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Clan Single Queue Only

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#1 DestructShawn


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 10:58 AM

Here's an idea to balance Clan verses IS without nerfing clans further.

If you drop Clan, you must drop in a single queue and you could be matched to groups. This way clans would be uncoordinated pug-only. If you wanted to drop as a group, you would have to do that through IS. This would closer simulate Clan vs. IS since the Clans would not be as could at focusing fire, etc.

Rage against this clanners, but it's something like this or 10 v 12 or continued nerfs until you're just IS mechs only a little different.


_begin clanner rage here_

#2 hybrid black


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 11:13 AM

i play IS and Clan and this is fuckig stuipd......
im guessing your a solo player.... get a group or shut up, this is a team game... stop being a *****

Edited by hybrid black, 25 April 2015 - 12:22 PM.

#3 DarkMetalBlade


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 11:15 AM

How about no?!

If that were the case, nobody would pick clans & you would be stuck in IS vs IS.

Plus, that would leave those 11-man groups out altogether.

#4 VitiateDiabolus


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 11:15 AM

Terrible idea. It's common knowledge that premade groups demolish pug-blobs regardless of affiliation. Besides, only a few Clan mechs are worth calling OP anyway. Most of them are mediocre and a bunch more are just plain bad.

#5 Jon Gotham


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 11:20 AM

Please op, never say anything like this again. It's a staggeringly bad idea. It's also anti group, something which has amazed me with in the MWO "community" just how anti teamwork, or anti friendship building some of the playerbase is.
You are playing multiplayer online games, the core precept of which is the game is driven by other people as well as you. They are not intended, or meant to be solo-centric experiences.

I am left wondering, are people growing up differently these days?

#6 Lord0fHats


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 11:24 AM

So Clan players just aren't allowed to win in CW then? Because groups win CW. I know it sucks to be seal clubbed, but it's the reality of things. Groups and Units almost solely determine the outcome of CW. To many PUG s are too busy complaining and whining to get anything done. In and out of game. And yes, I know that's a little insulting. But I play CW almost exclusively, grouped and pugging and its just the god's honest truth. So often players see a group and they just quit or they spend the entire game complaining. If half as much effort was put into actually playing the game well there wouldn't be a problem.

#7 crustydog


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 12:15 PM

As a Merc I have been dropping on both sides of the conflict. We switch back and forth with each contract.

I have also been doing a LOT of pug drops with the FRR. I remember clearly at the start of the campaign when FRR pugs got rolled, and rolled badly, in every battle they engaged in. If you take the time to recall, FRR lost pretty much every planet they had.

But that was then. Two days ago with Merc Star, (the guys who are winning...) we did three drops in a row against those very same FRR pugs (I know who they are by name...) In the first battle I warned my team... but we got rolled 48 to 17. The second battle we lost something like 48 to 40. The third we won, something like 48 to 32 in an absolutely wild fight.

My point is, there are pugs and there are pugs. The FRR pugs have been playing and playing, and they have become quite good at this game. They have fought together, and now their drop leaders are trained up and have a whole playbook of working strategies. You can see the results in the standings. FRR pugs have become a force to be taken very seriously.

What I see on the battlefield, when pugs are getting rolled, it is most often pugs without leaders, and pugs with little CW experience.

Pugs who actually play CW, and hit the field with leaders and comms... well fighting those guys is another matter entirely... and if your own team doesn't keep their act together, the rolling goes in the other direction pretty damned quick. I find it quite funny when we hit the field with our team of uber ace players who haven't really been paying attention to the latest developments... who don't realize they are about to get their hats handed to them by a group of pugs.

I've only been here six months so what do I know...right?

I know that Pride goes before the fall.

#8 Mystere


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 12:22 PM

I smell a stinky

Posted Image

#9 Monkey Lover


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Posted 25 April 2015 - 12:27 PM

Lol look at the clans cry it was almost like you took their timber away. Haha

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