cdlord, on 30 October 2015 - 01:43 PM, said:
First, I oppose the straight swap between FF and ES because it would totally invalidate FF on Clan mechs. Ever think that FF is used on Clan mechs as a balance mechanic? Those extra tons between FF and ES could mean all the difference in balance.
Secondly, FF is from TT. It's not equal to ES and never was meant to be. I always choose ES first, but there are times when I need both and other times I use FF instead. It has it's uses.
well i dont think an extra 2 tons will break these Mechs,
with 2 more tons on the MDD will have the same tonnage as the EBJ with lower mounts and Higher posture,
with 2 more tons on the WHK will have more tonnage for Ammo, but wont help Energy builds due to CritSpace,
and the 2 more tons for the SMN and GAR wont really give them anything to shift Meta and Balance,
true its not, but this isnt really TT and also in MWO all Ferro is is weaker Weight Saving Upgrade,
Now if Ferro also increased how much armor you could carry by 10% as well as decrease the weight,
than that would be different all together but as it is right now Endo is always better than Ferro in MWO,
sycocys, on 30 October 2015 - 02:46 PM, said:
well again both will only gain 2 tons, so it will mostly help Ammo Driven Builds,
and the WubHawk wont benefit from this as it lacks space for more DHS,