Finally, 3 months later, I got around to getting the tutorial done. It's just a basic explanation of how finicky torso hardpoints work on the Banshees. It's not a real guide on actually making a build but should help newer players understand how to get the weapons where they want them.
end edit--
I'm putting together a beginner tutorial on how to manage the multiple energy and ballistics hardpoints found on the Banshee. As most of you know, weapon type and placement order can impact where the weapon is actually placed on the Banshees.
I have the 3M and 3E. I used to have the 3S, but sold it a while ago, and I've never had the hero. So, for those of you who do have those mechs, I'm asking for your help to confirm a few things.
-Does the missile hardpoint have any impact on where the energy weapons are mounted? I don't remember if it does, but I'm assuming no.
-Does it follow the same rule as the 3M and 3E energy torso? The rule: (ER)PPCs only end up on the high shoulder mounts if you have 2 PPCs already. For all other energy weapons: After putting in one weapon (which will always be in the hip), the rest will be in the high shoulder (unless it's a PPC).
3S Center Torso: Does whatever you put in here end up in the middle of the chest? I can't remember.
LM Head: Does whatever you put in here end up in the "mouth," as opposed to the other Banshees, where it's in the right temple area?
LM Left Torso:
-Is the ballistic always low? I'm assuming yes.
-Is the energy, if it is a non-PPC, always high? I'm assuming yes.
-Where does the energy weapon end up, if it is a (ER)PPC? No idea.
-Does the order or type or ballistic impact where the energy hardpoint is? No idea.
Thanks for the help guys!
Edited by Takashi Uchida, 28 August 2015 - 01:42 AM.