I think a good solution to the 'ECM Problem' (if you want to call it a problem) is a change to radar mechanics in general. Yeah, I'm probably going to get hate for this but, I think MW4 did the radar mostly right with it's Passive/Active modes and their interactions with ECM. Yeah, it'd be a little more complex but ideally I think it would work well thusly:
To start - Mechs should have an Active Radar range that roughly equates to their 'role' (Long range for sniper/LRM/Scouts, shorter for mid-range and brawler types...at least as defined by lore if possible). The downside of using Active mode is you light up like a x-mas tree on radars close enough to detect you (inside their range). In passive mode, you have half the range of active mode, but you don't light up unless directly targeted by an enemy.
ECM would take these ranges and cut them in half in Active mode (meaning you could be active, but wouldn't light up until within passive range of a mech, as long as the enemy mech is running Active as well). If you run ECM and Radar in passive mode, then detection is once again cut in half.
So to apply numbers to make this a little simpler (mind these are examples only): Mech A is a Light Scout (Radar range say, 1200m) with ECM. Mech B is a missle boat (also 1200m radar range).
Example 1 -
If Mech A and B are running Active radar:
Mech A detects Mech B at 1200m
Mech B detects Mech A at 600m
Example 2 -
Mech A is Active, Mech B is Passive:
Mech A detects Mech B at 600m
Mech B detects Mech A at 300m
Example 3 -
Mech A is Passive, Mech B is Active:
Mech A detects Mech B at 600m
Mech B detects Mech A at 300m
Example 4 -
Mech A and Mech B are both Passive:
Mech A detects Mech B at 600m
Mech B detects Mech A at 300m
Now, lets say Mech B is running BAP/CAP:
In Examples 2 and 3, Mech B would detect Mech A at 600m instead of 300m, but in Example 4 would still only detect at 300m.
And all of this is dependent on the types of radar for the mech (if it needs that much complication), though LOS always highlights until broken.
So what about TAG/NARC?
TAG should keep it's existing 'laser pointer' appearance, but the effect should be altered to guide in missiles that have either lost lock or were fired unlocked. This gives a much more dynamic spotter/artillery duality to missiles, but leaves the spotter mech vulnerable to counter play (although this may allow the spotter to punch 'above their weight' if the spotter is something small and light while the missiles raining in may come from something much heavier). NARC would provide a similar effect to TAG, but for a much briefer duration (since it does not leave a spotter mech exposed). It would highlight the NARC'd mech for the enemy team but only for half the total duration of the beacon. TAG has no need to highlight the targeted mech, LOS takes care of that (for the time it is maintained at least).
These changes should give rise to more interesting and interactive play mechanics over all as opposed to just the simple "Seen" "Invisible" that the current ECM gameplay provides.
So what do you lot think?
Edited by DrunkenAntichrist, 25 April 2015 - 05:22 PM.