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The Attitude Of The Playerbase In Mwo.

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#1 Spleenslitta


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 02:47 PM

We have all seen it. A guy dies and blames everybody on his team.
He says: "Why do i always end up with the noob team?" or he just starts cursing and insulting everyone.
Then he either continues to rant or leaves before anyone can even respond.

I'm going to speak my mind about this and i don't care how much i'm hounded/ridiculed/hated for it.
For those that don't go around saying foul things to your teammates: You don't need to read all this.

A lot of people will say i'm some naive blue eyed hyper religious guy who is possibly into other men as well as reading the bible three times a day.
Those that think so please click the spoiler button.


The internet allows us anonymity and we often blow our tops to let out steam.
I get that, but there are limits.

Anyone who has cursed his teammates needs to ask themselves some serious questions.
These questions are
Would you say such foul words to a team you play sports with in public in front of your family?


We have all seen the word noob being used often. But we also see stuff that's far over the line.
We see players making assumptions about other players sexual preferances for example.


Am i saying these situations are real?
No. It's just supposed to make you understand how serious things could be if they were real.

To you this sounds like it would never happen. Never. Your friends are not like that.
Your family members are most certainly not like that.
Guess what? Things do not become the way you say it has to be just because you said so.

This is also kind of my decleration that i will keep my chat turned off in future games.
Furthermore i won't post nor read anything more in this thread.
So i won't know nor respond to anything you might say whether it's meant to support, ridicule or curse me.
Whether it's ingame or right here in this thread. PM's with....foul content will be reported to support.
Now i'm glad i have that option....to just tune everyone out and enjoy the game.

Because that's what MWO is. It is a game which you're meant to enjoy.
Losing a match is not the end of the world.

If losing a match means so much to you that you need to throw curses at everybody around you-
-Then i'm seriously worried about your mental health. I'm completly utterly serious here.
No joking. I really am worried.

Edited by Spleenslitta, 14 April 2015 - 02:52 PM.

#2 Xetelian


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 02:52 PM

Report the player and move on with your life.

I'm sorry to hear you've ran into a few turds in our fishbowl.

#3 Alistair Winter


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 02:56 PM

You don't need to be worried. Everything will be alright in time. Years in the future, mankind will have gradually grown more wise and there will be less abuse on the internet. It's still fairly new to us. But right now, it's pretty harsh. And sensitive people, like me, should learn to either switch of the chat when they feel the toxicity is too much to handle, or just grow thicker skin and deal with it.

You may think I'm just drinking the internet gamer kool-aid. If you think so, click this spoiler.


#4 cSand


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 02:58 PM

I've found most people are pretty damn nice or at least unoffensive.

Though.. I love the "team complainers" who die right away then spend the next 5 minutes telling everyone what they're doing wrong. THEIR TEARS FUEL ME

#5 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:10 PM

Its either blame the team or blame IS/Clans OP.

My favorite the other day was "This game hasn't changed, same old PPC/AC meta"

I tried to inform him that wasn't the "meta" any more, and then he just kept calling me a noob.

#6 stjobe


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:16 PM

View PostcSand, on 14 April 2015 - 02:58 PM, said:

Though.. I love the "team complainers" who die right away then spend the next 5 minutes telling everyone what they're doing wrong.

I usually answer them with "...says the dead guy."

That either results in a "disconnected" or them raging harder. Either one works for me :)

#7 Naelbis


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:16 PM

I rage at people that think running around the map in a circle and leaving your assaults to get ganked in the first 2 minutes is smart play..but then I remember when the game was about holding a map point and setting up a good firing line. Or your team engages and next thing you know its you versus 6 because your team all scattered to find a rock to hide under. Or teams that hide in one low point on the map while the enemy surrounds you and then picks you apart while you can't shoot back. All super smart tactics...but then my elo is pretty low so I see guys trying to shoot through walls, firing flamers from 500 meters away, using thier one med las at close range and ignoring their 3 srm launchers..etc etc. I know I shouldn't but man is it hard when I remember better times.

Edited by Naelbis, 14 April 2015 - 03:18 PM.

#8 Kiiyor


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:27 PM

I think it's equal parts luck, frustration, and the fact that a large portion of the playerbase seems utterly incapable of accepting fault for their own shortcomings.

If someone pushes too early and dies, was it because everyone else on the team are cowards, as dead guy is so vehemently claiming in chat? Nope. Dead guy was out of position.

If someone loitering at the rear instead of moving with the group dies, did everyone else leave them for dead? Nope. Out of position.

If someone was ripped apart by a hoard of LURMS, was it the fault of the weapon system? Nope. Out of position!

It's easier to vent than be introspective.

#9 Tastian


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:33 PM

I especially love when the guy that rushes ahead of the team dies instantly, curses his team for not sticking with him and proclaims "that's why you lose", rage quits, and then that team wins.

