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Battle Of Tukayyid Full Event Details!

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#21 xMintaka


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:28 PM

Looks like I'm not going to sleep this weekend... Really want the WHK-C.

#22 luigi256


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:30 PM

Ugh 50 matches is way too much for one weekend. Even 40 for one weekend is too much. Something like 25 would be possible. I still wouldn't do 25 but forget 50.

Love the sale though good on you for that PGI. I shall throw a few bucks your way for that.

Edited by luigi256, 23 April 2015 - 04:31 PM.

#23 Stickjock


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:33 PM

The Com Guard is standing ready to assist in the defense of Tukayyid...

(that is if I can get my disconnect issues fixed... LOL...) Looking forward to this...

#24 Dirk Le Daring


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:33 PM

You could have gone with an event specific faction choice.

As it stands anyone not in a faction will have to choose a seven day minimum contract. And after the event be penalised for going back to being Lone Wolf / Merc Corp.

Which leads to a dilemma for me.... Not play the Tukayyid event or cave in and break with principle, and take a contract. (if you are wondering why this would pose a problem, click the link in my sig and read the post)

In all reality, I probably will not partake, but wish those who do so, the best of luck.

For those of you who will berate me for posting this, it must be done to show that PGI has left out a portion of the player base through lack of foresight, the same as we were left out of CW upon its inception. (again for haters, read the thread in my sig)

#25 Kenyon Burguess


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:47 PM

5 matches is your participation award, that's a great minimum. crying about anything past that is just people being ungrateful for free stuff.

#26 Twilight Fenrir


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:52 PM

I think it's good that they have points up to 50... may not have gone high enough for some, actually... Just because it's not possible for you to get EVERY prize, doesn't mean there are people who wouldn't be upset when they hit 50 points, and none of the rest of their matches come with anything... So, chill the F* out!

It's UP TO half an hour for a CW match, I think the majority of them end within 20 minutes.

Either way, I'm getting one of those mechs! Probably the Warhawk, but I haven't decided yet... Will have to take a look at what the Banshee can do in the mechlab...

#27 dr lao


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:53 PM

woot right at payday to im ready point me towards danger !!!

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#28 Lorian Sunrider


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:55 PM

Would love for the C-Bill reward at 50, but even hitting 40 may be hard. Oh well, no sleep is good sleep.

#29 _____


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:59 PM

Most people will go for the 40 if possible, but damn, 40x say average of 25 minutes per match (realistically including selecting a planet, queuing, waiting for players to connect etc) is 1000 minutes or almost 17 hours.

#30 Tesunie


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 05:13 PM

Once again, another mech reward prize placed too high for me to even dream of trying to get it. I work Sunday and Monday, and will likely only be able to get up to 10 points, 20 max. 40 points as a goal? Not going to happen here.

I wished I had one of those mythical jobs where I had every weekend off so I could even dream of trying this, but doing nothing else but MW:O all weekend. (Still probably wouldn't do it.)

PS: I'm not asking to be able to earn the top prize, but I'd love to be able to earn a mech prize at some point. Use to be able to with the one day I could sink into the game during an event, if I really tried. Now? I haven't been able to earn any mechs since the Raven/Cataphract (which one came last) Champion, and that was only just before the deadline came and playing this game non-stop. I have a job. MW:O sadly is not my job. :(

#31 odiemoncrew


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 05:14 PM

The rewards of
450 mc
8500 gxp
choice between BNC-3m or WHK (with Mechbay)
4x cbill consumable Pack
and a banner
for 50 qualifying matchs in CW seems a little too much of a grind
Even with all the matchs being practically on the same planet with
an almost none existant wait time for a match.
I would have loved the event to be spaced over a week, or at least
a gimme to people if all the comp players decide to dominate quite
a bit of the matchs & preventing people from getting the required
match points during this weekend.
I could very well see this boiling down to which side has the most
comp teams or meta pre-built mechs teams getting anywhere over
20 points.

#32 DarkMetalBlade


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 05:14 PM

*sigh* Time to once more endure the unendurable...

In case you haven't noticed, the rewards for this are juicy enough to entice me...

#33 ZenFool


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 05:16 PM

I thought I was pretty hardcore for this game, but apparently there are oodles of people that think even 40 is possible. I don't. I can't imagine it. That would be like a 120(150 for top prize) points in the regular queue... I'll be participating, but this just makes me think the Devs don't know how long it takes to get AND play a match or how much time a ghost drop eats(hopefully there will be NONE of those this weekend...).

#34 Gattsus


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 05:30 PM

View PostAlexander Garden, on 23 April 2015 - 03:38 PM, said:

The 50 Point tier should really be seen as an extended, edge-case reward. The ultimate goal for most players will be the 40 point tier for the Banshee/Warhawk selection.

50 points is a lot, and we're definitely mindful of that, but for every comment we tend to receive about the max tiers being too high we get another about the points not going high enough (here or through the support services). 45 and 50 were essentially added as stretch rewards to cover that.

I think that a quick calculation should be able to tell you that for a 25+ years old player it may be difficult to reach 20-30+ points... considering 1 game = 1 win no down times between game:

1 game = 40 mins (30 playing+10 waiting organising the drop/queuing),
10 points = 6-7 hours. (let's take the average as 6).

Just taking assumptions, let's consider that a player can play for 2-4 hours a day, thus, to get 10 points, it will take the player about 2-3 days, moreover, the event last 6 days. With this in mind, at best, an average player will achieve 30 points, and a "base level" player may get 10 points. This is not even considering long queues, not getting the minimum points or other down times, and this is playing the 6 days... if you work or have other commitments....

