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Battle Of Tukayyid Full Event Details!

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#501 Uncle Totty


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 01:13 PM

View PostCommissar Aku, on 26 April 2015 - 12:52 PM, said:

Why is it that Clans, who are supposed to be the honorable ones just push with some direwhales and spawn camp, every single game?

Sorry for not being dumb. ;)

#502 Inveramsay


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 01:16 PM

View PostMark Brandhauber, on 26 April 2015 - 12:46 PM, said:

PGI do not work weekends

Actually they do. I got my email from support releasing me from my IS contract yesterday.

I've managed 23 games today and only 6 yesterday. The key, well it was getting my allegiance swapped to clan. Seriously, if you have a drop deck worth of clan mechs send them the email and try to swap.

The events is a shambles and I feel sorry for the IS players I end up facing now.

As for the whole clan vs IS debate, having now played a fair bit more clans I'm not sure they are op at all. The random pug land clan mech is better than the random pug land IS mech. Compare a drop deck of meta designed mechs and the difference is much smaller. The crap people bring to matches is staggering. I've seen LRM atlai, LLas firestarters, 6xERLLas battlemasters and a random 2xLRM10+AC20 centurion. Heck, I even came across what I presumed was an extinct species, the splat cat. The clan mechs don't lend themselves quite as much to the stupid configs that people cart into CW and thus the average clan mech is better.

There is little question the laser vomit meta at the CW ranges suit the clan mechs better and this seems to flummox every pug IS team I've come across unless they are an organised group. They don't seem to get that while the timerwolf with the meta build can output 54 points of damage in an alpha it can only do so twice before overheating. The meta stalker 4N on the other hand can keep firing for much longer due to the cool running large lasers and each 3xLLas salvo does 27 points of damage. The IS lights are far superior to the clan junk passed off as lights (come to me my beautiful arctic cheetah). How I wish I could mount some cool running but reasonable ballistics for example. These last 23 games as a random pugger has seen me win 11 times and lose 12. That seems pretty balanced to me. The clan wins seem to fluctuate between 30/70% to 70/30% within an hour or two. I think it will be down to luck who comes out on top

#503 MagikMan191


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 01:22 PM


It's cause the way they setup this queue system.
If you make it all the way to #1 spot - and the next game is supposed to be yours, but one random guy out of the 12 that were in your "transferring pilot and Mechs" decides to leave - you go all the way to the back of the queue.
I still don't understand why it (PGI) doesn't just grab someone from the #2 queue drop deck, or give a random pug a break and just fill the spot over making 11 guys wait another half hour and head to the back of the bus. Ridiculous! and totally not fair.

Edited by MagikMan191, 26 April 2015 - 01:24 PM.

#504 Iron Rex


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 01:38 PM

What the heck is up with the Tukayyid defender queue? I get to 11 in the queue and then get bumped to the end of the line repeatedly... This quickly becoming not worth the effort.

#505 Ridir Semii


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 01:40 PM

View PostBigbacon, on 26 April 2015 - 07:26 AM, said:

people have been saying since very early on that the solos need to be included in a much better way for CW to work. it continuously falls on deaf ears and CW continues to suffer.

now the group folks will just tell you get 'get skills' and play as a team but when most of the community doesn't want to spend hours to get good or group up then you sort of need to start fixing that. If the majority of players are solo types then you need to include them. Group folks can have fun fighting themselves if they can actually get a match in. If the solo folks aren't having fun, then they don't play. If they don't play, CW ceases to exist in any meaningful way and they should just start putting their efforts into more Solo queue maps/modes.

I think a big help would be to make it so 12 mans can't play UNLESS it is against another 12 man group in the queue..max it at 8 and let solos fill in the rest.

I know it falls on deaf ears, 2 times since CW began I have tried to get a rallying point for people to show PGI that they too, are part of the community and "society at large"

I tend to agree with the learn to play better guys, just not the way they go about it, I would rather group up with a crew of nubs and help them improve than play with many of the uber elitists I see on here...

For what its worth I've been around since open beta and knew a guy who was a founder that refuses to play because of IGP... still won't return even now because of the sour taste it left in his mouth and wallet. The devs seem to think that unless you are in a premade 12 man, that you are unintelligible in any way, it would seem, though the masses tend to not be as informed, they do tend to set trends by sheer numbers and PGI would do well to think AND act on this knowledge.

#506 BlackCrusader


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 01:57 PM

I would like to say I am one of the people who was pro for extending the rewards. BUT...
50 points for CW is next to insane.

I easily get 1 point per match, that is not the issue.

The issue lies in how much time I need to spend in order to get to 40 points, let alone 50.

I'm not going to calculate this based on Pug drops, but rather full 12 man teams.

CW matches rarely last less than 20m, and that is called a steamroll when it happens.

So for calculations, we will take 25m as one match standard time.
In the group que, we are IS side. We are currently waiting 30th to 50th in the waiting que (maybe this fixes over the work days tho...)

The thing is, we see that there is also the waiting que for Clan side. (why is that btw? Is there a limited number of zones to drop?)