#10 Clit Beastwood


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:43 PM

It's just human nature - it's never one's own fault, it's always something or someone else that caused the failure. Just wait until the end of a drop, look at the scores of the person complaining, and consider the source. Does the guy that yells at everyone for leaving his direwolf behind in skirmish have any justifiable reason to complain? No. Does the guy that brought an LRM boat have a reason to complain when people won't expose themselves to hold locks? No. This game is easy. This game is predictable. This game has a pretty simple set of mechanics - after 2000 or so drops, one should be pretty familiar with those mechanics. After 5000 drops, there are very few valid excuses for not knowing "how things work". Everyone can't be good at everything, and the only way to get better is to acknowledge failure, own it, and learn from it. You'll see some people that have been blaming their teams for, literally, *years* at this point... They haven't gotten any better because they haven't taken the time, they haven't put in the effort, to figure out what *they* did to help their team fail. Nobody's blameless after a failure, either someone caused it, or allowed it to happen. That failure is a shared burden, and anyone blaming the others, in my book, is automatically responsible for more of the failure than me :)

#11 Mechteric


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:44 PM

95% of your post was superfluous (from one atheist to another, there was just no need for all that filler)

#12 zagibu


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:46 PM

Well, sometimes you really are in a very bad team and the end of match results screen shows nobody topping 200 damage, some being in the low multiples of ten, while you had your usual 400-600. You DO see some really, really bad playing from time to time, and I think a little chat rage is allowed in such a moment.

I was once pinned down with three teammates behind a hill. I told them in team chat "don't go out there, you will die, wait until the rest of our team has flanked them". Ten seconds later, the first of the three moves up to peek over the hill and is focused down by at least 7 enemy mechs. He doesn't survive the 2 seconds of exposure. Despite my written disappointment and the repetition of my warning, not 20 seconds pass until the next teammate tries to peek around the left side of the hill. He is lucky and survives the first alpha, but then after a moment, he goes out to peek again, AT THE EXACT SAME SPOT. And now guess what the third one does? He writes "STFU" in chat and joins his dead comrades.

#13 oldradagast


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 04:02 PM

With the painful exception of the "pro-seal clubbing" players in the CW forum, I have to say that this community overall is pretty good. Sure, now and then you'll run into idiots, teamkillers, or trolls who can't keep their mouth shut, but they are so rare that you tend to remember them for exactly that reason.

If you think this community is bad, you haven't seen the real rotten underbelly of the internet.

A year or so back, I played ONE game of Dota 2 on my brother-in-law's account. He warned his team that he was letting me play my first game. Instantly, the VoIP filled with rage and profanity. Several people hoped "that somebody would kill me" while the rest was little better than the screams of waste-flinging monkeys. When we turned off the voice, they continued ranting on the text chat. In the end, we won and I wasn't the worst player in the game. And yet, oddly, I have zero interest in playing that game again since I got in one game more abuse than I've gotten in 2+ years of playing MWO.

#14 CptGier


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 04:17 PM

Lol, there is no other way to explain it besides "I got the newb team" when the game ends 1-12 in under 4 minutes. And that seems to be the trend of this game either way, 1-12 or 12-1.....this game's MM is utter fail and really needs to do a better job of putting equal numbers of equally skilled players on either side.

And yes, it would make a difference. ONly occasionally would it end up in a 1-12 route with equally skilled players on either side. Take any pro sport ever with equal WL or skilled teams on either side, only rarely is it ever, like in American Football, a 60-7 stomp unless maybe one side is using a 2nd stringer for Quarter back, or they just plain played bad, but its the rare, not the norm. Typically, 2 decent teams, it will end in a nice 8-12, 9-12, 12-10 and so on.

BUt its all to clear to see this game goes and puts 10 terribads on oone side then pairs them against a team of 1337 mLG pros, or just hella better players and it shows quickly.

And dont go into how 1 mech down it ends in a steamroll effect, cuz it doesnt. That only happens cuz bads lose 1, then another guy goes stupid and he dies and THAT is the effect we see. But, if you had equally skilled average players on both sides, you would see slower games, no lemming tards. Players would stick together, players would have brains enough to move right. We would see alot more 10-12 and less 1-12.

And hell, lets just say its 2 terribad teams, havent we all seen it in pro sports? when the worst teams play each other? It still typically ends in a good game, each side failing their way to victory.

And no, its not a lie when someone is getting on the noob team time and again.

Cuz honestly people, answer, what is 1 person supposed to do when 2 minutes in and the score is 0-5? What? Dont say Carry harder, cuz its no ones job to "carry", its everyone's job to play the gamne with a degree of skill and caring enough to atleast make it a game, otherwise, why play?