Having said this, no one forces us to play the game. It all comes down to how the devs want to be perceived, never forget the effect on "wallets" by the feeling of a costumer that feels that he's missing something.

Rewards are "free" considering money, but such a time sink that some of us can't afford to grind.

1 point = 40.0 mins per game
10 points = 6.0-7.0 hours
average gaming time = 2.0-4.0 hours
10 points = 1.5-2.0 days of playing
best case = 20 points
worst case = 10 points
rewards are free money-wise, expensive in time

Bottom line, event should have been a week long.
Quoted from Knight2416: Please PGI remember the 25 years and over crowd next time.

It would be a good idea if once you get your 80 points, whatever is left, is shared amongst the rest of the group, starting with who needs less to get the point for the challenge... or award 1 point every minimum you meet, ie 80=1, 160=2, etc

(updated the calculations using real life values)

Edited by Gattsus, 29 April 2015 - 06:23 AM.

#35 Wintersdark


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 05:31 PM

View PostZenFool, on 23 April 2015 - 05:16 PM, said:

I thought I was pretty hardcore for this game, but apparently there are oodles of people that think even 40 is possible. I don't. I can't imagine it. That would be like a 120(150 for top prize) points in the regular queue... I'll be participating, but this just makes me think the Devs don't know how long it takes to get AND play a match or how much time a ghost drop eats(hopefully there will be NONE of those this weekend...).
id be pretty surprised tonsee any ghost drops this weekend. There will be a LOT of players cycling matches on only one world.

Still. I do wish we could have a mech reward at a level attainable by Normal People. I mean, I don't mind playing hard through the weekend, but 40 matches at best? 80 points is easy to get, but in there we'll still likely get rolled a couple times.

Even if EVERY match scores and averages 20 minutes with 5 minutes between drops, that's still some 17 hours of play. 6 hours a day over 3 days, then, is a pretty optimistic number. That's insane.

I miss being a kid/young adult who can do that, but that's waaaaay out of reach for me.

Now, I don't expect to get everything, and I think its great to have prizes for those who can do that... But I just wish we'd have a mech prize at lower tiers too, so you can feel like you got something really worthwhile out of the whole thing too.

Ah well.

#36 White Bear 84


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 05:55 PM

Here I am about to whinge about 25 hours of my life and I have been beaten to the punch.. :ph34r:

Even 40pts @ 20hrs is pushing it for 'regular' players. I mean, really I love MWO, I would love that mech, but do I really want to spend ALL day Saturday & ALL day Sunday playing CW to get it? Probably not.

Not to mention we have ANZAC day over here so Saturday is 100% out of the question.. ..probably should have considered Aus/NZ public holiday's as I suspect this will reduce numbers on said day...

And just to polish it off, if you expect regular players to join in CW and go for this challenge, expect the same nonsense we see on regular maps in CW for the duration of the weekend.. .hard to attain targets = monkey gameplay scrambling to etch up the scoreboard..
Challenges are more fun when they are not targeted at players that live inside their computer...

Posted Image

Edit: Not to be a total killjoy, so I will give PGI this.. ..but they are pretty tasty rewards..

Edited by White Bear 84, 23 April 2015 - 05:58 PM.

#37 Ari Sempai


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 06:04 PM

50 point ? 3 Day ? With monkeypug ?

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Edited by arikewaza, 23 April 2015 - 06:05 PM.

#38 Matthew Ace


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 06:06 PM

It's likely that 40 is pushing it for a weekend event, unless players can earn more than 1 points for doing well (e.g. carrying the team).

On the off-chance anyone from PGI is reading this, perhaps 2 points for hitting perhaps 150 or 200 points?

Edited by Matthew Ace, 23 April 2015 - 06:10 PM.

#39 luxebo


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 06:10 PM

I think we can assume that there is no reason for such huge requirements. Only about a fifth of the comments on the big requirement supports it. All others are against.

#40 Wintersdark


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 06:15 PM

View PostMatthew Ace, on 23 April 2015 - 06:06 PM, said:

It's likely that 40 is pushing it for a weekend event, unless players can earn more than 1 points for doing well (e.g. carrying the team).

It's pretty much right out impossible for what I'm willing to wager are the majority of players. Average players - not comp team players, but average players in a unit aren't going to score in every match. Most people, even if they could play for 6 hours a day (this is a huge amount of time to be playing a video game for adults, by the way - not because we don't want to, but because life) we're not going to be able to chain drop for 6 hours a day 3 days in a row. There'll need to be breaks, random AFK, group reorganization as people come and go, etc. 40 points in 17 hours is pretty much a best-case scenario, and actually upwards of 24 hours is probably more realistic. That's a tremendous amount of play in a 4 day stretch where even lucky ******** who work normal monday-friday day shift jobs will still work two days.

View Postluxebo, on 23 April 2015 - 06:10 PM, said:

I think we can assume that there is no reason for such huge requirements. Only about a fifth of the comments on the big requirement supports it. All others are against.

Well, to be fair: I'm totally not against Crazy Super Special Awesome Prizes For People Who Are Insane And Have No Responsibilities, or CSSAPFPWAIAHNR's.

I just want to see a decent mech prize, just once, for people who want to put a good amount of play in but can't pull those insane hours for CSSAPFPWAIAHNR's. Leave the Assaults on 40 points. Add a heavy at 30, a medium at 20, a light at 10. Make it really worth stepping along the line, but if people can only make 20 points, they'll at least still feel like they got something awesome for it.

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