So our waiting time is between 15-30m (Yes, 30m because some teammates who were found in LFG quit midway... not much different than pug que...)

Also for reference's sake, I will be measuring as 15m wait time (yes, the minimum).

This means for the top tier reward, you must play (15m+25m) * 50 = 2000m = 33h and 20m of playtime.

Now lets calculate one persons week day:
24 of which You sleep 8-10h. (lets say 8 again) leaves You with 16h.
Fast breakfast - 15m
Lunch - 30m
Dinner - 15m
Total of 1h for food supply leaves You with 15h playtime.

NOTE: This is for those that do NOT work on weekdays like myslef, and DO NOT have to cook for themselves, aka Kids who go to school and students who came home for the weekend)

This means if You dedicate your FULL weekend to MWO, You still have 30h of playtime. Which is not enough to finish the event EVEN if You have PERFECT streak.

However, Kids and Students are able to finish it off from Monday to Thursday.

Now lets go to People who work and cook for themselves:
Fastest food I can make takes about 15-20m (pasta) for lunch. Other stuff I can microwave. So I will omit that from calculations and leave one week day of playable time to be 15h.

Saturday is a work day (IDK about Sundays in other countries). so that is -8h from 15h which leaves You with a total of 22h of weekend playtime...
Like I said before, it cannot be less possible, since it's impossible...

Now here people who work are left with 11h of playtime. Or 2h and 45m per day...
So it seemed possible, but since weekend has ended, I will say this:
I got almost perfect runs (2 games I did not achieve 80 points cause of exhaustion).
and I only managed to accumulate 10 points...
You cannot expect Your players to spend that much time in front of PCs. it is not healthy and it is sending a wrong message. Some people are actually going to pull this off ON THE COST OF THEIR HEALTH!

Otherwise I wouldn't be having any issues with event, but here You need to find a 12 man group in order not to get blow back to the end of que every time some pug leaves.

The events before were too easy. I agree we needed the stretch goals, but I did not think PGI will go on the other end. You need to balance this. There is a difference between Solo drops in public matches and organized 12 man drops in CW nonetheless.

#507 Der Kopfsammler


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 02:07 PM

View PostCommissar Aku, on 26 April 2015 - 12:52 PM, said:

Why is it that Clans, who are supposed to be the honorable ones just push with some direwhales and spawn camp, every single game?

Because they think that just because their clan image tells them that, they can do the oposite without no one noticing it. Between Clan Jade Spawn Killers, Clan Wolf Aim-bots, Clan Smoke Hit-you-in-your-back-like-cowards Jaguars, Clan Ghost Bear are probably the only ones i consider good-sports mostly.

#508 ThermidorFallen


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 02:36 PM

Well all I can say is thank Davion you extended it till Thursday, gives me a chance of getting something worth while out of the rewards but what the hell were you smoking PGI when you originally came up with this event???

4 hours of playing netted 4 matches and 4 points, if this had just been a weekend event it would have been 50 hours of playtime over 3 days! It's bad enough that's it'd probably still take 10 hours a day for each day this week if I tried to get all 50 points.

#509 mekabuser


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 03:49 PM

So i hit the weekend update expecting to see some info regarding the ?major event? with regards to my favorite IP/s latest incarnation.. but no.. propaganda 101, ignore the problem.

so am I being idiotic again and I just dont see the massive post explaining just exactly what has happened and why an Ip that practically prints money cant find its own arse anymore via the PGI experience// ?

or is there really just no problem.. that seems to be the line of utter tripe emanating from the top regarding this wonderful version of mw.

tripe in combination with flat out lies..
2percent ghost drops..go be a politician with that garbage.

I rue the day you clowns got your hands on this IP. You are a cancer.
Not to mention the nerve, the absolute gall to strong arm a mod with a few hundred players to close down .

Enjoy your event. ..

oh . btw.. NOT angry.. bemused at most, Who could possibly be angry for years... Nah. this whole experience is more tragic than anything.

#510 MagikMan191


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 04:43 PM

You know these challenges really bring out the best in pug skills. :wacko:

Hhow does someone (and this happens a lot!) get a massive 94 points of dmg for 4 mechs?? :angry:

...Oon top of waiting 38 minutes for a drop, we get ***** with multiple pugs doing under 100 dmg.
100 dmg! WTF? :lol: :D :( :angry: :blink:

You could do better shutting your eyes and holding down the mouse spinning in circles.
Still grinded my 80, but with help like this, it would be better doing 10 on 12 drops IMO. :rolleyes:

#511 Dawnstealer


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 04:53 PM

View PostMagikMan191, on 26 April 2015 - 04:43 PM, said:

You know these challenges really bring out the best in pug skills. :wacko:

Hhow does someone (and this happens a lot!) get a massive 94 points of dmg for 4 mechs?? :angry:

...Oon top of waiting 38 minutes for a drop, we get ***** with multiple pugs doing under 100 dmg.
100 dmg! WTF? :lol: :D :( :angry: :blink:

You could do better shutting your eyes and holding down the mouse spinning in circles.
Still grinded my 80, but with help like this, it would be better doing 10 on 12 drops IMO. :rolleyes:

Get spawn-camped, and that's actually pretty easy. That said, I didn't miss getting a point every time I dropped, but I don't have it in me to go through that 50 times.

