Tidy, on 19 April 2015 - 03:35 AM, said:
Edit: the more I look at it the more I hate it, all they did was telescope the arms out more than the concept art, SHORTEN the damn arms it looks bloody stupid!
That's not all they did. In fact, it's not the main change to the arms at all. The biggest change is that the upper arm telescoping struts are set to a sharper downard angle in the model than in the concept art. Concept art has a shallower angle, model has them bent down much more drastically. No matter how short you made the struts, it would look off with that angle. Change the struts' angle, and the model's arms improve 90% with that alone.
Túatha Dé Danann, on 19 April 2015 - 05:56 AM, said:
I have to agree to several points said above. While the Cauldron Born may be a beast towards its loadout and has many hardpoints, it is already outbalanced by the fact, that it cannot mount JJ or ECM - so it NEEDS to be pretty straight forward in terms of firepower, esp looking left and right towards the Hellbringer and the Mad Cat. So nerfing the mech by giving it a bad geometry is not a good choice. The arms stick out too wide to the sides and heightwise cannot shield the side-torsos, the legs look much too high and need to be compressed (see first post), the side-torso weapon mounts look good and could be dropped down a little bit, esp. regarding using the arms as shields. Other than that, the center "nose" could be made a little bit more awesome looking like in the concept art, but its looking "okay" for now.
All in all, make a new geometry pass. This mech is the newest in the Clan lineup and should look badass.

Spot-on, pretty much. Wide arms are OK, but they shouldn't be angled so low. Also, nice username - I can see why you in particular would be invested in this 'Mech
Strum Wealh, on 19 April 2015 - 06:24 AM, said:
...the weight bearing servos [need] to be aligned such that the weight of the finished unit in a standing position is directed vertically through them...
In other words: for the Cauldron-Born (and others) to actually work, they would necessarily have to have the more upright posture that PGI gave them in MWO...
Between needing the legs to be more straight/upright & needing to add a torso joint, there was no realistic hope of the MWO Cauldron-Born being anywhere near as (height-wise) short as the original artwork & minis would have suggested.
...Are you being serious? First of all, IT DOESN'T MATTER. This is a game, not real life, and we can make a 'Mech
look however we want. You might as well start talking about how AC/20s should be the highest ranged ballistic weapon in the game outside of Gauss, weapon ranges overall should be four or more times higher than they are, lasers shouldn't be visible on HPG Manifold, and 'Mechs shouldn't even exist in the first place because they offer no real benefit over tanks. Who cares? Rule of cool.
Second, you can start talking about realistic design decisions in MWO (as if that matters, which it clearly doesn't) when PGI starts actually using that as a basis for their game design. So long as we have 'Mechs whose feet slide over the terrain when running, the idea that PGI is modifying 'Mech models' legs due to "realism" is a gross misdirection.
And third, what you're saying is not even true in an absolute sense. A straight-leg stance may
usually be the
easiest way to make a robot move efficiently, with current technology and knowledge. In no way does that imply that this is
absolutely true, not even with current tech:
And it only becomes less "necessarily true" once the possibility of further technological advancements in the future come into play.
TL;DR - it doesn't matter if it makes sense. What matters is what looks good, because the appeal of 'Mechs lies in
that, not in their realism. Keeping things in line with the source material is a big part of making things look good when it comes to a successful and well-known intellectual property like Battletech.
Edited by Bloodweaver, 19 April 2015 - 07:35 AM.