lot on the plate already. I would like the Blazer to be released when Solaris VII is out as well as the Arrow, Long Tom, Plasma, Chemical lasers, and especially the bomblast laser.
It fits relatively well. Bombast laser specifically being famous in Solaris VII. Also by then we would have quite a lot of stuff done.
I mean if thing really is needed and fits, go right ahead. but PGI is getting quite a lot of stuff on the plate.