#512 Josef Koba


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 05:42 PM

Played three matches. Two were fun. Heck, I even won a CW match, which I've done only once before. Third one? Nope. Twelve man spawn camping before even half of our team was killed the first time. Got to watch everyone be vaporized in less than three seconds. If PGI doesn't want to do something to eliminate spawn camping, at least they could have the drop ships drop us FACING the enemy.

Edit: That's to say there's no way I'm going to futilely suffer through CW to even get a mid-level reward, let alone the unobtainable holy grail fifty whatevers.

Edit 2: I did over 500 damage, at least. Our team wasn't filled with total incompetents. OPFOR took the spawn area, ignoring the base, and wrecked everyone who dropped.

Edited by Josef Koba, 26 April 2015 - 05:45 PM.

#513 Asmosis


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 05:52 PM

View PostThe Great Unwashed, on 26 April 2015 - 09:47 AM, said:

I've been having a blast with the event so far, 28 points out of 29 matches. In the first one we cut to the gen so fast only 1 player managed to get over 80. With our 12 mans we have nearly no wait times. And we loose plenty too, so it's a great experience.

well, given that 12-man teams queue jump ahead of all pug players/smaller than 12-man teams that's not too surprising. Your in a highly organized team, probably running into other organized teams half the time while stomping pugs the other half.

Your basically who this event was designed for, so I'm glad its at least hitting success with its intended targets.

#514 Meanmike1


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:04 PM

I agree with the complaints that people have been having. Trying to solo this event is likely to have you waiting for an hour, and getting bounced around in the queue really stinks. The rewards are hard to come by (even with the extension), and the battles I have been in have tended to be one sided. Nevertheless, I have had a ton of fun playing in it so far, and hope to get a few more matches in before Thursday. Hit up LFG and the faction TS servers to find groups. Your wait times will drop.

#515 NocturnalBeast


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:05 PM

View PostJosef Koba, on 26 April 2015 - 05:42 PM, said:

Played three matches. Two were fun. Heck, I even won a CW match, which I've done only once before. Third one? Nope. Twelve man spawn camping before even half of our team was killed the first time. Got to watch everyone be vaporized in less than three seconds. If PGI doesn't want to do something to eliminate spawn camping, at least they could have the drop ships drop us FACING the enemy.

Edit: That's to say there's no way I'm going to futilely suffer through CW to even get a mid-level reward, let alone the unobtainable holy grail fifty whatevers.

Edit 2: I did over 500 damage, at least. Our team wasn't filled with total incompetents. OPFOR took the spawn area, ignoring the base, and wrecked everyone who dropped.

CW is rough for IS Pugs. The population in CW is roughly 10-1 IS to Clan and the majority of the Clan groups are organized 12 mans (or close to it), where many of the IS groups are Pug groups who are not on comms, or rarely use in-game comms. So, yes, when these IS pug tems finally get a match after waiting 20+ minutes, they will probably lose to the organized Clan group that they are fighting against.

Edited by Ed Steele, 26 April 2015 - 07:06 PM.

#516 ShinVector

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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:32 PM

Just a thought:

Maybe Clan vs. IS was a bad idea with this kinda of population imbalance.

Next Event:
They should consider 12 v 12 - Free For All...

Host it on Terra.

Bring any mech you wish within 160 to 240 Tons !! :)
Absolute chaos with no clear winners. :blink:

#517 Frytrixa


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:47 PM

Have you noticed?

from Euro perspective the InnerSphere wins during daytime and Clan wins at nighttime.

So it is Euro=IS and Clan=North America

Euro vs. North America o_O

#518 YakkSlapper


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:58 PM

thanx for a SCREWED UP event management, so, here "i" am, sitting in the launch que, we down to less then 10 to launch, RESET to late in que/end of line?? OVER AND OVER, 4 hrs later ZERO LAUNCHES with no one leaving the ques for over an hr,+ so is not come aND go reset. fix it onece your in line you CANNOT lose position and MUST LAUNCH in your order if n one leave your team que

#519 eFTy


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 11:42 PM

Use the LFG deature if you don't want to get bumped for over an hour. It actually works.

Meanwhile, PGI, any chance the number of regions on the planet could be increased? Last night there are over a dozen clan groups waiting in the queue, along with over 50 IS groups, likely because all 63 areas were being actively fought over. That means over 2000 players trying to get a game at the same time...

#520 Commander A9


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Posted 26 April 2015 - 11:49 PM

Hey, here's my question.

Why does the "Never Forget" banner have June 6, 3052 as a date?

The Battle of Tukayyid ended on May 20, 3052...nothing related to Tukayyid happened on June 6 in the Battletech/Mechwarrior lore that I know of...

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