If your a "play for fun" person, then you need to be down in teh scrub Q with the other "play for fun" people. I to play for fun, but my idea of fun is getting in and having a good game. A battle that ends in 9-12, 10-12, 12-11, and it comes down to a last minute flank shot on a mostly dead Dire Whale. The issue is the players in general have just become so epic fail, apathetic and dont care that they simply are in capable of even playing the game.

Dont yell at the guy yelling about fail teams....its probably more the teams fault.

#15 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 05:24 PM

mwo has a much much less 'toxic' (if you let me use lol's term for that) playerbase than mobas, partially because the enemy doesn't get stronger on your death but wastes some resources instead

what do they say if you die at 0:30 to some daring lights in mwo? probably nothing or something to the team like 'watch, they can attack again'. what do they say in lol/dota if you give an early first blood? they will probably be quite mean to you, at best it will be something passive agressive like 'wtf' at worst they will ask you to die from cancer together with your relatives, but actually it's not the worst, it's just words, at worst somebody might afk or begin to feed because they decide the match was lost, lol

mobas have a pretty well working and complicated system to punish players too, bans, chat restrictions, low priority queues are pretty common there, probably most of people on both teams would have some of those punishments in their past

Edited by bad arcade kitty, 14 April 2015 - 05:28 PM.

#16 grendeldog


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 08:11 PM

I don't know dude, but I've had the experience that the MWO userbase is the kindest, most even-tempered, most well-mannered group of gamers I have yet to see. I've not seen a single racial or ethnic slur. I've not been singled out and ranted at for poor performance even once when I was green as grass and sucked long ones. I haven't even really seen anybody abuse their own team for sucking - and believe me I've been on some just truly awful teams.

It's almost like the userbase spends all their bile on PGI and has none left to vomit on one another. And hey, while I personally don't have any bad feelings for PGI, I would rather people direct their anger there than towards me, whether or not that anger is valid (I make no judgement either way - I don't have a problem with PGI but that is only my opinion and you are entitled to your opinion if you disagree).

So maybe you got a griefer in a game, but I cannot testify to having seen anything that approaches 'internet impoliteness' in MWO.

#17 Ragtag soldier


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 11:01 PM

View Postgrendeldog, on 14 April 2015 - 08:11 PM, said:

I don't know dude, but I've had the experience that the MWO userbase is the kindest, most even-tempered, most well-mannered group of gamers I have yet to see.

clearly we're in different ELOs, because i see all kinda of childish rage. or you play when all the kiddies are safe in bed.

#18 QuantumButler


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Posted 14 April 2015 - 11:10 PM

I'm sorry, if half the team can't manage to break 100 damage then they deserve all the ridicule heaped on them.

Or if a medium/light lance suicides into the enemy team in the first 50 seconds of the game, that's a good one too.

Edited by QuantumButler, 14 April 2015 - 11:12 PM.

#19 Roadbuster


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Posted 15 April 2015 - 12:44 AM

View PostCptGier, on 14 April 2015 - 04:17 PM, said:

Lol, there is no other way to explain it besides "I got the newb team" when the game ends 1-12 in under 4 minutes. And that seems to be the trend of this game either way, 1-12 or 12-1.....this game's MM is utter fail and really needs to do a better job of putting equal numbers of equally skilled players on either side.

BUt its all to clear to see this game goes and puts 10 terribads on oone side then pairs them against a team of 1337 mLG pros, or just hella better players and it shows quickly.

And dont go into how 1 mech down it ends in a steamroll effect, cuz it doesnt. That only happens cuz bads lose 1, then another guy goes stupid and he dies and THAT is the effect we see. But, if you had equally skilled average players on both sides, you would see slower games, no lemming tards. Players would stick together, players would have brains enough to move right. We would see alot more 10-12 and less 1-12.

And no, its not a lie when someone is getting on the noob team time and again.

Cuz honestly people, answer, what is 1 person supposed to do when 2 minutes in and the score is 0-5? What? Dont say Carry harder, cuz its no ones job to "carry", its everyone's job to play the gamne with a degree of skill and caring enough to atleast make it a game, otherwise, why play?

Dont yell at the guy yelling about fail teams....its probably more the teams fault.


I'm also guilty of commenting about the team performance. Usually after a losing streak of "terribads against 1337 pros".
Teams who don't care about enemy movement, flankers, UAVs, teammates,... just drive me mad.
I also get angry at myself for expecting the team to act in a way which makes sense.

I have no problem if someone vents.
But insulting other players, swearing or personal attacks are out of question.

A bit off topic, but can someone explain to me, why every 2nd or 3rd word of some players has to be either fu**, di**, black di**, mom or sh**?
I've once followed a VOIP "conversation" during a match which lasted about 3 minutes. I've never heard these words so often in such a short ammount of time.

#20 MoonfireSpam


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Posted 15 April 2015 - 12:47 AM

Actually compared to other games (LoL) the playerbase is pretty good. Even more so theres 23 other people in each game.

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