Ok, thanks for the responses guys, i didn't expect so many

. Going to make a few changes.
New build:
STK-3H with 2 added heat sinks and another ton of ammo!
Command Console:
So i re-read the tooltip. "-42.5% targeting time" is a very ambiguous statement, i initially thought that is a lock-time reduction. I mean for 3 tons it really should reduce lock-times, right?

Will remove it for sure.
I just can't bring myself to fit one. I know that it's a good idea in theory, but whenever i run out of ammo my brain says "Hey Rollup, You know you should of put Ammo instead of that CASE, right?..... You knew you didn't really need it and you did it anyway.... you deserve to die

... ". My ammo explosion deaths are rare, probably less than 5 total.
It is true, for something that does this much damage, it's kill count could be higher. For example, if my
STK-4N does 1k dmg, it's usually 5-6 kills. Same goes for my
TDR-9SE, 1k dmg is always 5-6 kills.
BlackhawkSC, on 20 April 2015 - 10:10 AM, said:
LRM20, even with Artemis and TAG spreads way too much. That's why you'll often see big damage games but often with a low kill count. I did a 1400 damage game with a similar build (2xALRM20, 1xALRM5, 3xML), but in reality, it was contributing less to the match than the number suggests. Quad ERLL gets you more focused damage and kills. 36 pts on a HBR left torso is worth more than 60 pts spread all over the same mech. If you really want to run LRM20 builds though, either add a CASE to the ST (because those STs are huge and easy to hit and explode your ammo), or move the ammo to your arms.
@BlackhawkSC, Love your vids!, watched alot of them when i started playing and they were a great help, Thank You

So yeah, i'm a bit shocked that i don't agree with you on this, at all.....
The spread is fine if you're shooting large/slow/stationary targets and you really should be prioritising Assaults.
Narc/Tag does make a difference, but are just bonuses that aren't required, indeed most games you will not get them.
You say you've done a 1.4k game and you didn't feel like you contributed to it? Seriously? Is that a joke?

Quad ERLL: I tried this before, but found it a bit underwhelming. It was hard to find targets silly enough to let me focus on one component, they just twist and the damage gets spread. Didn't perform as well as a STK-4N for me.
I don't really care too much about my personal kill count (my KDR is high enough already

) the others in my team will secure the kill, and i like that i've helped them do that, getting kills is a good feeling, Share the Love

I just try things and see what works. If they do, i post the build on the forum to try and help others that are learning like me. I have to say that doing 1k dmg in anything is a good show, regardless of what it is and
this thing averages that. I'm just showing what this build can do if it's played with the method described in my first reply.
Edited by Rollup, 20 April 2015 - 09:39 PM.